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I got an email off someone today, offering me a job position.


It's way more money, but isn't in gaming. I'm calling later today.


It's scary and nothing may occur, but I'm tempted.




Keep us informed!



Along similar lines, someone from my last job emailed saying him and some friends are working on a 2D game in Unity and was wondering if I could do the animation. Phoned saying maybe-possibly, but would like to help with the coding. It's not paid, but its a thing!

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Wedding stuff is well and truly kicking off now.


* Suits purchased

* Mini bus ordered for guests

* Reception Invites sent out

* Registrar Confirmed Details

* Music Playlists submitted to venue

* Gift List is live

* Heather's ring arrived

* My ring's on order

* Stag do is booked and paid for (So I've been told)


All done in the space of a week.


Soon enough we'll be on the fun task of table planning. Friends of mine that have got married said this is the worst part of the organizing, So not looking forward to this part.

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I have a telephone interview next week.




Considering I put my CV in at 8 and got a call at 11..







It seems everyone (9 people) liked my Facebook status stolen quote today:


"I think it's brave to try to be happy. You've gotten so comfortable being unhappy. Wouldn't it be wonderful to wake up in the morning and choose to be happy?"


Nice to see people so eager to be happy!

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Accidentally shaved my beard off today, but instead of people avoiding the subject and pretending nothing happened they remarked positively. 10% of me strongly (paranoidly) believes that compliments are only made in a slow attempt to socially say "I see you are not feeling good about losing the beard, so perhaps if I pretend it looks good and say so, then you will feel better and thus be less sad - even though actually I'm just creating a false reality which will shatter one day and leave you feeling like everyone is lying" -- though 90% of me does think that they're right and I do look like a tortoise. Which is a good thing. Honest.


I don't know.

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I'm feeling pretty happy with life at the moment.


I started back at work full-time this week (after doing 0.5 FTE over two days since July) and was worried it would bring me down. Don't get me wrong, its as meh as its always been, but the rest of life is on the up so it feels better.


I'm happy where I live for the first time in a long time, two people have commented on my arms getting bigger this week, I went on a great date last week (after a string of bad/unsuccessful ones) and been texting a lot since then and meeting again tomorrow, numerous people at work upon finding out I'm back FT have said "that's great for us, probably not for you but we're happy to see you back" (my own team that I'm constantly propping up did not...) and just generally feeling happy you know?


Life is good right now :)

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@world accidentally shaving beard = being sleepy and forgetting to put the grade 2 shavey thingey on the end of the trimmer, then realising after a second that IT'S TOO LATE.


Not going to post before and afters because I don't have any recent befores, and I currently have a massive zit, and because I hate my face.


Enough about me and my face and more about ashley and his arms! He's army!

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Went to see The Drowned Man last night after hearing all sorts of things about how insane/confusing/remarkable the experience would be.


Absolutely fantastic. I realised within about 20 minutes I'd definitely be going back again. Kinda need to as I seem to have missed so much despite feeling like I got a lot out of it.

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So I had my interview at 1:00 today.


I thought I did pretty badly, which is something of a first for me. But it was due to a technical question that I believe I over-thought.


Seems like I did well, because half an hour later I was invited to a face to face interview. Go team.

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First exam (inorganic chemistry) next week and because I'm a lazy fucker I haven't studied at all until today.


Went through shitloads of material to summerize and write down all the important formulae (formulas?). 1 1/2 topics remaining.

Of course I don't remember all of it, yet, but fuck me that stuff is awesome :D


I'm so glad that I decided to begin studying Biotechnology.



Will be stressful 1-2 months from now on. 5 exams, haven't done anything for all of them (except chemistry, of course), but I'm quite a good learner, especially under pressure.


May fail one or two exams, though, but I don't mind. I wasn't really prepared for the amount of stuff I have to learn and I didn't know how to organize all of it.

Everything is just a learning experience and I'll know better next semester. :)



tl;dr: Stress, pressure, huge amount of stuff to learn, but it's awesome/fun/great and I'm happy with it.

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