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good stuff thread.


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I am not entirely sure whether to put this in the good or the bad thread, but I'm opting for positivity and putting it here.


I've had some old feelings of insecurity and all that jazz come back lately (as I mentioned in the relationship thread the other day), and it's caused me to reflect on myself again, my thoughts and feelings etc. I've had some personal realisations that I think I might have been aware of on some level all along. I've developed a lot over the last couple of years, but I think I may have been treating the symptoms more than the actual cause. It's done wonders, no doubt, but I've realised there are still some fundamental things I need to work on.


At least, that's how I feel right now. My head is churning away these days, so I might have new realisations tomorrow that prove the current ones wrong. It all feels very much like a work in progress right now. I won't bore you with all the details of my crazy brain, I just wanted to share the fact that I think I might finally be figuring myself out. *is aware of the boldness of the previous statement*


End message. Carry on.

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Caught someone else stealing in the act. They really should get better security on these self serve checkouts (I spied this from a normal checkout). Saw one woman trying to weigh to different kinds of grapes at once, initially thought 'hmm, maybe she's too stupid to notice the difference in colour' (red/black grapes) Then noticed that she'd weighed them through as bananas. A shitload cheaper.

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A kitten, definitely less than a year old, maybe a few months? got stuck in our garden. The fences are quite high. Apparantly he's been there for a day and a half- my landlords refused to feed him as we already have a cat. I went out for a smoke about an hour ago and saw he was hiding... I tried to put him on a garage that nestles against our fence in the hope he'd run off home but 5 mins later he was back mewing and being all cute, so I took him to my room. I've set up a food bowl and a water bowl and left the window open. He's cute as fuck and I want to keep him but can't! Willl try the neighbours tomorrow. I can't leave him outside and he won't leave me alone so I guess I got a bed buddy tonight.


I'm expecting to wake up by being scratched to fuck, and to find the cat has pooped somewhere stupid.


He does this little fighty-bitey thing that tickles! Aww!

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HI BB! always love your face around here! There are a few oldies knocking about :P


I wanted to come in here and brag - got a 'consultant' 'job' for £20 an hour... roughly twice a week I'll be rewriting reports for someone who works for one of the biggest supermarkets in teh country. It's small money but potentially easy-good money, and if it goes well I'll be able to work for more staff and demand more money. They asked for £15 an hour and I 'jumped' to £20 and they put up no fight so I probably could've done better. There's still scope for bartering as I stated the tally may need amending if the jobs cut into my free time too much --- which is guaranteed as I'm only to be notified about them after work hours. I should also have a minimum payment regardless of time spent... which is generally positive! Even if it's just £40 a week it'll be fantastic CV material.


I also got my basic pay, comission and a bonus this month (again) so money is looking fairly sweet. Thinking about taking out a loan to pay off my overdraft and maybe have a holiday with.

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Caught someone else stealing in the act. They really should get better security on these self serve checkouts (I spied this from a normal checkout). Saw one woman trying to weigh to different kinds of grapes at once, initially thought 'hmm, maybe she's too stupid to notice the difference in colour' (red/black grapes) Then noticed that she'd weighed them through as bananas. A shitload cheaper.


Apparently loads of people just put things through as bananas because they're so cheap even if they aren't meant to be weighed.

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A kitten, definitely less than a year old, maybe a few months? got stuck in our garden. The fences are quite high. Apparantly he's been there for a day and a half- my landlords refused to feed him as we already have a cat. I went out for a smoke about an hour ago and saw he was hiding... I tried to put him on a garage that nestles against our fence in the hope he'd run off home but 5 mins later he was back mewing and being all cute, so I took him to my room. I've set up a food bowl and a water bowl and left the window open. He's cute as fuck and I want to keep him but can't! Willl try the neighbours tomorrow. I can't leave him outside and he won't leave me alone so I guess I got a bed buddy tonight.


I'm expecting to wake up by being scratched to fuck, and to find the cat has pooped somewhere stupid.


He does this little fighty-bitey thing that tickles! Aww!



You MUST keep him, and must post pictures for me to 'DAwwwwww' at :)


He probably thinks your his mummy now, you don't want to break his little heart and turn him away do you?

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Apparently loads of people just put things through as bananas because they're so cheap even if they aren't meant to be weighed.

I know waddaya sayings. I caught one little shit trying to put several doughnuts through as weighed carrots, when I confronted him the second after he claimed he did realise, but I watched him tap through the menus rather quickly. He knew what he was doing.

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I know waddaya sayings. I caught one little shit trying to put several doughnuts through as weighed carrots, when I confronted him the second after he claimed he did realise, but I watched him tap through the menus rather quickly. He knew what he was doing.


Tbh it seems like it would be very easy to do? Big pack of chicken breast? Bananas. Mince? Bananas. Packet of apples? Bananas.

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Tbh it seems like it would be very easy to do? Big pack of chicken breast? Bananas. Mince? Bananas. Packet of apples? Bananas.

It can be, depends how busy it gets. When you're one person with 10 busy self serve checkouts and people vying for attention for various valid reasons it's difficult to keep tabs on everyone.

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Finally got that promotion/pay rise I've been going on about today.


Which is good, because my day started out HORRENDOUSLY. Literally the worst. I had three verbal complaints taken by 10:10am, which is ridiculous, get maybe one a week usually. I could not believe it. Some jumped up French prick said to me (and I precurse this by saying that customer service wise, I am very very good. I'm one of the best I've encountered in 7 years) anyway, this jumped up prick asks me a complicated question, I advise her I am just reading the notes on a share (there's thousands....funnily enough I don't keep track of what is happening on every one) and after a few seconds she said "You clearly don't have a clue what you're doing, put me through to (another department)", so off she fucked. It takes a LOT to piss me off at work, but that did it.


Anyway, yeah then just lying customers.


"I said this on the phone."

"Okay, I'll listen to the call and phone you back"

"Oh.....errr...it might not have been that call"

"Oh, not a problem, we keep a record of all of them, so I'll listen to each of them :)"




But yeah. So work was one of the worst days ever, but made glorious by big fat pay (well deserved and long time coming) pay rise.

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Haha, yeah it is one of the few sweet joys of Customer Service. Well. The ONLY sweet joy.


This was so fucking funny/blatant.


He says that he specifically asked for X to continue on indefinitely.

The note my colleague put on said he SPECIFICALLY asked for it for one quarter.

Listened to the call, and not only was it made explicitly clear, he was also confirmed the exact date it ended.


Moronic customers.

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Sister's wedding, aaaaaah!


It is going to be a verrrrrrry long day, but hopefully it will all be good. The hairdresser is here right now already to do our hair.


The "venue" looks beautiful after lots of hard work that was put in by the family and some of my sister's friends. I would post some pics if I had the time but that'll have to wait until later I guess. =)

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