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good stuff thread.


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I've been on holiday from work this week and it has been a great much needed escape, the people there can really get me down at times. Not to mention they're having a big 're-launch' so everyone will be even more over the top and melodramatic than usual.


So I've pretty much spent the week meeting up with friends I haven't seen in ages and playing Animal Crossing! :p Which has been pretty great actually, as I've barely seen anyone for the last few months, though that's my own fault!


Tonight shall be another good one, with wine, Wii U and 4 totally awesome people!


I've been on holiday too, its been nice just to have the time to get stuff sorted out and relax for a while. :)


Plenty of Animal Crossing has been played here as well. :D

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You remember how I said I was going to barter for 15k? Lols.


HR manager said that basically I'll start my new job as soon as they've hired a replacement for me -- well, after I've trained the new person, of course! She then wrote down how much I'll be getting paid... That month where I worked 52 hour weeks and got a bonus? I'll be getting that much every month but on regular, normal 9-5 hours. So chufffffffed

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That month where I worked 52 hour weeks and got a bonus? I'll be getting that much every month but on regular, normal 9-5 hours. So chufffffffed

Lemme get this straight. So you'll be doing 9-5, five days a week = 35 hours (not sure if they pay you for breaks etc.) and you're going to paid for 52 hours a week AND A MOTHERFUCKING BONUS!?



That is awesome! I'm stealing your job.

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Jay is the man.


Also, on the subject of post-uni jobs. Everyone I know started aplpying about a month into final year. There was a direct correlation between people who had jobs lined up after they left and how early they applied.

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Turned 24 today, a nice dinner out with the Parents. A DELICIOUS 14oz New York Strip steak, rare (Because anything else is overcooked.) potato soup, and a big ass piece of Broccoli. Fuck yeah broccoli!


Got Luigi's Mansion (Animal Crossing wasn't available, no biggie) $30 gift card, and snap-pop thingers. Throw em and they pop. Fun!

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Went to the London Film and Comic Con. Had a short chat with Andrew Robinson and Alexander Siddig (although I got distracted as Peter Dinklage walked past when I was talking to Siddig). Also, Charles Martinet said "excuse me" as he walked past (in his normal voice).


Lots of awesome costumes, too. And since my first comic con a few years ago, geek "culture" seems to have changed a lot - the people attending were around 50% female. Although, due to the costumes, a huge amount of them were extremely hard to judge in terms of age.

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I went into Tesco to get money back from my headset because it broke a little bit over the month's warranty but I still had the receipt. Anyway, so I went up to the customer service desk at the technology department and spoke to one of the blokes there and told him my problem. He scans it and checks it on the computer and he said that that headset had moved up £5 in value since I last bought it but wouldn't be able to give me that £5 extra because I bought it for less than that, which I was fine with and expected anyway. But then he said "You work in the shoe shop? How are the shoes there?" and I said "25% off good?" and he looked at me and said "Okay, you lost your receipt but out of goodwill, I'll return them" and ended up getting £5 extra to spend in store.


So with it, I bought Alien Anthology and Resident Evil Quadrilogy and used my friend's discount card with it so knocked more money off, haha. I'm looking to buy either the Superman boxset or the Predator boxset next.


Also, if that wasn't enough, I lost 5lbs!!! :D

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Go onnnn, @Animal.


Life has been awesome lately. New car is brilliant, Glastonbury was amazing, Thorpe Park was great and the weather is turning wonderful. We bought a small, tiny portable barbecue and used it for the first time today after the final at Wimbledon today. Food was lovely. I've been sat in the garden all weekend, wearing pretty much nothing at all and soaking up the sunshine.


Am I...Am I winning?

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I THINK I've avoided sunburn. Bought some shorts at a charity shop and some books to start a book club at work. Failed at finding a hat so was squinting on a beach all day, but met up with my birth twin -- technically my oldest friend; born in the same hospital 2 hours apart, our mothers were friends pre-birth. It's a cousin-esque relationship. We talked about holidaying this year, so we'll see.


Finally managed to buy a beard trimmer and after hacking away at two months of beard I can reveal that I've clearly lost some jowel weight! Looking forward to turning up to work tomorrow looking sexy as a pig in a blanket.

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This weekend was seriously awesome.


Friday night: Final league tennis match of the season. My partner and I won 3-0 including 6-0 in one of the sets. Ali came round afterwards and we watched 2 more episodes of The Sopranos. This is my second watch, her first. We're now up S01E06.


Saturday all day: Went kayaking with 2 friends up to the River Tay. Wee road trip in my friends vans. Stopped off at Maccy Dees for smoothies. Great day out, great fun kayaking. Totally decked it at one point and fell out but the water was a decent temperature.


Sunday: Played tennis with my cousin in the morning, then round to his for Wimbledon Final with all the family. Great fun watching it. Celebrated with a bottle of beer, my only drink of the weekend!


Sunday night: Tail-end of a BBQ and then 'Now You See Me'. Really fun film, enjoyed all the magic show sequences. Very easy to watch.

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I also had a pretty math weekend.


Saturday was a bit hectic as I travelled back from the Midlands to London and had to get from Euston to New Cross in 90 minutes, via home to get changed. In the heat it wasn't so desirable, but I made it! Then watched the documentary I was helping out with a while ago. Sunday I met a friend for brunch in Bloomsbury, then met some more friends for lunchtime drinks in Shoreditch and finished up with pizza in East Dulwich with other friends. Nice, relaxed and social. Muchos good.


Plus I'm a little burnt but not horrifically!

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I've had a pretty good last month really! Got a first from uni, found out my dissertation is going to get published, got the first job I applied for, got a decent crop of potatoes, had a BBQ yesterday and didn't get sunburnt and better yet the sun is still shining.... Something's got to go wrong soon.

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I don't know if this is good news or not. More of an observation.


I've been posting about my work success recently - well there are people at work I'm going to be leapfrogging. One of those guys has basically pissed off most of the girls on the team I'm moving into, without really realising it. Today I walked out into the smoking area to catch him echoing what I was saying to one of the boss men about wanting more work (only I used more of a finesse with my vocab, and was subtler and generally more indirect) -- he was saying "we spoke before and I said that I wanted more work, I just wanted to remind you that I want to do more things, that I want to take on bigger roles." Boss man said "you'll have to talk to HR about that." When I had a similar conversation Boss man was instead saying "put the effort in, stick with it, and the future may not be a million miles away." The guy who was effectively asking for a promotion has no idea that I'm getting the 'big chair' job in a few weeks (and 4 months quicker than him), nor does he realise he's antagonised the group that really have the final say about which potential colleague is hired. He also ended up saying "I wanna be like [jayseven] - he's a god!" and that made me feel good, but a bit cringeworthy about the situation.. he then exited, leaving me and Boss man to exchange eye-rolls.


I put this in the good stuff thread but really it's not news at all, I just couldn't think of a thread to draw from it.

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I don't know if this is good news or not. More of an observation.


I've been posting about my work success recently - well there are people at work I'm going to be leapfrogging. One of those guys has basically pissed off most of the girls on the team I'm moving into, without really realising it. Today I walked out into the smoking area to catch him echoing what I was saying to one of the boss men about wanting more work (only I used more of a finesse with my vocab, and was subtler and generally more indirect) -- he was saying "we spoke before and I said that I wanted more work, I just wanted to remind you that I want to do more things, that I want to take on bigger roles." Boss man said "you'll have to talk to HR about that." When I had a similar conversation Boss man was instead saying "put the effort in, stick with it, and the future may not be a million miles away." The guy who was effectively asking for a promotion has no idea that I'm getting the 'big chair' job in a few weeks (and 4 months quicker than him), nor does he realise he's antagonised the group that really have the final say about which potential colleague is hired. He also ended up saying "I wanna be like [jayseven] - he's a god!" and that made me feel good, but a bit cringeworthy about the situation.. he then exited, leaving me and Boss man to exchange eye-rolls.


I put this in the good stuff thread but really it's not news at all, I just couldn't think of a thread to draw from it.


I laughed at that bit. I imagine everyone in real life refers to you as jayseven.


Sounds like good work, though. It also highlights how being friendly and nice to everyone can get you far, especially in work.

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Ordered some protein bars in February from a seller on Amazon. After a few weeks they hadn't turned up so I asked for a refund.


Got home last night to find them lying outside my door, 5 months later. Packing slip said 25th February or something. How can something get lost in the post for so long?


You'd better believe I'm keeping these!

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I laughed at that bit. I imagine everyone in real life refers to you as jayseven.


Sounds like good work, though. It also highlights how being friendly and nice to everyone can get you far, especially in work.


I imagine everyone calling him 'j7wicked'.

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BEERFEST BEERFEST BEERFEST!!! I am now 50 minutes away from finishing work.


Once finished I'll be heading to my local rugby club where they are hosting the Cotsworld Beerfest.


I Cannot wait. Funny thing is it'll be all Ales & Ciders. I'm not in Ales at all, But do love a good cider. So will be partaking is some ridiculously strong ciders.


What a night.



And tomorrow will be seeing Bristol City vs Glasgow Rangers at Ashton Gate.



Great weekend ahead! Just gotta see this final part of the day out at work...

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I hope Bristol survives!


I've made a point of not going out in Bristol drinking tonight to avoid any trouble :p


4000 Glasgow fans expected, and would assume a good majority of them will be out and about Bristol tonight making a weekend of it.

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I've made a point of not going out in Bristol drinking tonight to avoid any trouble :p


4000 Glasgow fans expected, and would assume a good majority of them will be out and about Bristol tonight making a weekend of it.


4000 Rangers fans expected*


Big difference. Celtic fans don't go about trashing every city they go to.

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