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So.. I find out next Friday whether I'm being robbed of my time or not. Any one know what action I should take if pay day arrives and I haven't been paid?


Fight like there's no tomorrow to get a contract. If push comes to shove and they won't pay you, get in touch with ACAS, and if that doesn't work, sue them. It worked for me.

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I understand the hack a lot more now. After UK2 pretty much told me "we aren't skilled enough, sort it out yourself" I started doing it. After downloading the entire of one website (which took ages) it took about five minutes to remove the new code.


Now, I realise I haven't secured the site yet but it's an "automatic" hack (really, it should be called a website virus not a hack). It's also very flawed as it kills the site (a good website virus should keep the site very much alive). However, I now what files are affected and can re-upload them if the problem occurs (I will be securing the site once it's removed from all of them), as it destroys the website when it's there I don't see any risk to any visitors.


Still, at least it's nowhere as bad as I thought.

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@Frank what do you wear when you go out (clubbing/in town)? Cause I always imagine (from what you post) you're the reincarnation of Hepburn/Monroe, or at least have hair like/drive around town in a car like:



Yet in the photos of you I've seen I don't recall you (clothes-wise) evoking that feeling. You should embrace it. In a male way. I don't know how one does that though.

Maybe you should start smoking with one of those cigarette holder things.



HMM. Interesting. I'd like to think that what I post is true to how I am in real life. So, who knows what I could be the reincarnation of! Your post did make me realise that I don't pay that much attention to clothing or appearance. Yet, my philosophy holds this idea that, "Identity is all we have." I should embrace it. I'm not sure how I'm supposed to do that either though, without looking like I'm in drag. If you find a solution -- PM me. Or tweet me. I'll be there.

Usually when letting myself a little loose, I wear a nice shirt..some nice slim trousers and I've just bought a pair of real fancy boots! So I wear them, I guess nothing too out of the ordinary.


@Frank - sounds like Diageo is teaching you well :p Weren't you cold???


I've no idea what he's teaching me. Should I be frightened? Luckily the boat wasn't cold at all! In fact, I don't even recall walking along the streets that cold. Well, others were but I was fine :smile: I don't feel the cold much anyway.


Plus, the party on the boat was in this downstairs area so it was all toasty and cosy! :grin:

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Fight like there's no tomorrow to get a contract. If push comes to shove and they won't pay you, get in touch with ACAS, and if that doesn't work, sue them. It worked for me.


Got a text congratulating me on my job and saying I start tomorrow.. on a completely different shift than the one I'm supposed to be on. This is going to be a royal pain in the ass to get sorted when I turn up in 2 hours time as all the managers are too busy spouting "no time to talk, CHRISTMAS RUSH SORTING PLEASE"

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Afternoon off work! Meant to do some Christmas shopping...got stuff for myself.


Then went for a meal. Prawn crackers, edamame beans, 2 mains, 2 puddings and drinks for £5! And it was damn awesome! Opening week trial for a restaurant so we were only charged the drinks. I don't get why people say "London is expensive". If you play it right you can get a lot of free stuff :heh:


And fun.'s newest song is climbing up the iTunes chart. The fanboy that I am is pleased.

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I'm the only one to post in here for two days? You people need better lives :heh:


I agreed to teach a course on Flash/Action Script today! Need to bone up on both of these...to be fair its only introductory. He showed me the handouts today and I added myself to the module so will check it all out tomorrow. As long as I stay one class ahead...


But it should be interesting and the pay ain't bad! Although I did decide recently I don't want to go into teaching but the universe seems to have other ideas as I'm teaching Excel on Sunday too.

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Day off from Uni because of the weather. Well... it was actually open but the bridge across to Dundee shut before I would have left so got to spend the day at home reading stuff for my cognitive neuroscience essay (some might see this as boring but it's on the role of genetics in attention and it's really interesting) and playing Mario Kart.


After yesterday, today's 'break' was very much appreciated :D

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I'm super happy, dya get mi cuz?!


Just been on a training course near the welsh boarder for 2 days. Brain hurts but I've learnt loads am feeling pretty good about myself. Also, OnLive have brought out their app for Android and shortly iOS so I'll be able to play more games with my cousin and friends on the super cheap.

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Went to a quiz last night and won a bottle of whiskey.


My team was me and three friends, as opposed to the old pub-goer teams of the others. Too many questions related to old stuff/ generally old people having a lot of quiz show knowledge meant we were losing.


One of my friends knew the announcer and asked her the prizes and she said there were prizes for 1st, 2nd and last. Knowing we would not get 1st or 2nd we threw the game and came last (as opposed to 2nd or 3rd last, out of 11). Won a selection box and people cheered because the young ones came last :p


The whiskey I won in a raffle. Sounded like I was successful at first though right? :D

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A prize for last place is stupid.


I think it was meant to be secret, and in a don't feel bad thanks for coming kinda way. I said that we should throw the game jokingly and the others latched on to it. I almost certainly wouldn't have thrown it if it was up to me, but a selection box is better than nothing.

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A prize for 2nd-last is a nice "thanks for playing" thing because it's a lot harder to plot to come 2nd-last. Rewarding those who are either stupid or conniving is unfair towards the teams that come 4th or 5th, who make the effort and are smart!


(FYI most of my pub quiz results have ended 3rd last :P)

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A prize for last place is stupid.






Today has been a great day. Went to view the office again this morning and put down an offer which was accepted even thought it was ridiculously low! Then went to Xscape to go skiing with 3 friends (who I'm going to France with in January). Had a great couple of hours skiing and then went to Lazer Quest.


Brilliant. We booked in for a game at 7pm thinking it would just be ourselves but turned out we were in with 19 6-8 year olds! It was madness. Lots of shouts for 'get the big guys' or 'chase them' all over the place. Our tactics were spot on though, covering each others backs and taking the high ground and sniping from it.

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A prize for 2nd-last is a nice "thanks for playing" thing because it's a lot harder to plot to come 2nd-last. Rewarding those who are either stupid or conniving is unfair towards the teams that come 4th or 5th, who make the effort and are smart!


(FYI most of my pub quiz results have ended 3rd last :P)


Haha fair enough. I used to win quizzes all the time back in secondary, I think college makes me too specialised. Learning more and more about less and less until I know everything about nothing. (Stolen quote, forget who said it but I like it).


My nephew was born this afternoon. I'm now an uncle.




Wow congratulations! You're still young enough to be the cool uncle :p

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