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Once I was too busy fumbling with my wallet that the ATM took the money back, I didn't know that they wouldn't refund you, lost like 40 euro then? Poops. It was ages ago so I don't even remember when or where it happened.


Anyway, I'm annoyed because I want a gay friend that I can go to gay nightclubs with but two of the ones I have fancy me and make things awkward, another leaves the city on weekends. I don't have any gay friends left. *sigh*

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Anyway, I'm annoyed because I want a gay friend that I can go to gay nightclubs with but two of the ones I have fancy me and make things awkward, another leaves the city on weekends. I don't have any gay friends left. *sigh*

I don't have any friends left, period. :cry:


Sorry, sometimes I forget this thread isn't a competition.


You could always go with your straight friends. That has the potential to be entertaining.

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Failed my driver theory test... FAT BOLLOCKS CUNT.

It could be worse. You could pass your theory in one go, then fail your driving test 4 times, at which point your theory certificate has expired, so you have to get a new one, and then fail your theory. That was me almost 10 years ago. Never touched a steering wheel after I did finally pass my driving test. I hate driving :rolleyes:.

I used the wrong toothbrush this morning. :blank:

Dare I ask what that particular toothbrush normally is used for?


Anyway, got a call this morning, didn’t get the job in the porn industry which I had an interview for last week. It was the first interview in a long time, and the job certainly sounded.. Interesting (the porn industrial equivalent of an office job, for those whose curiosities were peaked ;)).

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*resists urge for very offensive joke*


I kind of blew my lid a little today during a meeting.


Didn't really mean to.


Just that the person was being crazy and saying crazy things.


"You can model it without worrying about the style."


"The style doesn't change the modelling."


Motherfucking crazy talk, yo.

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I feel like I'm a little cursed. I have this problem, or at least I think it's a problem, where I can't stop looking for more.


Recently, I'm really flustered & annoyed at myself. I feel this need to read all the classics, watch all the classic films, listen to all the classic hits&music. I feel disgusted at myself when someone says to me, "Wait...you haven't read "The Great Gasby"?" or "I can't fucking believe you haven't seen Star Wars!". I've been on a mad hunt in the past weeks trying to read all I can, watch everything, listen to everything.


I feel somehow inferior to others because I don't know about this or that. This is curiosity & inquisitiveness to the extreme. Last week I borrowed a 500 page book on Film Studies and this week I've borrowed a book on Modern Middle-Eastern History. I end up going to about 6/7+ extra hours of lectures at college per week..such as Psychology, Philosophy, Sociology, Maths..I'm thirsty to know everything and it seems that I can not ever be satisfied.

Does anyone have any experience in this?

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I feel like I'm a little cursed. I have this problem, or at least I think it's a problem, where I can't stop looking for more.


Recently, I'm really flustered & annoyed at myself. I feel this need to read all the classics, watch all the classic films, listen to all the classic hits&music. I feel disgusted at myself when someone says to me, "Wait...you haven't read "The Great Gasby"?" or "I can't fucking believe you haven't seen Star Wars!". I've been on a mad hunt in the past weeks trying to read all I can, watch everything, listen to everything.


I feel somehow inferior to others because I don't know about this or that. This is curiosity & inquisitiveness to the extreme. Last week I borrowed a 500 page book on Film Studies and this week I've borrowed a book on Modern Middle-Eastern History. I end up going to about 6/7+ extra hours of lectures at college per week..such as Psychology, Philosophy, Sociology, Maths..I'm thirsty to know everything and it seems that I can not ever be satisfied.

Does anyone have any experience in this?


I feel the same way but for a different reason (information overload/wanting to know EVERYTHING EVER out of sheer curiosity), therefore the following link may not be as relevant but it helps.


The Sad, Beautiful Fact That We're All Going To Miss Almost Everything


The people who put you down about not having seen/read/done something...ignore them. In primary school, I was constantly being teased about not knowing what Father Ted and Neighbours were, because we watched the Chinese Channel at home, so I get how you feel. Everyone is different. There isn't a universal checklist of Things You Need To Have Read/Watched/Listened To to be Adequate. I have a friend who still criticises me for not being "pop-cultured" enough (because I don't watch the same shows he watches). I don't care. I don't have to enjoy the same culture as anyone else, and I don't expect everyone else to know everything I mention. But I also have friends who accept that, and don't pressurise me about it. They go "what! You don't know what x is?" and explain it to me, and I'm like "oh! That sounds cool/I don't care. Thanks for telling me about it."


I think it generally stems from insecurity - if someone mentions something you don't know, it makes them feel awkward, perhaps, and so they turn it on you (the former category of friend I described). Eleanor Roosevelt said, "No one can make you feel inferior without your consent." - believe it. The people who go "WHAT? You haven't watched x?" - I bet there are a lot of other ~classic~ things apart from x that they haven't watched. Do things because you enjoy them, not because you feel that it will put you on the same level as someone else. Because if they make you feel bad about yourself, it doesn't matter how cultured they are. They're a douchebag.


/ineloquent wall

Edited by EddieColeslaw
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Great article Eddie. Though I didn’t need to explicitly realise that.. I always was selective. There’s plenty things I want to try, but I can’t try everything.

Frank, you need to be open to everything, but also be efficient in determining what is and what isn’t your cup of tea. Quickly discard anything that isn't to your liking, so you can try something else that may be worth your time. It may be beneficial to prioritise stuff that relates to what you’re doing / would like to do profesionally, it’s important to do stuff for a living you actually like. Don’t try stuff because others say you’re missing out, but because you think you’re missing out. And it may be a while, but remember you have plenty of time to catch up on stuff when you retire.

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Blehhh, was supposed to go and see two friends tonight, but I had to cancel cause I don't feel well. =(

I don't want to risk going either cause one of them is pregnant, actually due somewhere this week I think. Don't want to make anyone else ill.


Hope I feel better soon as I'm meant to go see some other friends on Saturday, haven't seen them in months! Go away illness, leave me alone!

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