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Congrats on the results guys :) I found out I got a merit some point last week. It seems less exciting being an art degree (i.e. the main concern is your work, not marks) but ah well.


Walking down Oxford Street earlier some guy checked out a girl. His girlfriend noticed this and preceded to hit him with a rolled up magazine she was carrying and managed to get him right in the crotch and followed it up with "learnt your lesson?"


It was amazing.

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Well, despite the crappness of the previous week, I went visit a friend at the weekend in Macclesfield who'd not seen for almost a year. Was kind impressed with the quality of barmaids at the various establishments we entered during the evening and females out and about in general.


The was this one guy we saw out who was wearing a t-shirt that said "I'm drunk and you're still ugly"... I just hope the irony wasn't lost on him because he was hardly the best looking chap in the world.


But it was good to have a relaxing night out and catch up with my friend.


And tonight, I had a Skype conversation with someone for almost 2 hours... absolutely flew by and just reminded me how much I miss the person.

Edited by Captain Falcon
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I tried on my 'outfit' for the big family reunion we're having in Orkney (where I am atm), and I looked stunning. McKay clan tartan kilt, boots, kilt hose, but like...casually on, not a big deal made of it, and nice green sweater/top of indescriminate purpose. Along with my newfound i-am-my hair and face, I'm amazing. I feel great. Swagger Jagger.

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So my Mum has been to in and out of hospital recently as they found that she had a melanoma. Last time that she was in, they had just found out what it was, so took extra tissue away to be sure and also removed one of her lymph nodes to find out if any cancer cells had travelled away from the original site.


She got the results back yesterday to say that they have found no sign of migrating cells which means that they are very likely to have got it all. Massive relief as melanoma does not respond to any current treatments.


Happy day :-)

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That's absolutely brilliant news Jamba!


EDIT: left the message, went away for a bit, then realised why I'd come here in the first place..


USb fan from argos ftw! £6 and it kept me from boiling in this tiny room all night. Yay!

Edited by nightwolf
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Mild clarification on my job interview - they have put the recruitment drive on hold, pending the outcome of my interview tomorrow. Sounds uberly promising, I just need to not completely fuck it up tomorrow.


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Got me a couple MOAR intervoos. Thursday - interview to be one of those train-station folk. They want me to take a mount of stuff that I recently realised I know not of the location... NI card, passport, birth certificate. Trivial things like that.



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Today I got a call to tell me I'm getting 50% funding for my training course this month (to become a Trampoline / gymnastics coach). Best bit: they couldn't contact my reference as he's out of the country, but they decided I'm so awesome I deserve it anyway. Also, my reference is a friend of mine (our team Captain) who fell out with me recently and I'm not sure how enthusiastic he would have been about me. Timing win!

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Me and London Girl (seriously need a different name for her) had an awesome night last night, played some Brawl and some Monkey Ball then watched Kick-Ass (awesome). Woke up today, went to town, she bought a 3DS and some games, we had Wagamama's, and then I went home. It was great.


(Also Dyson got lucky but who cares right)

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Me and London Girl (seriously need a different name for her) had an awesome night last night, played some Brawl and some Monkey Ball then watched Kick-Ass (awesome). Woke up today, went to town, she bought a 3DS and some games, we had Wagamama's, and then I went home. It was great.


(Also Dyson got lucky but who cares right)

So that's all you wanted my copy of Monkey Ball for... to get lucky... I feel so used!
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The same one I posted awhile back when we were all getting heated? It's a right pr0 fan.


Indeed, last night was particularly horrible and it was awesome, I have only my laptop for stuff anyway, so it's not using up to much energy either.


Today I got to see some awesome Stella Dawn stuff - ie. jagex's new game, some of the art for it is incredible.

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Indeed, last night was particularly horrible and it was awesome, I have only my laptop for stuff anyway, so it's not using up to much energy either.

It was quite warm last night, and it did its job nicely. I was surprised it worked even with my PC off.

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