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bad stuff thread.


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Isn't the point of arranging a moving out date so that you all do it on the same day? Surely you should at least wait until your part of the chain can move and know you have somewhere to go!


Because it took Nationwide so long to get our mortgage offer and contracts sorted (another long winded story altogether) the buyer of our property set an ultimatum of move out by this date, or I pull out of the offer.


The people we want to buy the house off of, are all ready to go too. It's just Nationwide who have dropped the ball really.


Once we've moved in, i know if won't do alot, but Heather and I are going to be writing a very stern letter of complaint about the time it's taken them to do things (little example... 2 weeks to post an employer reference request, they needed info for me and Heather, yet only sent out 1 request) we had to then get them to send a 2nd. When they did they sent out the request for the same person again Heather and not me...


That's just one of many issues we've had

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How can you get a craving if you don't drink it? :p That's like obtaining a crack addiction even though you've never tried it?


Speaking of coffee though, I tried a hazelnut flavoured one today believing the mix of my need for coffee and my love for hazelnut could come together into a mixture of orgasmic proportions...


It tasted horrible :(


It's a caffeine craving (most people associate it with coffee). Obviously caffeine is found in things like chocolate and Coca Cola and various other fizzy drinks.

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Just got back from the vets, good news... there's nothing seriously wrong with Florence (or the other guinea pigs). The vet said the weight and hair loss is probably due to the stress of moving house mixed with her old age. Will be keeping her in over the weekend to fatten her up.



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And when they post a status about some kind of domestic lulz, tagging the other person - and then proceed to have a "cute" back and forth in the comments. You fucking live together and you're probably currently in the same fucking room!!

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It's so incredibly tempting to post a facebook status now. :P


But yes, I agree. I loathe these coupley couples on facebook. Especially the ones who add a million fucking kisses for everything. And, AND, with the sickening "cute" names. Or, ones who say honey, but spell eet like huni.


You've made me angry now, Daft. I hope you're happy.

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It's so incredibly tempting to post a facebook status now. :P


But yes, I agree. I loathe these coupley couples on facebook. Especially the ones who add a million fucking kisses for everything. And, AND, with the sickening "cute" names. Or, ones who say honey, but spell eet like huni.


You've made me angry now, Daft. I hope you're happy.


Yeah, it's only the ones with excess vomit inducing crap on it; 'Big hugs. xxxxxx' and it's obviously just a two way conversation and it's now being broadcast on Facebook.



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Me and the missus normally save that mushy shit for inperson usage. Those who do the whole "i luv u more", "no i luve you mor so shaddap LOL" need shooting.


No, I clearly love YOU more.


Moved back to the hotel last night.

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I 'check in' Heather and Myself when we're at places... like Blink 182 last weekend, or Download.


but I don't do the mushy shit about it...


I think the worst I've done is "Date Night!" then tagged that we were at Frankie and Bennies. Is that bad?





anyways.. bad stuff..


It has now been 15 days since I've had my little fluffball Millie in my arms... Feels bad man.

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Doing so much overtime at work at the moment due to exams and such and tomorrow we have an open evening. I'll claim it all back at some point but its draining. Plus next week my very competent colleague leaves and while she's being replaced they obviously won't be up to scratch straight away (understandably) and it just feels like it's going to slow things down.


Come Friday I just want to sleep! But apparently upstairs are having a party. Kill me now.



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No, as you can clearly see on this diagram I love you more!


Observe how many kisses I used in my last email:







It should be obvious to EVERYONE that I and I only VERY CLEARLY have the monopoly on MOST LOVE in this relationship.

Don't make me START a full-on SNUGGLE WAR.

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Observe how many kisses I used in my last email:







It should be obvious to EVERYONE that I and I only VERY CLEARLY have the monopoly on MOST LOVE in this relationship.

Don't make me START a full-on SNUGGLE WAR.

My love transcends any of that letter X nonsense. I thought you knew me better than that.


Bring on the snuggles bitch. I'll spoon* you so hard you won't know what to do.



*Knife, fork, teaspoon - any cutlery. The result will be the same.

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My love transcends any of that letter X nonsense. I thought you knew me better than that.


Bring on the snuggles bitch. I'll spoon* you so hard you won't know what to do.



*Knife, fork, teaspoon - any cutlery. The result will be the same.


God, I love it when you get kinky...


...it's one of the main reasons that I LOVE YOU MORE AND YOU NEED TO HANG UP FIRST!

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Apologies for the long post but I need to get it all off my chest.


I was mugged yesterday. That's a first for me.


I was walking back from work yesterday evening. I work in Birmingham city centre and live in Edgbaston by the way. Anyway to get home I walk along a fairly busy road (Pershore Road) until I get to my block of flats at which point I walk up the driveway from Pershore Road up to where the car park is (better just to show the picture).




I'm listening to music on headphones so I didn't hear anyone come up behind me (and I certainly didn't expect anything to happen there at six in the evening in broad daylight). I get halfway up the road and I feel some put there hand on my shoulder, I turn around and there are two guys in hoodies and one of them is pointing a knife at my chest. Needless to say I was a bit shocked and had no clue how to react so at first I just said nothing and did nothing. They go through my trouser pockets and swipe my smartphone (£200 down the toilet plus all the hassle that comes with losing a phone). They then ask for my wallet, I tell them that I have no cash on me (which I didn't luckily enough) and I get my wallet out and open it up to show them. They start going through my wallet chucking my cards on the floor, they end up taking my driving licence (saying to me "we know where you live now" which was funny because the licence had my parent's address on it) and then take my debit card (ignoring my AMEX). They then start asking for my pin repeatedly and I repeatedly refuse. At this point I'd sort of calmed down a bit and had somewhat assessed the situation. These were two teenagers and the knife one of them was carrying was a kitchen knife that wasn't exactly as threatening as I thought it was (the guy had also backed away a bit at this point and lowered the knife). They start making threats like "or else", " "do you want your life mate?" and "we'll give you the count of three" but I realised that their threats were empty and I just stood them down. They kept counting to three and then doing nothing which is amusing in hindsight. I said stuff like "I'm just going to cancel the card you idiots" and when they asked me "what the fuck are you looking at?!" I said "getting a good look at both of your faces". At this point they both started walking off (they dropped my wallet thank fuck), keeping an eye on me to see that I wasn't going to follow them. I didn't follow them but I saw which direction they went.


No fucking witnesses. There should have been someone walking down the path or a car pulling in but there was no-one. Rang the police (I still had my work phone in my pocket), police came 15-20 minutes later and we had a drive around to try and find them but no luck. Gave them a statement, but I wasn't as descriptive as I should have been. It's surprisingly hard to remember things about someone when you're not consciously thinking about it.


They took my phone, my driving licence and my bank card. I'm most annoyed about the phone obviously, but the other two things are a complete pain in the arse to lose. But I was lucky in that I didn't have didn't have any cash and they didn't take my work phone (so I have a backup phone to use in the meantime), my AMEX card, my keys (I would have been royally screwed) or my bag, which had my work laptop in it!


So yeah, I'm feeling angry, pissed off, gutted, etc. But after the police left and I was alone in my flat, that was when I really started to feel deeply depressed. I've been living on my own, far away from friends and family, in a new city not knowing many people for two months now, and the depression had been building up for some time now but this incident tipped me over the edge. I'm really a complete pacifist and things like that really shake me. There was no-one there to comfort me at that moment and I don't think I've every felt so alone or vulnerable. Had long conversations with my mum and my brother last night which helped, but I couldn't sleep at all. My heart was pounding and I couldn't stop thinking about what had happened. Like you replay it in your mind over and over, thinking what things you should have done, constantly blaming yourself. I got up in the night, poured myself some scotch and watched the South Park movie. Probably got about three hours sleep last night.


I've decided to take the day off work and drive home to my parents for a couple of days. It should clear my head and give me time to sort my life out. Then this weekend I've invited a whole bunch of mates up to my place for a booze-up, which should definitely make me feel better.


I'm sure I'll look back on it in the future and shrug it off as just one of those unfortunate things and I'll probably laugh at how sappy and emotional I got. Ah well. Life goes on.

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wow @Zell I think you handled the situation alot better than you give yourself credit for.


You managed to stay calm, address the situation and play them down. It's a shitter they got away with your phone. That's the one thing I'd hate to lose most, not due to the contacts, or re-sorting the contract out or what not, but purely for the pictures I have on my phone.


As for the night alone, Well I think it's completely understandable you couldn't sleep, and I know what you mean about replaying the scenario in your head questioning if you could of done thing's different. Half the time though that makes it worse. You've come out of that without being hurt, and the loss of 3 items which albeit are a pain to replace, but can be replaced.


Had you been more aggressive, or refused more or questioned them more the outcome could of been completely different, Same goes for it you had of followed them, again the result could of been worse.



Sucks to hear it though, there are some people that just don't deserve to exist.

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