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Xbox360 Dashboard Update - Opinions?


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Hmmm mine updated too.


I appear to have been left with just the "my xbox" options........ :/


EDIT: Oh wait. Had to re accept the terms for live. Now have them all. Don't really mind the layout. Seems a bit more in your face though...

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The new logo intro is cool.


But i'm not sold on the new dash as a whole as yet, maybe i need time for it to 'warm' to me. There is just something i cant quite put my finger on and would be perfectly happy with the other one.


Although it does seem to move faster and some of the text doesn't look as blurry as it used 2.

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I'm not really a fan of the updated website in fairness, preffered to old grey look when looking at achievements and comparing with friends games.


the new Console intro is pretty swish though, do like that and the logo, but as Jimbob mentions above the dashboard is similar to the website which I'm just not a fan of.

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A lot people hate change automatically, but after a time I think you'll find it's an improvement.


Everyone goes mad when they rearrange/redesign Facebook, but then 8 months down the line, they reshuffle again and people complain all over again that they want it back to how it was.


At first I didn't like the new style, but I find now that it moves smoother and looks much clearer and crisper.

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I was thinking that i was going to hate the new update, but upon downloading it it looks pretty good. The new website and the new dashboard also seem to display a bit more information than before which is good. :)


I haven't played enough to see how it works with my games, so this is purely by looking at it.


Not bad i say.

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Indie game companys dont like the changes done for indie games.


Xbox Live Indie Games developers have expressed their frustration over changes to the service's placement.


The Kinect dashboard update, which went live yesterday, has seen XBLIG's position moved away from its own strand within the Games Marketplace to a single tab within Speciality Shops, making it more difficult to find.


Games downloaded to hard drives also have their information reduced, removing descriptions, box art and the ability to rate the game.


As well as raising the issue on Twitter, developers have created a thread on the App Hub forums to discuss the changes.


"It just... boggles the mind. Clearly it's not based on even the simplest logic, which is what I'd assume gamers vaguely use when scrolling through those lists," said Mommy's Best Games studio head Nathan Fouts.


"I do think once someone accidentally wanders down the special alley to find Indie Games, the new layout is very nice. I love that you can click on the 'All' box at the end of any 50 list - that's grand.


"But I'm here to mourn Indie Games being known as 'games', which I suppose we must now rename Indie Specialties."


Binary Tweed managing director Daniel Jones said the changes appeared to be a "hasty oversight that does nothing for the channel owner, content creator or consumer".


Last month, the XNA Creator's Club website merged with Windows Phone 7 development for a single website that shared resources and a unified login.


Microsoft has yet to comment on the changes to XBLIG.




Anyway I like the update design but it shame that XLIG are getting pushed back with this update.

Edited by Dante
Automerged Doublepost
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It looks alright. The white is a bit of any eyesore though compared to the duller and easier grey scheme I am used to. I also preferred the options being like 3d and going diagonally rather than just straight across.


When it updated, all my housemates were downstairs. We turned the lights off and turned sound up treating it like a movie to see what was about to happen. Then came up the crappy guide just because XBOX think they have opened their doors to a plethora of Wii's younger audience. Lame.

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Forced to update, I did, and really I don't mind it that much or think it that bad. It seems so far to me pretty much exactly the same as the old one, with maybe a slightly higher resolution, and just differently coloured etc. I've not had alot of experience on live, having been only live for the past 2 weeks, but I was on all day sunday and can't say I noticed any much difference in the voice chat yesterday, except for one person who sounded a little distant.

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Literally just got it updated. "Annoyed" that I hda to go through a noob tutorial. I like how now, when you go to your 'profile' then scroll left to see your achievement summaries, you can press Y to play teh game straight away (if it's playable). Mind you! That might've been on the old dash, I can't remember.


The game library has been streamlined and loads faster... aside from that, it's barely that different. I welcome it.

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