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Yesterday was a great day. Went to parkour in the morning (and currently suffering for it, but in a good way), then met a friend and we went to the Camberwell degree shows, followed by a drink. Then met Daft for a coffee in a coffee shop where apparently all of the staff enjoyed Adventure Time. Mathematical!


The bruise on my hip looks kind of like some kind of badly drawn pikachu, which amuses me.

Edited by Ashley
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Will be out of employment next Friday. That isn't really a good thing, you might say, but I think the people who remember the story about me and my job will disagree.

Oh, and I disagree :p


In July I will help at my mom's work (she looks after kids at a school) for two weeks. Without payment but it will be fun :)


And in 1 1/2 weeks there is going to be a huge party.



Still happy. :yay:

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I did a 12 hour shift today. 12 hours! I know that isn't big news for other people, but its looooong for me.


= More money


+ Won at casino last night.



Only problem is I have noticed my eye sight has deterioated, so I now need;


- Ring

- Holiday

- Glasses

- Mini break


to save for. Definitely impossible to do all. Mini break might not make the cut. :(

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We got our new car todayyyy! We have finally said goodbye to the piece of shit that was our old Ford Fiesta, which we haven't even used for a full year, yet it cost us about 800 in repairs!


We are now the owners of a lovely Kia Picanto City, which has so many nice features on the inside that Jim is just completely in love with it. =P



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I'm the first!


You always come first.


Well I met Shorty, Nami, Dan Dare and Emma and I only needed one day!


I needed a break :heh:


In fairness, everyone except Ell was over the weekend. And these people live all over whereas Shami and Demma live practically next door to each other (in my head).


Although it reminds me, I should go up t'north at some point.

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I celebrated my 23rd birthday yesterday but really started celebrating it on Saturday night...


So on Saturday, after working the evening shift (ugh!), I went home and got changed and went out with the family to a pub that does karaoke and dancing and pool and giant Connect Four (yeah, it's cool!) and the DJ made an announcement for me and then played Black Sabbath's Paranoid, which is the song I needed to hear after work so that was awesome. So then a couple of drinks and a few bad/good/drunk singers later, Gangnam Style starts playing and, for some reason, I'm instantly drawn to the dancefloor. Everybody's doing the Gangnam Style half-arsed and I decided I'd dance to it for once. Fuck it, it's my birthday, right? So anyway, whilst doing it, literally the entire pub, including the people dancing on the floor stop and look at me doing the Gangnam Style. Of course, I only notice this halfway through the song at a part I had no idea what to do and I hear a woman shout "Oh my God, he's really good, he actually KNOWS it". At this point, I look around and see everybody and instantly try to walk back to my seat but the table near me were shouting "GO ON! FINISH THE SONG!". Then the DJ got involved and said "GO ON DAZZ! GIVE IT SOME WELLY!"...so I did and everybody cheered at the end. I got thanked by the DJ who called me "The Gangnam Kid" (it's like some B-movie Karate Kid film, lmao) and I more or less ran to my seat! My family were gobsmacked and said that was amazing. So then later on, had a few more drinks with my mates and then went home. I'm still unsure whether they were making fun of me or not but who the fuck cares, it's my birthday and I'll Gangnam Style if I want to! haha.


Sunday was the worst for me because I had work in the morning and I never usually get any after effects when I drink but I kind of had a headache which was set off by a screaming kid who wouldn't put on their shoes. Not only that, I had a bit of a...*ahem* disagreement with one of the members of management so that spoiled my weekend! Anyway, I drove home to find my headset for the 360 started to break so that miffed me off so I decided to watch Half-Blood Prince and the two Deathly Hallows and that cheered me up.


Monday came and it's my birthday! I got a lot of birthday wishes from my family and friends and work colleagues who texted me and tweeted me throughout the day, which was awesome! I went out to this very nice pub and had the best fish and chips I think I've ever had as well as a dessert (yeah, I know but hey, I'm 17st 12lb and it's my birthday, I'm making exceptions!) and it was Eton Mess cheesecake. It was the best effing thing ever! My dad also made his famous Chinese, which was just delicious! I also got some presents, one which is probably my favourite thing I own which I, of course, shall list first!


  • The Complete 11-disc Bluray Boxset of Harry Potter (IT'S JUST SO FREAKIN' AMAZING! <3)
  • "Muppet of the Year" Animal t-shirt (Funny story behind this one. My friend got me this and I unwrapped it and loved it. I then noticed it said "XL". As a joke, I said "XL? XL?! Bitch, are you saying I'm FAT?!" and laughed. Anyway, tried it on, doesn't fit! GUTTED! But no worries, I'm going to use it as motivational clothing. I WILL fit into that t-shirt!)
  • Black Sabbath- We Sold Our Soul to Rock and Roll t-shirt
  • Black Sabbath- 13 album (which is amazing)
  • Uncharted: Drake's Fortune for the PS3 (it's brilliant and it's actually the only PS3 game that I've invested a lot of time in!)
  • Uncharted 2: Among Thieves for the PS3
  • Uncharted 3: Drake's Deception for the PS3
  • £75
  • Big-ass Victoria Sponge cupcake
  • 2 pairs of gym shorts
  • Batman headphones
  • Superman wallet
  • Unknown present from my boss (I know right, my boss actually got me something...)




OH and I weighed myself today because it's weigh-in day and I haven't lost or gained anything! YAY! :D


So yeah, sorry to bore the tits off of you but I've just had a good week so far! :)

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Going in for an operation today. Going to have a septoplasty and turbinate diathermy. It's gonna be a bitch to recover (can't blow my nose for weeks, got to stay home for two weeks due to risk of infection), but it will be the first time that I'll ever be able to breathe through my nose.


I brought my PC home (staying at my parents), so it looks like two weeks of Skyrim.

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Going in for an operation today. Going to have a septoplasty and turbinate diathermy. It's gonna be a bitch to recover (can't blow my nose for weeks, got to stay home for two weeks due to risk of infection), but it will be the first time that I'll ever be able to breathe through my nose.


I brought my PC home (staying at my parents), so it looks like two weeks of Skyrim.


You've never breathed through your nose?! Like, not at all? Or just wheezily? Does that mean you had no taste up until now?


Good luck with the operation! I like the idea of medicinal Skyrim playing.


Well done! That's amazing! What are you doing?


I'll be working for an engineering consultancy company who design car suspension systems amongst other stuff. It's a pretty small family company though, so hopefully it'll be a nice place to work...


It's my first proper job though, so i'm not really sure what to expect.


The best part (apart from that they are going to give me money) is that it is close enough that i can cycle to work. Going to buy myself a bike as soon as i can.

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