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Well done on the job Llama, what will you be doing there?


Best thing for me has been getting my new furniture and getting it all setup, finally I have my own space here. My hands are cut to shreds and red raw but it was well worth it. I'll get some pics up in the other thread soon I think.

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I have one of those, never used it though.


I hope I will, well I'm going to try and keep it up if I can. I do advanced open water next semester as it's part of my uni course and I can take it further the year after by doing Dive Master. It's subsidised quite a lot so worth it for an experience.

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Best thing today: just back from my first final, left all of the study until today due to general confusion but the exam turned out to be stupidly easy. I suspect it's because we've racked up so many complaints against the lecturer that he gave us an easy exam so we couldn't complain any more. Three more to go!

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Best thing today: just back from my first final, left all of the study until today due to general confusion but the exam turned out to be stupidly easy. I suspect it's because we've racked up so many complaints against the lecturer that he gave us an easy exam so we couldn't complain any more. Three more to go!


Only three? Lucky... I had a dream we had an exam for that friday talk thing and I couldn't remember anything from them.


My best thing today was realising that my first exam tomorrow isn't as difficult as everyone makes it out. Mathematical biology, you can guess how to model some of them if you forget.

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Only three? Lucky... I had a dream we had an exam for that friday talk thing and I couldn't remember anything from them.


My best thing today was realising that my first exam tomorrow isn't as difficult as everyone makes it out. Mathematical biology, you can guess how to model some of them if you forget.


I did a module on Differential and Integral Equations last term which had a section on Volterra Equations, a specific case of which is the predator/prey population relationship. It was really interesting actually. I can imagine I'd enjoy mathematical biology.

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I did a module on Differential and Integral Equations last term which had a section on Volterra Equations, a specific case of which is the predator/prey population relationship. It was really interesting actually. I can imagine I'd enjoy mathematical biology.

I've done a whole course on this stuff - it's quite fun I suppose. There are a hell of a lot of DEs, if you like that kind of thing. I perhaps liked the epidemiology most.

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Think I've mentioned previously that that (well, epidemic models) was what I did my masters thesis on, but stochastic versions rather than deterministic. A lot of the time I ended up saying, oh well can't work out anything, but as the population size tends towards infinity the epidemic outcome tends towards the relevant deterministic solution.

Check me out!

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Got a cigarette holder in the post today, apparently I'd ordered it off Ebay from china, but I don't remember ordering it, and I've gone back through my Ebay and Paypal accounts and can find no record of buying it in the last year or so. Very strange, but I reckon it'll make a nice stocking filler for someone I know.

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Lucky people breaking up already. Still two more busy weeks to go for me. =P



Best part of my day was probably a last minute planned visit to my cousin. She lives on the other side of the country. My mom and aunt decided to drive up there tonight, so I said I'd join! Took us almost two hours to get there (and an hour and a half to get back), but I enjoy my cousin's company too much to say no. =)


And she made a lovely lasagne for us. Even though I had already eaten dinner, I just had to have a piece of that, mmm.

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I went to Wales to see my sister and nephew. He can now walk fully on his own.


And I had a bit of a dumb moment on the way back. I saw a sign which said "To J7". I was a bit confused until I realised that it meant "Junction 7".

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