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World Cup 2018/2022


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I don't see why they don't try to get an England/Scotland/Wales world cup. I'm sure the addition of the Millennium Stadium and whatever stadium Edinburgh have (I presume it's an impressive one) would help out a little bit more.


A triple hosted bid would get turned down straight away, no way would they give 3 teams automatic qualification.


Fifa just want that dream World Cup sending it to far distant places just so they can have it and not because they deserve to. Still annoyed about Qatar.

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Russia winning was pretty rad, as I said. I do think Iberia should've gotten it.


Qatar was more baffling. Should've been Australia or US.


I don't see why they don't try to get an England/Scotland/Wales world cup. I'm sure the addition of the Millennium Stadium and whatever stadium Edinburgh have (I presume it's an impressive one) would help out a little bit more.


See, if you guys had an UK team, this wouldn't be an issue.

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Just gonna copy what I wrote on facebook here:


Qatar 2022? Clearly motivated by money and greed, no plans on leaving a legacy or improving their national game, can't believe they plan on building all the facilities and then pulling them down afterwards simply because they have a stupid amounts of money, capitalism at its worse. Hell it might be the most spectacular World Cup ever but it will sure be the most soulless.


true true...although also I just got round to watching our presentation video and what a load of shite! Showing the Arsenal dressing room a team with barely any englishmen in it! I know they were likely trying to show the global nature of our game but it left me thinking more about the overpaid players we have! It needed to show what would an English World Cup great not post videos of people wearing living liverpool shirts aboard it comes across as arrogant of us to believe we have this great influence over the game when we clearly don't!


I find it hard to argue against Russia getting it...in many way


One thing that kinda irks me as well is this feeling that FIFA are giving the world cup to countries who don't have the facilities as they feel its a great opportunity to give them the facilities. Thing is if the country doesn't have it already then the world cup isn't likely to herald a new era of world football domination It hasn't with the likes of Japan,South Korea and South Africa, neither has it suddenly boosted their footballing economy long term. Also this arguement falls down when you consider Qatar plan to build it all and then tear it down. They don't care just a rich country who want a new play thing...

Edited by flameboy
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One thing FIFA is gonna miss out on in Qatar is revenue from alcohol advertising/sales. I don't know how strict they are there but surely it's gotta be a problem?


hmmmm I dunno on wikipedia sure not totally reliable but it says:


When contrasted with other Arab states such as Saudi Arabia, for instance, Qatar has comparatively liberal laws, but is still not as liberal as some other Arab states of the Persian Gulf like UAE or Bahrain. Qatar is a civil law jurisdiction. However, Shari'a or Islamic law is applied to aspects of family law, inheritance and certain criminal acts. Women can legally drive in Qatar and there is a strong emphasis in equality and human rights brought by Qatar's National Human Rights Committee. Qatar also has the largest fines in the world in terms of traffic violation as per the recent change in 2010.


The country has undergone a period of liberalization and modernisation during the reign of the current Emir, Hamad bin Khalifa Al-Thani, who came to power in 1995. The laws of Qatar tolerate alcohol to a certain extent. However, the few bars and nightclubs in Qatar operate only in expensive hotels and clubs, much Distribution Company, the only importer and retailer for alcohol in Qatar. Under Qatar's Sharia, it is illegal to show alcohol or be drunk in public.


During the month of Ramadan, eating, drinking, and smoking in public is strictly banned from dawn to sunset.



SO dunno perhaps but then perhaps not completely.

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I'm quite disappointed. Not purely because England didn't get it, but because I'm not sure that these are the right choices.


First of all, congratulations to these countries. It's not an easy process to go through but they've won, so credit to them. However, I still don't think that there was a "balance" when you compare the 2018 bids to the 2022 bids. Spain/Portugal, England and Belgium/Netherlands could all probably host great World Cups without too many issues, yet they were all lumped together in one bid. Whilst the amount of choice in the other bid didn't seem as...exciting, in my opinion. The USA tournament wasn't great in 94, we've already had South Korea and Japan in 2002, although I reckon it would have been ok if Australia had got it.


Secondly, is this the way now that the World Cup Hosts are going to be decided, by whether or not they've hosted a World Cup before? If so, I don't think that's entirely right. The World Cup isn't a charity, it's a competition. It's about people from all around the world coming to one country to view one of the greatest competitions on the planet. I'm asking myself "Can Russia and Qatar host decent competitions?" and I'm struggle to find a definitive answer.


If the World Cup was held tomorrow, the other countries for the 2018 bid could probably all host them. The stadiums are there. They're already footballing countries, with exciting leagues and players of numerous nationalities. In this respect, I can understand Russia getting the bid because there are and have been some great Russian footballers throughout the years and even today. It held the Champions League Final in 2008. I can live with that. Qatar on the other hand I'm struggling to deal with. It's not a footballing country.


Another thing is that I'm asking myself "Could England have done any more to get the bid?" and I'm thinking that aside from all this panorama/Birmingham-Villa farce that the answer is no. The stadiums are present, hell you could probably find a decent fanbase inside England for each country taking part in the World Cup anyway, as the UK is very multi-national. Clearly it's a footballing country with a passion for the sport. So, I don't think they were ever going to win. And, again, clearly this is not about whether England are right to host the World Cup or not. One vote England received, aside from another vote from an English person. One Vote?


Yes, the World Cup will probably do wonders for Russia and its country, but this is not solely about that. It's not about Russia. It's about World Football. This is about the players, the fans, history being made. So, we're left with the simple realisation that Russia are apparantly fit to host a World Cup, without even having the barest of resources available, whilst England are not. I find this hard to believe. Even a World Cup in Spain/Portugal would have been easier to stomach.


Also, one final thought: What on Earth will happen if an African team manages to get quite far in the competition in 2018?


Don't get me started on Qatar.

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The Sydney Olympics were quite possibly the best ever staged of the modern Olympiad so there's no doubt they would have put on a great show. The major problem against them is obviously the timezone and the massive reduction in the European TV figures that would obviously happen.


I'm not too dissapointed in Russia getting it to be honest. They've never staged one before and Russian football is probably at the best it's ever been. They're hosting the 2014 Winter Olympics, so it will be interesting to see how they fair with those. I think Fifa saw England as a step backwards of sort. Everything is ready to go and not much needs changing. The staging of a such a massive event like the World Cup tends to unify the people of a country, which can only be a good thing for a pretty unstable country like Russia.

Edited by Jon
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Picking a World Cup host shouldn't be about politics, and which country needs developing, politics shouldn't be anywhere near Football. As Ell said, it's just like the Eurovision Song Contest, which isn't about who sang the best song, it's all political.

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Picking a World Cup host shouldn't be about politics, and which country needs developing, politics shouldn't be anywhere near Football. As Ell said, it's just like the Eurovision Song Contest, which isn't about who sang the best song, it's all political.


I don't doubt that the voting is corrupt as fuck but if they always went with the safe option, there would never be a World Cup outside of Europe. That's not to say I agree with their decisions, but I thought South Korea/Japan and South Africa did a very good job and I'd hate to see countries like that loose the chance to ever host one again.

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Russia, un-surprising really. Putin wasn't present, so i guess he was told before-hand. Hope they do a good job with the tournament, could be a good one if done right.


Qatar. Surprising really. Was kind of expecting Australia to get it, but not a money-grabbing country like Qatar. Expect the most heavily prepped security, look how near they are to Iran and Iraq. And how small is the country, surely a co-hosting with Saudi would be better.


I'm expecting the 2026 to go to....................... ZIMBABWE!!.

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I was about to make a joke about hosting it in Iraq, but then I thought about it and if the situation ever improve enough that would actually be a good idea. For one thing I hear they play and enjoy football.


Really, the whole Qatar thing reminds of a Formula One-style situation - who needs history, passion or even a basic level of public interest in the sport when you've got a wallet about to go supernova? Buy that shit in, stuff out the VIP boxes with half-interested billionaires in conference and spend the next twenty years turning unused stadia into one hyper-modern hotel after another.


Just looked up something interesting - more then 2.8 million tickets were sold for the 2010 South African World Cup. Qatar has a population of about 1.5 million. Numbers are fun!

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I bet if you closely read through Qatar's bid documents, they very carefully skirt round any mention of when in 2022 they plan on holding it.


People on Twitter and elsewhere are saying that if they couldn't host a Summer World Cup they shouldn't have bidded for it because it's meant to be in the Summer.


Nowhere does it say it has to be in the Summer, it's just always been then.

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