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good stuff thread.


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So here I am. Finally did what I've wanted to do for years. Sitting in my new apartment that I just got today after an 18 hour journey and I've still had no sleep and experienced so much turbulence that I keep thinking everything is shaking.


Made it here to Japan and living in Sapporo for this university year. Just forced down a rice ball because I've realised I've not eaten for a good while, washed it down with some grape fanta.


On one hand, I'm extremely happy I've got to this point and can actually say I'm proud of myself for once. On the other hand though, I'm absolutely petrified but that's probably gonna be the case for the first few days as I start adjusting. Had a very amusing shock to the system when I bought a drink from the convenience store. Expecting an English reply, all I heard was "gobble gobble gobble" so I just murmurred a bit and gave over the cash. Sort of struck in my reality, but at least I got a good laugh out of it.


So yeah, things are awesome and I need to stop letting my paranoid side take over!

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What are you doing at University? I'm pretty sure you've said before, but i can't be bothered to go and check.


Business and Japanese. My univesity stopped the course which is a damn shame, but once a class hits third year they have a mandatory year abroad out here so they can pick up the language at a much faster rate thanks to the immersion.


Oxford Brookes still offer the same if I remember correctly, I'd had loved to have gone there as they've got a really interesting mix of placements. But then again, I went into university doing something completely different!


Here's a photo of the plane that was parked next to mine when I had arrived at my destination..




Needless to say, I was pretty jelly. Even if the plane I was on had a dolphin drawn on the engine.

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Yesterday, I was teaching a lesson about reversible and irreversible changes in Science. E.g, water can be heated, turned into steam, then can be turned back into a liquid/can be cooled/frozen, etc.


I questioned my class about other possible reversible changes, and then did the same with irreversible ones. Class was silent except for one person who put their hand up and suggested "Time".


I r proud of the human race. What's even more brilliant is that we had a discussion earlier about time, instigated by me decorating the classroom ceiling with somewhat inspirational song lyrics. One that caught their eyes was "Don't waste your time, or time will waste you," taken from Knights of Cydonia.

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So here I am. Finally did what I've wanted to do for years. Sitting in my new apartment that I just got today after an 18 hour journey and I've still had no sleep and experienced so much turbulence that I keep thinking everything is shaking.


Made it here to Japan and living in Sapporo for this university year. Just forced down a rice ball because I've realised I've not eaten for a good while, washed it down with some grape fanta.


On one hand, I'm extremely happy I've got to this point and can actually say I'm proud of myself for once. On the other hand though, I'm absolutely petrified but that's probably gonna be the case for the first few days as I start adjusting. Had a very amusing shock to the system when I bought a drink from the convenience store. Expecting an English reply, all I heard was "gobble gobble gobble" so I just murmurred a bit and gave over the cash. Sort of struck in my reality, but at least I got a good laugh out of it.


So yeah, things are awesome and I need to stop letting my paranoid side take over!


Good luck dude :)


I can remember what was pretty much my first transactional conversation in Japan after being up for about 24 hours - was in the Pokemon store (naturally) and then woman at the till said a whole load of things I didn't understand. I said no out of force of habit (bloody upselling) and she eventually said "say good luck" (or something obscure like that) and gave me a free fan!


Anyway, best of luck with everything over there dude. I hope you have a fantastic time :)



My good stuff, stuff is less exciting but managed to fix all the problems with the web site I'm building for tonight. Still needs more work on it tomorrow but at least things are in the right place, which is a good start! -edit- scratch that, just noticed it doesn't scale down -_- Made it fluid in about ten minutes. I'm learning! Not learning to sleep though evidentially.


Oh and mr-paul bought me a drink! (I haven't just spotted he's in here...)

Edited by Ashley
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Not as awesome as the news of moving to Japan (the best of luck to your Debug! Definitely keep us updated on how you get on) but I went to the intrepid museum which is across from my apartment:




I was on my own, but its so handy having the flip camera on my S2




First time I've ever seen a concord, it was crazy! Unfortunately you had to book in advance to go inside.






The bed sizes inside the submarine based there - called the Growler of all names haha. I was the tallest person in our group, the volunteer showing us around mentioned it and we had a laugh about how I wouldn't want to sleep/stay there.











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I didn't even know you could be blocked from following someone... Isn't that little more than an inconvenience really? You can't be blocked from just like, refreshing their feed.


First time I've ever seen a concord, it was crazy! Unfortunately you had to book in advance to go inside.

My parents flew on Concorde! To NYC no less, so maybe even that one. And not long before it was decommissioned.

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That's pretty cool Shorty - I was like 'whoa!' when I saw it!


I've had a really good morning, went to Times square, which was quite quiet which made it really bearable for me. Bought some gifts for home (I've still got to get some mugs for my folks and maybe buy a few more wristbands that say I love NY on them for other people). Got a man compliment me on my legs and told me to get them out more and had a starbucks.


Now I'm ordering chinese and going to catch up on some readin, ooft!



I miss the how was your day thread actually, I miss hearing about your days guys! <3


edit: I also got contacted by the guys I want to do my first tattoo - eeee!

Edited by nightwolf
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I didn't even know you could be blocked from following someone... Isn't that little more than an inconvenience really? You can't be blocked from just like, refreshing their feed.


Yeah exactly. I think it means I can't send her a DM or @ message perhaps? Anyway, I don't care, our work account follows her and I saw a Tweet pop up so replied from my personal account.

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I didn't even know you could be blocked from following someone... Isn't that little more than an inconvenience really? You can't be blocked from just like, refreshing their feed.


I think it's just an effect of the standard block button. The main thing it does is stop the blocked person appearing in the mentions page when they mention you.

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Enrollment for my post grad tomorrow. Slightly dreading it, despite having done my undergrad at the uni, but it's just the usual 'freak-out' I have when I'm about to do something that's keeping me on the same career path and makes me think of running away from it and freeing myself. Also the fact that I don't know if anyone other than myself is doing the course is a bit unnerving.


Actually excited to get started on it and find out what my research practicum is going to be and who my supervisor for my research is. More excited about the last part as I've got the basis for a really interesting piece of research that I really want to carry out after having been stuck with a linguistics piece last year.


Hopefully meetup with a few friends for a couple of drinks afterwards to 'celebrate' being students again, or cry about having to fork over so much money for it. Depends how tomorrow pans out really :D

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Had enough of (constantly re)doing my portfolio site so I worked on a mobile redesign for my friend's mother's site, which I've been meaning to do for ages.


Managed to get the design and everything pretty much down, just need to add the fancy phone features (e.g. clicking on the email will open your email app, 'find us' will open map app etc).


And its 11:30. Earliest I've finished working all week!


Aaaaaaaaand sleep.



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Weird day -


Got to eat delicious Korean food and then practice my Korean on some of the staff at the restaurant I was at. It was amazing ;____, they are all so pretty !!

Got my haircut too (by a hot Asian :indeed:) which has just turned out to be my favourite haircut ever. Lurrve it.

Also bought this amazing bubble tea in the city which was amazing. I noticed the staff were playing k-pop as well, I asked them about it and I actually had this really amazing time with them. I came back a few hours later, had an even deeper conversation. I squealed when he played one of my favourite bands and then 3 Asian girls exclaimed, "Oh my god! You like Big Bang and 2NE1?! You like K-Pop!?"


I ended up spending 2 hours in this tiny shop. The guy even closed the shutter and we all had a jolly time. 6 new cute Asian friends ^__^


I also had a short but lovely random encouter with @heroicjanitor ! : D

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Jealous :heh: Hoping to go back there myself early next year.


Got a text from my brother telling me his baby has been born and is called Ella. Tempted to respond with "Ella, Ella, Ella, Eh, Eh?" He seems really happy though which is good....just can't help but feel in a few years time I may not see this niece either. Hopefully it will all work out, for his sake.

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met up with mein mann today and all was good. haven´t seen him in 2+ months and was unsure of where we were going but it seems to be stable again. he´s working in a hospital for 13 hrs a day which takes its toll but otherwise i´m happy,


he also bought me my first kpop album from when he went to korea this summer O.O WONDERBAR

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My two weeks off has begun. We are leaving for Oakwood theme park in Wales in 15 minutes. Wooot. I have never been, and I love going to new theme parks.


Also going to Paultons later this week - have not been in ages.


And stuff.


Went to Paultons earlier this summer. Pissed it down all day but still had an awesome time. Avoid the Peppa Pig section, it's shit. Although you should actually go in it for the lolz.

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Already bagged myself a little part time job teaching a little English to some one I met today. Feels daaamn good man.


No idea how much it pays but I don't give a shit, I'd easily do it for free considering how fun today was by just simply talking. Fucking love this place.

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