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It's pissing it down and I've got to go walk 15 mins to a stupid "how to do a CV" thing the job centre has sent me on, despite my CV being good enough to get me a job anyway. It's going to be 10am - 3pm. Hoping I can get out sooner. What a waste of time.



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my feet are in agonising paaaaaaaaaaain.


stupid feet. Have bitten the bullet and booked in with a private podiatrist. I know my arches are too high and i've a funny deformity on the top/front of my foot.... but my gp won't refer me because of my weight... despite my arthritic history and the whole deformity which is plain to see... your feet don't deform because of extra weight!!!!

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Just seen a note from my mum to my brother saying it's "time for him to go". This would technically be the third time he's been told to move out/threatened to be kicked out, so this should be interesting.


So the note was to your brother and it said "time for him to go"? I don't quite know how to tell you this Eevil, but...

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So the note was to your brother and it said "time for him to go"? I don't quite know how to tell you this Eevil, but...

Don't worry, I did some CSI type tests to see if it was really addressed to him.


Luckily it had his name at the top of the paper, which saved me time performing a blood analysis.


Also, taken from the t-shirt topic:

Seriously pissed off by how this turned out. I've 99% of it painted for a few days, I apply the "design" to the end of the elbow fins and it bleeds the fuck out of the ink.





I need to find a pen which won't get fucked over by watercolours.

Out of the three I've done I thought this would be the piss da resistance. Sadly not.

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So I almost killed myself today!


I was driving home and glanced down and noticed my lights were on so I turned them off. As soon as I looked back up I was on the wrong side of the road and a lorry was headed right for me. Yeay for evasive maneuvers!


1. Where the feck is your light switch

2. How can you not stay on the right side of the road with one flick of a switch.


Woman, you be crazy. :shakehead


But glad you're alive and that.


It cost me near £200 in petrol, hotels and food to find a place to live for next week, argh, stupid petrol prices. :indeed:

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My sister has 3 repeat projects, due in 4 days. I just found out that she never read the second page of one of the briefs. Cue lots of looking up library times in her college which is 2 hours away/emailing lecturer (why am *I* emailing her lecturer?)/organising schedules/mad fast research/headache. Also, she doesn't know what a citation is. ...


She hasn't even started one of the projects, despite my having drawn up a timetable and bloody TELLING her what to do/writing half her essay, since 3 months ago.


I don't even study or have anything to do with Animation (her course). The reason I'm tearing my hair out over this is because if she doesn't get in, it will cause gigantic problems regarding (my parents') money/accommodation/her freaking FUTURE, etc.


It's not like I have nothing to do, either (work, new accommodation not fully sorted yet, Masters starting soon, etc.). Stress :(

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We seem to be feeling the sibling angst together Eddiemon. I feel that.


sibling angst.... i feel your pain also...


my sister has gotten really centred around her bf. She comes in and barely speaks to us (speaks more to the freakin cats) then leaves the house for the remainder of the night! When she is here she's demanding stuff be done, or things got for her, like, an hour ago...




But yeah... another topic altogether...


My hair has started to fall out, and my psoriasis is coming back (only significantly on my scalp at the moment) and its doing my bap in. Scratch scratch scratch. Forgot just how bad it was and thought I caught lice when i was at vital lol

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My sister has 3 repeat projects, due in 4 days. I just found out that she never read the second page of one of the briefs. Cue lots of looking up library times in her college which is 2 hours away/emailing lecturer (why am *I* emailing her lecturer?)/organising schedules/mad fast research/headache. Also, she doesn't know what a citation is. ...


She hasn't even started one of the projects, despite my having drawn up a timetable and bloody TELLING her what to do/writing half her essay, since 3 months ago.


I don't even study or have anything to do with Animation (her course). The reason I'm tearing my hair out over this is because if she doesn't get in, it will cause gigantic problems regarding (my parents') money/accommodation/her freaking FUTURE, etc.


It's not like I have nothing to do, either (work, new accommodation not fully sorted yet, Masters starting soon, etc.). Stress :(


You need to learn to say no.


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my feet are in agonising paaaaaaaaaaain.


stupid feet. Have bitten the bullet and booked in with a private podiatrist. I know my arches are too high and i've a funny deformity on the top/front of my foot.... but my gp won't refer me because of my weight... despite my arthritic history and the whole deformity which is plain to see... your feet don't deform because of extra weight!!!!


High arches are damn sexy, sorry that they're a pain as well.


Major, major, major bust up with Mrs Iun. We were having a nice dinner, few glasses of wine, good chat, watching some silly thing on TV.


She then suggest we go for a walk - great, I need to walk off the wine and it's a nice evening. Turns out her idea of a walk is "drive to the supermarket and get some vegetables" which isn't very walk-like in this humble weasels opinion. Anyway, she'd sunk a glass and a half of wine and I point blank refused to get in the car "come on, we can walk somewhere closer" I said. "No! It's too expensive, I'm fine! Get in the car."


"how about i pay for a taxi, I don't mind."


"No I'm driving stop making such a fuss, I feel fine."


Continued politely for a while, then she edges towards the car and I just sit down on the steps. She gets in, pulls up next to me. "are you coming?" I tried to get the keys out of the ignition but she's having none of it. I get out and she drives off.


When she comes back, she rings the bell, I come down to pick up the bags and she totally ignores me. I start off trying to be polite and explain the number Of crashes my mother had (she was an alcoholic) and she carries on ignoring me. Eventually she makes a silly remark and I completely lose it: start telling her she's a stubborn, spoilt child and needs to consider the danger she is putting herself in and other people as well. Again, she tells me she felt fine and that she doesn't have to listen to me...


...then I ripped a picture off the wall, threw it at the door (well away from her) threw a wooden pot pourri dish at the same door... I'm pretty ashamed writing this, but at the time it brough back all the horrible memories of the school run with my mum...she was tanked up at 8 o'clock in the morning sometimes and it scared the hell out of me.


I was pretty insulting to her, kept calling her a stubborn, selfish child. She keeps telling me she doesn't have to listen to me and that she was fine. S I said "if you don't listen to your husband, go and find someone who is happy with that situation. Get out of the house and go live with your parents." I picked up her stuff and started throwing it in a suitcase, she does the same to me.


Eventually things calm down a little bit, but I the end up locking myself in the toilet as a...wave of repressed memory completely overwhelms my mind. All the shit my mother did during those final years of her life...her stupid stubbornness, her selfish arrogance...it just set me off something terrible, and here was my wife doing pretty much the same. Sure, she hasnt anything like the background and this is the first time, but this stubborn stupidity was so like my mother I couldn't handle it. I burst into hysterical crying as I remembered the pain, the horror of that part of my life.


And all she could do was say "you're a man, you should be stronger" I never in my life needed a hug more than then. But she couldn't give it to me as she was so angry and scared at my shouting at her.


I shouldn't have lost my temper the way I did. However, I asked her later: why don't you listen to me "I'm strong" she said, "I know myself better than you know me, so why should I listen to other people? I listen to myself. If you want me to listen to you, then don't shout at me"


I didn.t know what to say... I had been polite, firm and reasonable and she didn't pay any attention my concerns. then when I lost it (which I regret) she didn't listen either, just focused on the shouting.


We've...sort of made up now, but I really feel exasperated: this pig-headedness is just insane. She was drunk, very obviously drunk. Her face was right red and she was giggling, but still she insisted. And now....somehow it's my fault.


Perhaps I shouldn't have shouted at her when she got back, maybe I was wrong, but I only cared aout her safety.


Was I wrong?

Edited by Iun
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Doesn't sound like you were in the wrong to me.


If she wants to drink drive and risk her own safety then fine... but risking other people safety aswell is completely irresponsible.


And her argument 'I know/listen to myself' is fine, but just sounds stupid and immature... in this drink driving context.

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Doesn't sound like you were in the wrong to me.


If she wants to drink drive and risk her own safety then fine... but risking other people safety aswell is completely irresponsible.


And her argument 'I know/listen to myself' is fine, but just sounds stupid and immature... in this drink driving context.


My thoughts exactly, but still. Shouldnt have lost it the way I did, I regret that I shouted at her. She's angry at me for scaring her, but I truly feel she needed it.

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Doesn't sound like you were in the wrong to me.


If she wants to drink drive and risk her own safety then fine... but risking other people safety aswell is completely irresponsible.


And her argument 'I know/listen to myself' is fine, but just sounds stupid and immature... in this drink driving context.


Drink driving risks other people's safety as well as your own though.


You were definitely in the right imo, she was being stubborn and selfish. It can be very frustrating when you are trying to reason with someone in that state of mind.

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And her argument 'I know/listen to myself' is fine, but just sounds stupid and immature... in this drink driving context.


I'd actually say it's not fine at all. Humans are often incapable of correctly judging their own situation from their own viewpoint, especially when it comes to drinking, so to say she knows herself and doesn't need to listen to others is really rather ignorant.


I would have done the same in your sitation, Iun. What really messed things up was the resurfacing of your past and the reaction it brought on (obviously not blaming you for that, of course). How much does Mrs Iun know about all that/how it has affected you?

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Iuuuun/Yuuuun. You did the right thing. She should have known better for two reasons. Firstly, because she could've hurt herself or others. Secondly, because of the awkward position it puts you in, including because of the past.


Maybe throwing shit around isn't the right way to react, but it was an entirely avoidable thing if she took your advice. What if something did happen and she hurt herself? So, although you regret getting angry, maybe it'll help her see why you did.

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Was I wrong?


Fuck no, you were right... drink-driving is terribly irresponsible, just because things didn't go wrong doesn't mean they couldn't have, you were right to try to stop her; maybe not right to shout at her but it's understandable considering the state you were in, i.e that you didn't mean to lose your temper, but having something painful from your past inadvertantly dragged up must have made you snap... I quite honestly can't begin to imagine how you felt. :(


Anyway, I hope you two can patch things up... I feel sorry that I can't really make things better for you, I'd send you wine gums if I could! ;) for now though, this'll have to do... *man hug*

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I wasn't in the mood for work today with my current bad knee but tried to just get on with it. I'd just started and noticed a fly around some of the crisps, I remove the bag of crisps and BAM! About 20 fruit flys go all up in my face and I see a bag of mouldy fruit :(


It smelt so bad, like really bad onion, and it has seeped all over the shelf. I spent a good hour getting rid of the smell whilst customers around me kept complaining about how awful the stench was, like I wouldn't have noticed.


It was ReZdiculous. On the plus side though, I got a free tango.

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Madame doesn't know too much about the history, mainly because I have a fairly big psychological lock on it - I can't remember so much of it myself.


Thanks for the man hugs, i have a few Wine Gums, and I would have had more had Madame not disappeared for 45 minutes at Heathrow jus before our flight, leaving me no time to buy more and actually nearly missing the flight. Sigh.

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Madame doesn't know too much about the history, mainly because I have a fairly big psychological lock on it - I can't remember so much of it myself.


Thanks for the man hugs, i have a few Wine Gums, and I would have had more had Madame not disappeared for 45 minutes at Heathrow jus before our flight, leaving me no time to buy more and actually nearly missing the flight. Sigh.


Do you think you could tell her about how it made you felt? Understanding is what's needed here, I believe. Who knows, perhaps she has personal motivations for her behaviour buried somewhere as well.

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