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Today at work I was told what my bonus is going to be. It's normally a decent bonus (around 10% of salary) but this year it's been bumped up to about 14%. Super pleased. Tomorrow I find out my pay rise - I hope that's as pleasant a surprise. :)


Bloody hell that's a ridiculously good bonus. You aren't a taxpayer bailed out banker are you?


Seriously thought congrats. Is that performance related? What company do you work for? Do they have any jobs going? :p

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Got my module results for the first semester of year 2 this morning, which basically means the first results that actually count for anything. I did much better than I expected, the only bad result out of the 4 being Stats but really even that was alright since I was half expecting to fail.


The other 3 modules were all 2:1s with one of them being dam close to a first. It bodes well considering how much more work I could have done last semester, I might even attain a few firsts if I really try...:heh:


Good times though :)

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Finished all the testing for my dissertation! :yay: Thank god for that. Hopefully my supervisor will be happy enough with the number of participants I've gotten and if he's not, well f**k him.


Think I'll head to the pub now for a well deserved drink before trying to tackle the stats with my spreadsheets.

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That is awesome.... Also I remember having Solstice on my NES... I also remember getting stuck fairly early and never finishing the game. It was just too hard for my young mind to take in :heh:


Is it out on the VC? I'd love to see how I fair on it now

I was too young to fully appreciate it also.


Can't seem to find it on Virtual Console, but here it is in flash glory:



Visited around 25 rooms and "completed" 7% in my first run. Would've done better if I had a controller.

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They extended my contract until the end of next month today. Which is brilliant, and like the pay is nom nom nom but it's so damn exhausting. I think I need to slow my work rate down because I'm in danger of burning out.


And my copy has been deemed good enough for me to have the final approval. I don't have to run it by anyone, which is both terrifying but also pretty awesome. Especially since I've been there less than two weeks.


Also my copy got sent to someone super high up at Xbox global. Dunno if I can say who, so I won't. Score.

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After a seriously dry period for writing, I finally found a catalyst for an extended rant. Recently played through Resident Evil 5 again, and then went and wrote down what I thought in as entertaining a manner as I could muster (being out of practice). There's something to be said for a having a moderated perspective of a game that comes after the hype cycle and initial response has died down.


If you care to take a read: http://audioserf.wordpress.com/

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They extended my contract until the end of next month today. Which is brilliant, and like the pay is nom nom nom but it's so damn exhausting. I think I need to slow my work rate down because I'm in danger of burning out.


And my copy has been deemed good enough for me to have the final approval. I don't have to run it by anyone, which is both terrifying but also pretty awesome. Especially since I've been there less than two weeks.


Also my copy got sent to someone super high up at Xbox global. Dunno if I can say who, so I won't. Score.


What is a 'copy'?

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my teeth have already started to move, after only 3 days of having these braces in... one of them has twisted slightly into line, and has filled in a gap and left a gap somewhere else and its a really visible change o_o At the moment my teeth look more gappy than they did 4 days ago.... but yeah it is a good thing because its helping my diet and it will fix my teeth eventually... i'm quite enjoying the obsessive compulsion to clean my teeth far too often..:D

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my teeth have already started to move, after only 3 days of having these braces in... one of them has twisted slightly into line, and has filled in a gap and left a gap somewhere else and its a really visible change o_o At the moment my teeth look more gappy than they did 4 days ago.... but yeah it is a good thing because its helping my diet and it will fix my teeth eventually... i'm quite enjoying the obsessive compulsion to clean my teeth far too often..:D


Nice one. When I had mine it was similar.


The only thing is, even after 4 years of various braces, they start to move back to their previous position really quickly! After a few weeks of not wearing my retainer at night I notice a huge difference when putting it back in.

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Nice one. When I had mine it was similar.


The only thing is, even after 4 years of various braces, they start to move back to their previous position really quickly! After a few weeks of not wearing my retainer at night I notice a huge difference when putting it back in.


Yeah, I can confirm that. Even after just a few days without the retainer you can feel the difference when you put it in.

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I don't know about you guys, but due to the extent of what my teeth were, they left two bars on the back of my teeth (one top and one bottom.) I've had them since I was 15/16 now and they've no sign of coming out.


It's basically a bad idea to remove them just incase my teeth decide to revert back, as I quite like being able to close my mouth properly.

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