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The left-wing parties have just been elected into government in Denmark! (Well, about 7% of the votes still need to be counted, but we have practically won.) After 10 years with the liberalists at the helm, the power is finally back in the hands of the socialists again! :D


And we have finally had a first breakthrough in the formation of our government, whoo! After a year and a half, it's about time! =P


Though I guess there's still a lot to be discussed and done, but I hope they finally get it done and get to business! Can't go much longer without a proper government.

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Met my housemate (and her friend) after I finished work and went to Eathai Busaba. Then we were joint by @Razz and went for free drinks at the launch of some lingerie line. Once the drinks dried up there we went to a bar instead. Really good night :D Had whiskey, vodka, gin and champagne. Who said mixing was a bad idea eh?

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The left-wing parties have just been elected into government in Denmark! (Well, about 7% of the votes still need to be counted, but we have practically won.) After 10 years with the liberalists at the helm, the power is finally back in the hands of the socialists again! :D


So your choice is between Liberalists and Socialists?



man I wanna live in Denmark.

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So your choice is between Liberalists and Socialists?



man I wanna live in Denmark.


Not that kind of Liberal from what I understand, the bad kind, slightly more akin to the American "Libertarians" who's big freedom agenda is the freedom for the very wealthy to keep getting more wealthy and can't quite understand why anything else matters so long as that's happening.

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I'm finally moving house tomorrow, starting the student life style at long last.


This is my new room...




Picked up the keys a couple of hours ago and will be all moved in by the end of the weekend. Gonna get the room set up beautiful, 7.1 surround sound, 50 inch plasma, the works. It's the biggest bedroom in the house and the fact I got it was really lucky. The place I had lined up fell through and the girl who's room this was can no longer afford it. I saw the advert she put up that same day, went to see it the day after and now I'm all set (well I still have to box loads of shit up) to go. Met the other housemates and some more of their friends on Monday, had a great night and they all seem like nice people. My only concern was that I'm 6 years older than them but that doesn't look like it's gonna be an issue!


Can't wait :D !

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Busy day was busy! But quite good. =)



We spent quite some time moving furniture into my sister's new room at uni. My sister is currently on holiday in Turkey, so me and my parents had to do the moving. Had to carry looooots of stuff up and down the stairs, phew. And we tried to put together a bed from IKEA (one of those high beds), but it took aaaaages and we only managed to do half of it before running out of time.


Straight after that we went to pick up... my new car! Whooo!

Well old car, but it's newer than the car I'm currently using. My cousin is selling it as she's getting a new one, so now I have an 8 year old Opel Corsa, blue one. Haven't tested it yet but I'm sure it's better than what I currently have. =)


And then after picking up the car and driving all the way home, we had a quick dinner and then left to the film with some family. Was a good film (Flemish one) and we had a drink afterwards. Didn't get back until 2 am haha.




Tomorrow will be busy too with work and then family dinner for grandpa's birthday. Busy times! But I like it. =)

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Making a claim for Working Tax Credits, first time i've ever claimed for the stuff. How many people can say that the Government pay for you to get to work every week. Which is what i'm using this money for, earning £15k a year and getting a potential further £50 p/w on-top of my wages.

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Sorry about the server slip up yesterday.


Off to Essex for a week. HOT TUUUUUB. Lord knows my muscles need it.


I'm just reblogging because I love the gif.


The past few days have been great, work is awesome and we've setup a night out in the next week or so and we're sorting out a christmas party (currently it looks like we're going to have a live band, lots of food and sweeties and present swapping.)


Yesterday I managed to get everything cleaned and relaxed all day and today I bought everything I needed for my room so it's finally finished and I've got a roast in the oven.


Oh and the guy I liked at Jagex, admitted to me he likes me back, wooohoo. :heart:

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Thank You all for the messages of great support! I really appreciated them.


I haven't been around N-E as often as I used to be. So I haven't really been keeping things updated. You know, blabbering on about shit. Things have, of course, been terrific. After that message I wrote here I had an hour phone call with my sister. My soul felt light and I went downstairs to the enigmatic housemates, for the laugh. Had another 'movie-moment'. I arrive into a room...coffee mug in hand, I look around and don't recognize a soul. Everyone's talking and chatting together (enjoying life.) while I stand, awkwardly. Suddenly someone calls my name -- it's a woman I'd introduced myself to previously. I sigh with relief and begin to talk to everyone. That scene'll be recreated with Julia Robberts playing me.


Since then -- basically just getting to know everyone. I've encountered people from 4 corners of the globe. My favorite Canadian who exchanges whiskey with me, my favorite Chinese who is terribly shy but obviously a superwoman, my favorite French -- We drink and blabber in French with tobacco smoke encircling us. Just happened to bump into @EddieColeslaw and @heroicjanitor on my travels. Which was a blast. I still get to return home at weekends so I can see all the besties at home.



I plan on visiting some museums etc. in the city this week.

College life is enticing me.

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Thank You all for the messages of great support! I really appreciated them.


I haven't been around N-E as often as I used to be. So I haven't really been keeping things updated. You know, blabbering on about shit. Things have, of course, been terrific. After that message I wrote here I had an hour phone call with my sister. My soul felt light and I went downstairs to the enigmatic housemates, for the laugh. Had another 'movie-moment'. I arrive into a room...coffee mug in hand, I look around and don't recognize a soul. Everyone's talking and chatting together (enjoying life.) while I stand, awkwardly. Suddenly someone calls my name -- it's a woman I'd introduced myself to previously. I sigh with relief and begin to talk to everyone. That scene'll be recreated with Julia Robberts playing me.


Since then -- basically just getting to know everyone. I've encountered people from 4 corners of the globe. My favorite Canadian who exchanges whiskey with me, my favorite Chinese who is terribly shy but obviously a superwoman, my favorite French -- We drink and blabber in French with tobacco smoke encircling us. Just happened to bump into @EddieColeslaw and @heroicjanitor on my travels. Which was a blast. I still get to return home at weekends so I can see all the besties at home.



I plan on visiting some museums etc. in the city this week.

College life is enticing me.


You went to win, to fight, to conquer, to fly.



Edited by Paj!
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Not that kind of Liberal from what I understand, the bad kind, slightly more akin to the American "Libertarians" who's big freedom agenda is the freedom for the very wealthy to keep getting more wealthy and can't quite understand why anything else matters so long as that's happening.


More or less, yes. They're economic liberalists, i.e. somewhat milder versions of capitalists; basically they believe that cuts on all public spending (schools, pensions, hospitals, etc.) and tax reductions are the way forward, and they want to privatise more of society. They've been in power for 10 years, and lately they've moved further and further to the right, with a new party rising to popularity that seems to have genuinely capitalistic tendencies.


All parties here in Denmark are pretty "liberal"/libertarian in that they want personal freedom for everyone to live their lives as they want. It's generally just that the left-wing parties and the right-wing parties disagree on which economic ideology achieves that best. As should be apparent, I support the social democratic/socialist parties.


I'm finally moving house tomorrow, starting the student life style at long last.


This is my new room...




It's somewhat physics-defying, isn't it? :D


Congrats on the new place! :)




Anyway, just got home about 4 hours ago from a weekend trip with my university course to a cottage in a forest. Not the most luxurious conditions, but lots and lots of booze and partying and (unfortunately only male) nakedness. But I had fun, and now I'm tired as fuck. :heh:


And I may just have a teeny tiny crush on one of my tutors who's 7 years older than me. That or it's just the tiredness talking.

Edited by Dannyboy-the-Dane
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Just got my placement grades!


Managed to snag a 76.5.


Which makes me happy because my second year average was 75, meaning anything less than that would have meant my placement had essentially lowered my overall degree (so far).


Yay placement was worth it!

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Everybody clap your hands!





Ive had a decent weekend but spent FAR too much money. About £70 on Saturday night for a friends bday and then night out. Then about £35 last night if not more on another night out. Totally worth it though! I've still got it.



Too hungover to go to the office today but will head through tomorrow, the only reason being that I like the girl who works in Baguette Express and I want to go there for lunch for an excuse to talk to her! Her face lights up when I walk in so I've got high hopes. My plan for tomorrow is to find out her name :p

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Feeling some RedBubble love today!


Got featured on the homepage with my Rain drawing. Though I don't think my drawing fits in with the other ones, as they are a bit more scary than mine. =P




And then right now I noticed one of my stickers appeared in a RedBubble Weekly Wrap. They're giving away a big batch of stickers for Talk like a Pirate day, and seems mine is one of those? Whoo! Not that I get anything from all this, but still, exposure. =P



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