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I bought something for my girlfriend :) Need a lot of stuff for the Advent Calender I'm making for her and your shop has given me one present.




They are very nice. I might also buy some greeting cards next week.


Edit: I just realised that I bought the earrings from your etsy store and that you have more on your homepage. :)


Thank you! I hope she will like them. =)

I will put my new store in my signature instead of my Etsy store, since I'll be updating that one instead from now on.


How does it work with shipping to the UK then?


Am I best buying a card directly from you or from Etsy?

Etsy or buying from me is the same. If you buy through Etsy it's still me who has to take care of shipping and all that, it's just that Etsy takes some of my money away. =P

So I may just get rid of my Etsy store, not much use for it now I guess!


Shipping to the UK is no problem, I just sent a package to Jim, sent one to Eddie too in Ireland and even mailed one to the US. It's just shipping costs that change per region, but you can see that during checkout. =)

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As I'm too lazy to go through to check out cost of a card or two? I assume it would be less than €1 if you're just doing normal postage, right?


Actually for sending cards to the UK it's €3.5 for shipping and packaging (€2 in Belgium), simply because the cards and envelopes won't fit in an envelope themselves. Anything that's bigger/thicker than that is charged at a higher rate here. Our post system is stupid and expensive. =(


Once I move to the UK at least that will become cheaper for me! =P


Boooh, if I had seen your new shop first, I'd have done the purchase there. Damn.


Well, my next purchase won't be from Etsy :p

Haha it's ok, don't worry about it. =P

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I've ordered more :)


Another set of earrings (which I think look amazing):




Hopefully my girlfriend will like them. I'm pretty sure the butterfly earrings will be loved. With these, I'm not so sure if they really are her taste. :p We'll see.


Aaaaand 3 Christmas cards :) I love your art, Eenuh. You need to sell some posters. Depending on how much vacation pay I'll get at the end of the month I might buy one ;)

Edited by drahkon
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Went out in Wimbledon last night which was nice, fine, whatever, but it reminded me how much I love passing through London in the wee hours. Seeing the Thames lit up by the city lights is always nice and saw the Oxford Street lights on for the first time.


Seriously, why do people live anywhere else (in the UK)? :heh:


(although the 2nd night bus was marred a bit by drunk tourists not understanding the concept of pay BEFORE you board)

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Those earrings look really nice. Like something you'd find in a shop.


A real shop, I mean.



Watch Breaking Bad.

I second this.


And the best thing to come out of The Cape was that one scene in Community that poked fun at its cancellation. So it wasn't all bad.


I wouldn't watch Pan Am right now, Jon. At the very least, you should wait to see if it gets picked up for a full season first.

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Those earrings look really nice. Like something you'd find in a shop.


A real shop, I mean.




I second this.


And the best thing to come out of The Cape was that one scene in Community that poked fun at its cancellation. So it wasn't all bad.


I wouldn't watch Pan Am right now, Jon. At the very least, you should wait to see if it gets picked up for a full season first.


Good point, i'm just getting over the fact there won't be any more of The Event, no point getting into a show that could last 10 episodes. The more i've seen of it the less it appeals to me.


I will check out Breaking Bad, had quite a few people recommend it.

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Went out in Wimbledon last night which was nice, fine, whatever, but it reminded me how much I love passing through London in the wee hours. Seeing the Thames lit up by the city lights is always nice and saw the Oxford Street lights on for the first time.


Seriously, why do people live anywhere else (in the UK)? :heh:


(although the 2nd night bus was marred a bit by drunk tourists not understanding the concept of pay BEFORE you board)


So true, I used to love driving round London late at night or super early in the morning. Roof off some calm music on, really was bliss. It's definitely the only place I would want to live when/if I come back.

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Spent my weekend exploring the city. Let me tell you, there's nothing like a good pub in the middle of Ireland. Just great music and whiskey galore. Plus, I'm all cultured going to modern art museums, fancy cinemas which show independent movies you'd see at Cannes and the national gallery of Ireland.


It's so amazing. I found myself gasping and having to hold myself at how I can stand an inch, only a fucking inch, from a line of paint once touched by Picasso. My mind can't.


[Also encountered a tired EddieColeslaw on her travels :grin: We stopped for a healthy 15-20 minute pleasurable chat. Gossiping about you N-Eers, naturally]

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Sooo weird day today. We have ended up with a small stray dog in our house all of a sudden. =P


We heard our dog barking and then a high pitched crying from another dog. When we checked our backyard, there was this tiny dog cowering at our door, snapping at our dog. We took it in and it's one of the cutest thingssss.


We went around our street and to the vet, but no one knows the dog or whose it might be. So we're probably gonna place an ad in the paper to see if it belongs to anyone (we can't keep it ourselves). But for now it's running around the house, following us etc. It's still very young (less than 6 months the vet said) and awwww. =)





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Booked flights home for Christmas' date=' upgraded seat for £30. Can't wait.[/quote']


How long you back for? Could do those much rainchecked drinks :heh:


Got the most boring of the meetings for the week over and done with, that's something to be happy about!

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How long you back for? Could do those much rainchecked drinks :heh:


Got the most boring of the meetings for the week over and done with, that's something to be happy about!


I'm back for about two week's from the 22nd onwards. I'll probably be in Stourbridge most of the time - if you're around we should definitely do drinks.

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I'm back for about two week's from the 22nd onwards. I'll probably be in Stourbridge most of the time - if you're around we should definitely do drinks.


I need to double check with work but I believe we finish on the 22nd so I'll be up from the 23rd. Think I may head back to London for NY then back to the Midlands for my nan's birthday (4th) then back to London again.


Let's keep each other informed but yeah, drinks would be good.

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Had that ticket for 3 monts now. ’t was a nice evening. Some lovely songs, and she’s pretty funny too! At one point, the drummer just took out a carton box, and played on that. No need for drums! ;)

Good thing I took that gamble 3 monts ago, I generally can go to concerts for free (just like the movies, the concert was at the cinema / jazz podium where I work), under the condition it isn't sold out. But she’s a pretty big name for us, so I bet on this concert being sold out, and just bought the ticket (way) in advance. And it was sold out. All worth it.

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*Time travels to How Was Your Day?*




Had my assessment, which I was 40 mins late for as my project decided to reveal itself to be for some reason made up of part NTSC/part PAL material. WHY? WHEN DID I DECIDE I WANTED THAT? Cunting video programs. Effectively meant I couldn't burn my project to DvD, and had to show it on a laptop. *sigh* Have to somehow get it to DVD, it just doesn't like the file (after fifteen million tries I managed to export it from FCPro eventually...whatever). The tutors liked it though, and basically agreed with everything I said in my statement (inc. negative points.). Good, fine.


Then I showed a friend/client (lol) the 30min movie I'm making of a gig of his, been in the making for months due to MORE cunting editing program fuck-ups. FINALLY he saw the first rough draft, liked it, and took away a DVD to go through and note any bits he wants changed. Good, fine.


Went home cause I was tired, but then coursemates who had their stuff assessed in the afternoon called me back to the SU bar with their siren cries. It was nice, chilled. Then went back home as we were entertaining/having dinner with the friend/client from earlier. A joke thing. Come on bringing wine. I felt so grown-up, accepting wine then pouring it (into tiny ASDA luminous plastic cups, but you have to embrace studentidity).


Then went back to the SU for various reasons. Ran BACK into coursemates still there hours later, only wasted. Then I met a friend and then



Bad stuff too though - found a weird little lump kinda below my left ear/on my neck...feels strange. Not on the other side and never noticed it before today. Might go check that out, unless it's just an awkward spot or something (doesn't feel/look like it). EUW! [/N.Minaj]

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