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Shit me sideways, that location is epic. You're on 42nd Street and literally 4 block west of Times Square. You are the jammiest of jammy bastards. That's so incredibly unfair, I want to live in New York City for 8 weeks! :mad:


The tourist most people miss is the Top of the Rock - the open air observation deck on the top of the GE building at 40 Rockafeller Plaza (yes, that 40Rock). Crucially, it's open later than the Empire State Building, and I can tell you from first hand experience the view of NYC after dark from that height is not one you forget.


Oh, and a walk up the Avenue of the Americas (6th, irrc) from Fort Clinton on the southern tip of Manhattan up to Central Park is great for the "concrete canyon" feeling. That, and it's unmistakably New York. And therefore inherently cool.


I cannot express quite how jealous I am.


I spent so much time on the Avenue of the Americas, most likely because the NHL shop was there but I also like to think it was because it's got an awesome name.


All this talk makes me want to go back immediately.

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Shit me sideways, that location is epic. You're on 42nd Street and literally 4 block west of Times Square. You are the jammiest of jammy bastards. That's so incredibly unfair, I want to live in New York City for 8 weeks! :mad:


The tourist most people miss is the Top of the Rock - the open air observation deck on the top of the GE building at 40 Rockafeller Plaza (yes, that 40Rock). Crucially, it's open later than the Empire State Building, and I can tell you from first hand experience the view of NYC after dark from that height is not one you forget.


Oh, and a walk up the Avenue of the Americas (6th, irrc) from Fort Clinton on the southern tip of Manhattan up to Central Park is great for the "concrete canyon" feeling. That, and it's unmistakably New York. And therefore inherently cool.


I cannot express quite how jealous I am.


I'm sorry :(. I mean, no, I'm not, I've been told under no circumstance am I to apologise any further for it (people have been bitching etc).


Thank you for the suggestions though! They are on the list. :D

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Parents finally put their hands in their pockets and paid for something for graduation: my suit. £250. Thanks very much :D Very nice suit as well. Unfortunately, it highlights the fact I'm in severe need of a hair cut.

You are aware this suit will be covered by a massive gown and hat?


But it is a nice gift. When you get to our ages - suits are often appreciated.

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What do you wear for graduation? I've been told that you don't wear a blazer under your gown.


We were told that we should wear either a full suit or a kilt with jacket under the gown.


I opted for Kilt/Jacket as I think that the combination goes really well with the gown!

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Brilliant day yesterday. Really enjoyed it. Grad ceremony was a little pompous at first but some laughs were had thanks to some of the people crossing the stage. Garden party afterwards was great as well. Free champers, beautiful weather and lots of pictures with friends. Then meal with parents at a mediterranean restaurant which was really good and again, a couple of laughs with the waiters over my dad's willingness to make my mother pay the bill :laughing: And finally drinks and a night out culminating in me attempting to bust a move on the dance floor and looking like an arse while some girl was trying to grind with me.


A little saddened that yesterday was my last proper day as a student but it was a brilliant way to graduate after 4 years of hard work. And there's still the grad ball on saturday to send everything off with one big 12 hour party :D

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Just got word my friend has a free ticket to a Bruce Springsteen concert. Haven't really listened to him before but seemed like too good an opportunity to pass up - *goes away and frantically listens to back catalogue.

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Just got word my friend has a free ticket to a Bruce Springsteen concert. Haven't really listened to him before but seemed like too good an opportunity to pass up - *goes away and frantically listens to back catalogue.


You will have the time of your life. One of my mates is heading down to Manchester tomorrow for it and I'm incredibly jealous! I missed him when he came to Hampden a few years back and everyone who went said it was absolutely incredible.


He's such a good performer. Doesn't have have a support band before him - he just starts really early and does the whole thing!

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You will have the time of your life. One of my mates is heading down to Manchester tomorrow for it and I'm incredibly jealous! I missed him when he came to Hampden a few years back and everyone who went said it was absolutely incredible.


He's such a good performer. Doesn't have have a support band before him - he just starts really early and does the whole thing!


Haha, cheers. Perhaps shamefully, I only really know two songs by him, but hopefully I'll have a ball anyhow. I'm sure it'll be good fun - just a shame about the rain :heh:

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'Born to Run' and 'Born in the USA'?


I'd learned a few more by the time I went to the gig - Badlands, Thunder Road, Dancing in the Dark as well. Weirdly enough he didn't actually perform 'Born in the USA' - maybe he views it as a bit of an Iron Lung? :heh:


Anyway, the gig was pretty dam good - he is an excellent showman. He was full to the brim with energy and charisma for what was nearly a solid three hour setlist and he only seemed to get better as the show went on.


Personal highlight was Dancing In The Dark, out of the 'quiet' songs I really enjoyed Jack Of All Trades. At one point near the end he spotted it was someones birthday in the crowd and had two of them up on stage getting their freak on. It was delightful.

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I'd learned a few more by the time I went to the gig - Badlands, Thunder Road, Dancing in the Dark as well. Weirdly enough he didn't actually perform 'Born in the USA' - maybe he views it as a bit of an Iron Lung? :heh:


Anyway, the gig was pretty dam good - he is an excellent showman. He was full to the brim with energy and charisma for what was nearly a solid three hour setlist and he only seemed to get better as the show went on.


Personal highlight was Dancing In The Dark, out of the 'quiet' songs I really enjoyed Jack Of All Trades. At one point near the end he spotted it was someones birthday in the crowd and had two of them up on stage getting their freak on. It was delightful.


Sounds amazing mate. One of my friends is heading down to Manchester this evening for the gig there.

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Some bellend on my facebook set his status as "I glad my gf liked her flowers today ! !"


So I commented taking the piss saying "I bought my girlfriend two bouquets of flowers today"


and he replied saying "haha great minds Michael".






Fucking lol.

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Got tickets to see Childish Gambino today! I kind of want to touch Donald Glover.


Cycle into work was nice and easy sans buses. In fact it took 10 minutes less! (which meant I got there at 8:20 when I don't start until 10...)


Free drinks at the work bar.


Got home to find Beat the Beat waiting for me.


Good times!

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Some bellend on my facebook set his status as "I glad my gf liked her flowers today ! !"


So I commented taking the piss saying "I bought my girlfriend two bouquets of flowers today"


and he replied saying "haha great minds Michael".






Fucking lol.


And now Claire is wondering who this girlfriend is.

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