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good stuff thread.


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To be fair, Photoshop is an absolutely amazing program and Adobe are fully aware that a lot of people pirate it.


It's a good program, but the price of it makes starting out in the industry far harder/riskier than it needs to be.


A good example is if I were to start a portrait/mobile studio photography business (which I have been contemplating):


Camera: £500

Basic Studio Lighting: £200

Backdrops (including stand): £150

Photoshop £650


That's almost half of the initial costs.



It's worse if you want to get into graphic design.

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It's a good program, but the price of it makes starting out in the industry far harder/riskier than it needs to be.


A good example is if I were to start a portrait/mobile studio photography business (which I have been contemplating):


Camera: £500

Basic Studio Lighting: £200

Backdrops (including stand): £150

Photoshop £650


That's almost half of the initial costs.



It's worse if you want to get into graphic design.


Well shit. =P


But yeah, Photoshop is so expensive I can't afford to pay for it. If it were cheaper I'd happily fork out the money, but at that price an unemployed student simply can't afford it (well I can't).


Anyway my day was pretty crap, but this still managed to make me laugh.

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I watched Hall Pass today.


It has received poor reviews generally (as I gather/in passing...I havn't read or properly seen any) however AintItCoolNews liked it, and as per usual they were right. (Wasn't amazing, but it was good enough!) Jenna Fisher is always a joy to gawp at.


My only real gripe or criticism is that Stephen Merchant is MASSIVELY underused. He has some great lines in the few scenes he is in, and then the closing scene (during the credits) is basically just him in a dream sequence, and its the funniest thing in the whole damn movie. Worth it just for that one sketch. Amazing.

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It's a good program, but the price of it makes starting out in the industry far harder/riskier than it needs to be.


I'm pretty sure that's why Adobe aren't that fussed about people thieving it. If Adobe really wanted to they could up the security, as it is it's ridiculously easy to crack. All their programs are.


People who pay for it effectively cover the people who don't.

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Well, that's absolutely hilarious.


That story was strange with all the emoticons. Was just weird and any point he was trying to make was thrown away. Is he just trying to slag you or are you gay?

Haha, I'm glad someone read my post. I love sharing the madness that is George Maciver. :grin:


I'm gay, but the part about me liking older men was just wishful thinking on George's part. I'm not sure what the point of the fairy tale was, other than showing people how mentally unstable he is.

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On the Adobe stuff, they fully expect small and individual users to pirate it. They make their money from bigger companies. People getting into it from pirating keeps it being used when they make it into the bigger companies where the money comes in. Piracy is pretty much a part of their business model.


My good stuff, I'm in Las Vegas, and I love it already. The first thing that's felt like a real holiday in a long time.

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to be honest I don't know if this picture belongs in the good thread or the bad thread heh.


Our work currently has a new incentive and a new marketing campaign involving Social media formats so Facebook, Twitter, Myspace, Bebo (anyone use that still?) and Youtube.


Well to promote the incentive around the building they've put up posters with each of the site's logos, or icons with some pun. They are all terrible,


but this one stood out to me the most.



I assume it's intentional innuendo...

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Turkey a week ago was long-johns and scarfs:



Turkey today is shorts (not that I have mine with me) and sunglasses:



20 degrees is nice. Be jealous.

We had 18 degrees here this week, so I have no reason to be jealous. =P

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This morning I was like:



(actually I was more like this but stay with me). I walked to and from uni (five miles each way) and while my legs are currently like "dude, what the hell? What WAS that?" I know its good. Want to do it more post-Easter. Shame bus passes are consecutive days so I either have to walk for a whole week or get a bus pass. Anyway...


Then at uni did a bit of work and someone saved their files in the wrong way (did [name][format][sequence number] whereas the format should come last) so I helped her fix that. Stumped me for a while before I remembered about Mac's automator so went and tracked down a Mac and fixed it. In your face...something!


Finished my assessment work! Another term done (just got two tacked on weeks because of how late Easter is) but that's a relief.


And then finally managed to get this sorted that I've been trying to organise for the last week:




Yeah bitches. Free 3DS avec games!


And got myself a free (loyalty card redemption) Nero milkshake. Nomnomnom.


Aaaaand introduced people to Rebecca Black.



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And then finally managed to get this sorted that I've been trying to organise for the last week:




Yeah bitches. Free 3DS avec games!


Ash you absolute legend! :D


What games did you get? [/curious] [/slightly jealous]


*edit* nevermind I checked t'other thread, awesomeness!

Edited by S.C.G
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