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I'm technically homeless :(


We've sold our house which is good news, but the guys we're buying our new house off haven't left yet, we've not got a date yet either as our Mining search on the property is taking ages.


and the worst part of it.... my poor little Millie is in the cattery while our move process goes through, she's been there since last Wednesday and could be there to the end of June. Miss my little cat.

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It's around about this time of day that I get a craving for caffeine... As I don't drink tea or coffee and trying not to drink any fizzy drinks this is a bad time of day as I just need to power through the craving!


Have a swig of this:



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It's around about this time of day that I get a craving for caffeine... As I don't drink tea or coffee and trying not to drink any fizzy drinks this is a bad time of day as I just need to power through the craving!


Ya simply can't beat a morning coffee...when running late for uni in the morning I have in the past chosen coffee over a shower because without it I simply wouldn't be able to listen to 3 hours of lectures!

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Ya simply can't beat a morning coffee...when running late for uni in the morning I have in the past chosen coffee over a shower because without it I simply wouldn't be able to listen to 3 hours of lectures!


You see I'm fine in the mornings, it's just around lunch time I start to get a craving for it and then I have the classic after-lunch tiredness!

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Graduation is proving to be ridiculously expensive >.< Parents (well my mother) keep pushing to go for a meal in the evening and even if it's only my mother and father who come to graduation, it'll be £96 for the meal at one of the few places that may have a table left unbooked. And that's without drinks and with a set menu. If 2 others come along (as I have 4 tickets to the ceremony), that'll take the total for the meal up to a ridiculous £160! :o


That's all on top of booking a hotel room for the night next tuesday (£102 for that) so I can stay up and go out with friends that night, tickets for the garden party, and tickets for the graduation ball. Not even gotten round to sorting out suits for the ceremony and the ball yet either so it's only going to go up :mad:


First world problems, eh. Thank god I have a planned overdraft.

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This thread is unbearably cute. It's heart-warming seeing all the support offered. @Iun & @Slaggis -- I know you'll be able to endure, at the very least. Like others, I shouldn't be I'm the position to offer advice given my experience. Nevertheless, it probably feels like a wooden stake to the heart and taking it out will leave splinters -- but try to endure.


It's what life is, isn't it?


Make sure to sleep well, be healthy in life & try smile:)

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Graduation is proving to be ridiculously expensive >.< Parents (well my mother) keep pushing to go for a meal in the evening and even if it's only my mother and father who come to graduation, it'll be £96 for the meal at one of the few places that may have a table left unbooked. And that's without drinks and with a set menu. If 2 others come along (as I have 4 tickets to the ceremony), that'll take the total for the meal up to a ridiculous £160! :o


That's all on top of booking a hotel room for the night next tuesday (£102 for that) so I can stay up and go out with friends that night, tickets for the garden party, and tickets for the graduation ball. Not even gotten round to sorting out suits for the ceremony and the ball yet either so it's only going to go up :mad:


First world problems, eh. Thank god I have a planned overdraft.


Your parents are making you couigh up for all this? Jeez... are you sure we're not brothers? Because that's precisely what my parents did.

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I'm technically homeless :(


We've sold our house which is good news, but the guys we're buying our new house off haven't left yet, we've not got a date yet either as our Mining search on the property is taking ages.


and the worst part of it.... my poor little Millie is in the cattery while our move process goes through, she's been there since last Wednesday and could be there to the end of June. Miss my little cat.


Shit. I am so sorry to hear that, is there no way to get them to hurry up?!

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Just as shit finally seems to be going good some one has to go and fucking ruin it..


Open up a letter this morning from student loans, assuming it was the form showing what I'm entitled for this year but no.. "Recovery of overpaid grant: £2900". Wat. Seems like they fudged up my written application and paid me shit I wasn't entitled to.


I thought no biggie, I'll ring them and just ask them to add it to the end total. It's not my fault that I received it, but no qualms about adding it to what I owe. They said don't worry, I don't have to pay it back right now, it'll just be taken out of subsequent grants. I'm due on a fucking 9 month minimum foreign placement from September and that's £3000 out of pocket.


What the fuck took them so long? Why now? Why NOW when I've been paying for all the essentials I need like medical checks, insurance, travel and all the works? Arrrrgh. Guess my only choice is to just bite the pillow and survive on freeze dried noodles..

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Shit. I am so sorry to hear that, is there no way to get them to hurry up?!


Well Heather and I have a feeling that the solicitors are prolonging the process on purpose at the moment.


The guys who bought our old house, bought it in cash, so transferred the £X to the solicitors bank account, we just think they're holding onto it to get a bit extra off the interest.


of course we are very bitter about the situation so are making up as many conspiracy theories as possible at the moment :p


We're living with Heather's parents at the moment and that's fine. But her Mum is allergic to cats, so Millie can't stay there, And my parents already have 2 very territorial cats so Millie wouldn't get on there either. By far the worst part of all this moving process is the lack of a little purring lump of fur on the bed with me at night :(

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This thread is so lovely. In the way that people are so supportive, not that I enjoy other peoples problems. I worded that so wrong.


I saw him today. Just for a second. He walked past my window at the same time he always does to go to work, turned and waved up at my window. He's ignoring my texts, which I know is for the best because otherwise I'll just keep clinging on to the hope that there's still something there.


The idea that you can go from being closer to someone than you have ever been in your entire life for two and a half years, to a mere wave from the street within days is the hardest thing to come to terms with.

Edited by Slaggis
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This thread is so lovely. In the way that people are so supportive, not that I enjoy other peoples problems. I worded that so wrong.


I saw him today. Just for a second. He walked past my window at the same time he always does to go to work, turned and waved up at my window. He's ignoring my texts, which I know is for the best because otherwise I'll just keep clinging on to the hope that there's still something there.


The idea that you can go from being closer to someone than you have ever been in your entire life for two and a half years, to a mere wave from the street within days is the hardest thing to come to terms with.


Jesus, he honestly couldn't find another way to work?


I had dinner with Madam the other night.... we did it... I stayed the night, but was desperate to escape... she called last night... misses me so much.... offered to become my anytime-sex-bunny even if we divorce...


I'm running out of dots.

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One of my guinea pigs Florence has lost a lot of weight and hair over the past few days. Really worried about her as she's always been tiny but she's never been poorly before. Going to keep her inside tonight and take her to the vets after work tomorrow.


Florence looking 'magnificent'


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I'm technically homeless :(


We've sold our house which is good news, but the guys we're buying our new house off haven't left yet, we've not got a date yet either as our Mining search on the property is taking ages.


and the worst part of it.... my poor little Millie is in the cattery while our move process goes through, she's been there since last Wednesday and could be there to the end of June. Miss my little cat.


Isn't the point of arranging a moving out date so that you all do it on the same day? Surely you should at least wait until your part of the chain can move and know you have somewhere to go!




It's around about this time of day that I get a craving for caffeine... As I don't drink tea or coffee and trying not to drink any fizzy drinks this is a bad time of day as I just need to power through the craving!


How can you get a craving if you don't drink it? :p That's like obtaining a crack addiction even though you've never tried it?


Speaking of coffee though, I tried a hazelnut flavoured one today believing the mix of my need for coffee and my love for hazelnut could come together into a mixture of orgasmic proportions...


It tasted horrible :(

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Speaking of coffee though, I tried a hazelnut flavoured one today believing the mix of my need for coffee and my love for hazelnut could come together into a mixture of orgasmic proportions...




What has a hazelnut in every bite?



Squirrel shit.


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