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Its like that place was designed just for you


I know. It's mental.


According to the owner of the place, I (specifically my Scirocco) was the thing that gave him the idea to get an old camper. I think the idea stemmed from there.


The boss' personal camper looks similar to this:




It's being restored now and is apparently keeping the faded paint. It's like it's being designed specifically for me.

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I went go-karting today with most of my year. There were lap times and the karts went 50kph, which is fast to me because I don't have a car. I didn't win but it was really fun :) I was getting some of the fastest lap times but the problem was I didn't get through any of the three lap races without spinning out at one particular corner. I was able to go really fast through the others but just kept spinning out there. Some of the drivers were god damn reckless though :p

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Yesterday (I wasn't on the boards anyway so I'm posting it now) we had an acting class which we were all a bit unsure about before it happened but it was really fun. Haven't laughed that much at university for ages, a genuine day of silly fun.


Although my calves are killing from the dance/movement exercise we did at the beginning. It looked a bit like this:




But with thirty people doing it for about thirty minutes.


And today I stuck a series of post it notes on a friend's desk that said (one word on each note) "I'm a mother fucking monster". He later returned it and stuck it on my desk as "Mother I'm fucking a monster". I approved.


I also ended up reading out a Mills and Boon extract to the class but I forget why.

Edited by Ashley
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(Yesterday, but I had a long session of celebratory drinking afterwards so couldn't post it.)


Got a First in an essay I did last month! Incredibly proud of this, and can now relax for the next week and a half before I have to return to uni again.

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Nice one guys.


I had a good first week at work. Two good things particularly today;


A) We finish at 4:15 on Fridays. Who ever decided this is a god.

B) Friday morning commute was surprisingly easy and not busy. Does no one go to work on Fridays? (I'd always noticed it was less busy when I walked to work at HBOS but being in it is a different story)

C) I filled in my first (ever) time sheet, and I don't know if I did it correctly, but I think I get paid for my lunch (hour) (and lunch...you get a £2.50 card to spend at the canteen everyday) which is win if true. Massive win. So I'll be getting more than anticipated (whilst I'm a temp) ~It becomes a permanent role down the road, in which the pay takes a jump to above what I was on when I left HBOS~


Happy days.


BUSY BUSY BUSY weekend ahead though.


I have to get up at like.....5:45am tomorrow as my friend is going to Birmingham and I'll be filming him/his company/miniatures game battle.


Then seeing grandparents and sister and her boyfriend on Sunday.

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I believe kick starting my exercise run again and my soon to be baked brownies.


I love how I've baked brownies and exercised in the same sentence, but it's for fitness not weight loss. So nomnomnom (I realise I got get fitter not eating the brownies..but shhh.)

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Congrats Ganepark! You must be pretty pleased with those results, I know I would be if I was in a similar position. :)


Thanks. Considering this time last year after the first semester of second year that I got Ds in my psychology modules (I got a high B in my English module though), yes I'm very happy :D Got a few As in my coursework as well so it's good that I've turned it around, or more realistically applied myself properly.

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Our sometimes annoying, yet in a euphorically cool way, 30-something female Indian maths teacher who we've had for just a week told us her name today.

I lolled so hard I could barely pay attention to the Maclaurin theory. It was Ms. Dimen (pro. Demon)


+1 for immature sense of humour. Probably a "have to be there" moment. Otherwise I probably sound like a racist. But the entire class laughed...and then we told her we'd call her Ms. Angel. She laughed -


Hardy Har Har

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