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good stuff thread.


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Took myself to a 65DaysOfStatic gig last night. Some good supporting acts but 65DOS were absolutely superb, definitely recommend seeing them live if you ever get the chance.


Also 4G's finally here - now I can play TF2 with a tolerable ping and stream video content at peak times without having to download it like some sort of animal.




I'm gonna watch so much porn.

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Had an exam two days ago for which I haven't studied one minute.


I passed.


@Dr\. bob Is that ok for you? Don't want to ruin your day again, so I decided to leave out my grade (which isn't great anyway, but considering I went in without really studying I did well :D )


Had my last exam of this semester today, now one week off :yay:


didn't study for that as well and I couldn't answer more than 3 questions, i.e. I will fail but I'll be able to resit said exam next year


Depends on what you got. If it is within 21 quartecs of a AAA rating, then we can talk.

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Went back to the partnership for jobs thing (see bad stuff thread) with a fresh head and ended up giving my email and number to two social care jobs that sounded good, got 3 application forms for 3 other jobs and an application for an IT apprenticeship in web design which might be cool. I've always thought it would be fun to make websites but never knew how or where to start. So lots of stuff to fill out tonight! Glad I got something out of it (in the end haha).


Even if nothing comes of it I'm glad I finally put the feelers out.

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Took myself to a 65DaysOfStatic gig last night. Some good supporting acts but 65DOS were absolutely superb, definitely recommend seeing them live if you ever get the chance.


Also 4G's finally here - now I can play TF2 with a tolerable ping and stream video content at peak times without having to download it like some sort of animal.



I'm gonna watch so much porn.



Eat my internets




My other half has virgin cable that is about 110/120m.... so much internets...:yay:

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Yesterday was fun, with some frustrating moments interspersed for good measure. :p


I met up with a very old friend and his brand new girlfriend. First time meeting them, so they came around to our place to chill for a bit. We decided that we'd go to Nandos to get some food before visiting Bournemouth Aquarium. We all heard it was a bit meh, but thought it would be worth going to say we've done it/experience it, etc.


We arrive at Tower Park for Nandos, everything is going swell. Listening to Smashing Pumpkins in the car for dat dere Hnggggggg time. Nandos is relatively busy as it's around 2 on a Saturday. Order food, order drinks (bottomless, mmm), sit down and start chatting. Next thing I know, tap on my shoulder and we're politely be told to leave the establishment as there is a fire evacuation in process.


No biggie, it'll just be a precaution, we thought. So, we stand outside in the car park and a fire engine arrives. Then another. Aaaaand 4 or so more for good measure. We're then told move to the other side of the park (complete opposite end to our car), so we're all thinking it must be serious. As we're walking, we notice that there are tons of people wearing these silver foil/space blankets as they've just been kicked out of the swimming people. Park is pretty rammed at this point. We're sat for about half an hour outside Tesco and waited for an update.


It turns out that there was a "chemical spill" with one of the chlorine tanks, so this is going to be a long one. We're essentially stuck as we're not allowed to go get our car on the other side of the park, and we can't really go anywhere else besides Tesco. So, there's the four of us sat at a bus stop kerb, eating malteasers and finding shit to pass the time.


We use this site for updates. The scene did remind us ever so slightly of a Zombie disaster movie, so we posted on the comments page. Ours are the ones by "Hungry" and "Rick Grimes" (loool). By now, we're starving and the tin foil people are looking rather succulent in the sunshine...


Somehow, people managed to get into their cars on the near side of the park and there was gridlock as they made their way through both exits. About 2 hours-ish later, we're told that we can walk to our car and hopefully everything will be sorted really soon. We're sat in the car, listening to Random Access Memories and playing Smartphone games. One hilarious game in particular is where you have that post-it note stuck to your head and you have to give that person clues about what is written there (can't think of the name). That kept our spirits high and was hilarious.


We're coming up to 6 o'clock and the cordon has been lifted! There's only a handful of people left by this point, but we stayed as we wanted our spicy rice. We walk into Nandos and get told that they're not allowed to serve food for another hour...gaaaah.


We walk over to another restaurant across the road...they're also busy and can't even seat us for another hour.


So, we gave up and went back into Bournemouth for a mega-Indian. Oh my, it was worth the wait. Dat naan bread, dat rice, hnnnngggg.


All in all, the food at the end made it worth it, but fuuuuuck. First time I've visited Nandos in about 7 years and this shit goes down. Am disappoint. But, the Indian more than made up for it.

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Nandos is fucking sexy. Dem weengs.

One hilarious game in particular is where you have that post-it note stuck to your head and you have to give that person clues about what is written there (can't think of the name). That kept our spirits high and was hilarious.

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Nandos depends on the branch bro.


Worst is MK city centre - garbage.


Is that the one in the shopping centre or the one in the snowdome? I quite like the snowdome one. Last time I went there the all you can eat frozen yoghurt flavour of the day was chocolate. I wrecked that shit. I swear I saw one of the waiters cry.

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Could well be, my friend. Could well be.


I once went to the Nandos in Luton because we went to the Pizza Hut but left because they had run out of pizza.


Is this a troll? A pizza hut that runs out of pizza? Like...no pizza at all? Shouldn't they just be called Hut then?

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Went to a Burger King with no Burgers once in King's Lynn.


Nando's: Agreed it varies branch to branch, although for me its only been "quite good" up to "awesome". Russell Square in Camden is my favourite :D


Just don't go for burgers or wraps or any of that stuff. Spicy chicken and a good side or two is all you need.

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Nando's: Agreed it varies branch to branch, although for me its only been "quite good" up to "awesome". Russell Square in Camden is my favourite :D


Just don't go for burgers or wraps or any of that stuff. Spicy chicken and a good side or two is all you need.


In spite of previously working near there, I don't think I've ever been to the one at the Brunswick.


And some of us don't have a choice :(

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Is that the one in the shopping centre or the one in the snowdome? I quite like the snowdome one. Last time I went there the all you can eat frozen yoghurt flavour of the day was chocolate. I wrecked that shit. I swear I saw one of the waiters cry.


Xscape one is tight yo, been there a few times and both times were good.


Yeah the shopping centre one is guff.


Luton > All dough.

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I Survived my stag do.


It was in Bournemouth. I've been there on a friends stag do, and enjoyed that so was very happy with my location.


Friday night I didn't pay for a drink all night, in fact the only thing I did pay for was a lap dance at around 4:30am. The very first thing we did before really getting on it was walking past laser quest and thinking why the fuck not, so played a game in there.


One particular highlight was running round the corner and seeing a guy from my team and a guy from the opposing team pointing their guns into the air firing them away and raving as Darude Sandstorm was playing.


The group got kind of split up by about 4am with people going back to the hotel and others staying out.


I ended up getting in about 5ish with 2 of my group, I woke up at 9:25am fully dressed on my bedroom floor, gave me 5 minutes to get downstairs for free breakfast.


The activities for Saturday were booked for 1pm so that was good, gave us time to recover(ish)


turns out 6 of the 12 couldn't face doing anything so stayed in bed all day which means they missed out on clay pigeon shooting and rage buggy driving. Worked for the 6 of us that did go as we got extra goes in the shooting and longer on track in the buggies.


Saturday night again 4 of the lads couldn't face coming out, a heavy night again but we ended up in the strip club alot earlier and blowing money far to fast in there.


A highlight of the weekend was while taking a dump hearing my best man outside check his wallet saying "I spent £250 last night.... the fuck?" to then hear someone reply "Yeah you gave the freshen up guy in the toilet £20 and told him he did a seriously good job!"




Incredible weekend, truly grateful for the event, happy as Larry with the activities and the lads who turned out.


24 days till the big day now!

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