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Managed to arrange a date with a lovely guy for tomorrow night. I am both excited, and horrendously nervous. I've not been on a proper date since this time last year. Hold me.


I was just going to say good-luckn I realised you wrote that 2 days ago. Slight lol


So how'd it go?

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I don't even know which thread this is now, but nontheless:


[Last night]


I loved. A select group of my friends (all on my course, all playable at the start of the game) went to wetherspoons for dinner and drinks last night and stayed there till closing, just chatting and loving life. I love when film students come together. No topic was left unturned. And the Subjectivity vs/ Objectivity debate occured, but with far more civility and grace than is usually shown on N-E. :p It was literally a divide in the group at the table, those that believed that enjoying a film made it good, and those that believe in a scale of objectively quality in films. But yeah, was a great night. I loved everyone there.


Could have panned out on us to end a film. St. Elmo's Fire esque / can't remember if that happens in St. Elmo's fire.

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I don't even know which thread this is now, but nontheless:


[Last night]


I loved. A select group of my friends (all on my course, all playable at the start of the game) went to wetherspoons for dinner and drinks last night and stayed there till closing, just chatting and loving life. I love when film students come together. No topic was left unturned. And the Subjectivity vs/ Objectivity debate occured, but with far more civility and grace than is usually shown on N-E. :p It was literally a divide in the group at the table, those that believed that enjoying a film made it good, and those that believe in a scale of objectively quality in films. But yeah, was a great night. I loved everyone there.


Could have panned out on us to end a film. St. Elmo's Fire esque / can't remember if that happens in St. Elmo's fire.

Are you sure you have got the right thread?... you said you went to Wetherspoons.
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Yeah...I've never had such cheap food that's worth the money. I'm stunned as to why I haven't eaten there before. Cheap drinks too.


I have, just not from a Wetherspoons. The cheap drinks, however, are great - £1.60 for a Glenfiddich and coke is win.

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Well one of the steak options was £6.00.


I've never seen something so brilliant. I found it hard to look at.


I chose the Beer + Burger deal, which was £5.10 for a nice burger, chips and salad, and a beer of your choice. And for some reason the guy only rang it up as 4.70.



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I was just going to say good-luckn I realised you wrote that 2 days ago. Slight lol


So how'd it go?


Thanks :)


I re-arranged it for tomorrow night. I wasn't feeling particularly up to anything at the time. I'm actually terrified. I've never done a proper "date" thing, as in going out to a quiet little bar and having a drink. He seems lovely though, so I can hope it won't be horrifyingly awkward. Then again, nothing can beat the awkwardness that was the dating of a fellow N-Europe member. :p

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Aww, Haggis is nervous about his date. That's so adorable. *Ruffles Haggis' hair*


Then again, nothing can beat the awkwardness that was the dating of a fellow N-Europe member. :p

I've never heard this story. Please tell me about the awkwardness. It sounds juicy. :blank:

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Aww, Haggis is nervous about his date. That's so adorable. *Ruffles Haggis' hair*



I've never heard this story. Please tell me about the awkwardness. It sounds juicy. :blank:


They're terrifying! Anyone that says otherwise is lying. However, we're going to a bar with cheap cocktails. I feel this will ease the awkwardness present.


Nothing Juicy. Razz and I dated for a little bit. Literally nothing else to add to the story. :)

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They're terrifying! Anyone that says otherwise is lying. However, we're going to a bar with cheap cocktails. I feel this will ease the awkwardness present.


Nothing Juicy. Razz and I dated for a little bit. Literally nothing else to add to the story. :)


Wow, N-E has a serious amount of LGBT :laughing:

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I gave Bruce Wayne a valium and said: "Settle your fucking ass down, I'm ready for combat, man."

Get it, calm Batman?




Gonna see my girlfriend again after I've spent the last week in Hamburg. :)

And I've decided to continue watching Dexter.

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After taking away fees and stuff, I've made £2.22 from selling my Battlestar Galactica Box Set (Blu-Ray). While it's a tiny amount of profit, it means that I got the box set for free (as it was sent to me twice by mistake). Win.

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Paj; ... have you never been to a wetherspoons before?! It's jus ta bit mindboggling that your daily win was made of... wetherspoons. beer and a burger is, like, sooo 2008.


Well I go to one in Edinburgh all the time, but only for drinks before a night-out. I've never bothered to explore the food.

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Well I go to one in Edinburgh all the time, but only for drinks before a night-out. I've never bothered to explore the food.


I think the standards really vary for food. Drinks obviously not so much :p


Went to one here at university and bought profiteroles which they obviously had just defrosted since the iceream/cream inside was still frozen solid and still had ice on it!


We get nachos sometimes as well but buying food in a 'spoons is a rarity because it really isn't that good usually.

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Wow, N-E has a serious amount of LGBT :laughing:

Nintendo is like honey to homosexuals.



After taking away fees and stuff, I've made £2.22 from selling my Battlestar Galactica Box Set (Blu-Ray). While it's a tiny amount of profit, it means that I got the box set for free (as it was sent to me twice by mistake). Win.

It's like someone paid you £2.22 to give you the box set. I'm very jealous. :blank:

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It always amuses me when people homophobes claim that the whole '10% of people are gay' thing is made up and that it's actually closer to 1%, or whatever other number they pull out of a hat. It's like, clearly you haven't been frequenting the same forums as I have! :blank:

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I don't even know which thread this is now, but nontheless:


[Last night]


I loved. A select group of my friends (all on my course, all playable at the start of the game) went to wetherspoons for dinner and drinks last night and stayed there till closing, just chatting and loving life. I love when film students come together. No topic was left unturned. And the Subjectivity vs/ Objectivity debate occured, but with far more civility and grace than is usually shown on N-E. :p It was literally a divide in the group at the table, those that believed that enjoying a film made it good, and those that believe in a scale of objectively quality in films. But yeah, was a great night. I loved everyone there.


The extra pound (I think) for the gourmet burger is something you should consider on your next visit.

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