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The Dark Knight Rises (Spoilers inside, enter at own risk)


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We dont have a rate a film thread anymore, if I want to see the opinions of people of a movie I have to go into the main threads. We have always put stuff in spoiler tags before so why wouldnt I expect it to be the same this time? The only difference here is that you've decided you cant be arsed to do it so damn anyone else who doesnt think that way.

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I still don't understand why you're coming in this thread ::shrug:


Why should be put things in a spoiler tag when this thread itself is essentially one already? It's up to people to take precautions to avoid spoilers... one of the easiest ways to do that is not enter the threat called "The Dark Knight Rises" after the film's come out.

Because it would be nice to hear what people that we know's impressions/opinions are without having the plot spoiled. It's no different than a game thread.

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Well I'll put stuff in spoiler tags from now on because I don't want to be seen as "not being arsed" but I still think it's pretty crazy to go into this thread if you don't want to be spoiled... I don't think we should be the ones blamed. There were two threads made for a bloody Zelda game and I think the spoilers in a film are much more serious than spoilers in a game where the gameplay can still be enjoyed.

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You're both right. Yes, spoiler tags should be used. But, at the same time, what else is there possibly to discuss in this thread if not for the film itself. It's just been released, it is going to be one of the biggest films this year, and there's a lot to talk about. So, naturally, people will talk. It's absolute suicide coming into this thread if you haven't seen the film yet. Why bother? You already know what the impressions are going to be: Majority will like it, some will love it, some will hate it.


Another thing I loved, which I was thinking about this morning:


The first fight between Bane and Batman. Just the sheer brutality of it. I didn't care if it was just a fist fight, at least it's better than having the characters jumping through the air like morons or bouncing off the walls in a crappy way. Bane was a pure brute, so he's going to be really strong in hand-to-hand combat. It was quite exciting seeing somebody control Batman like that.



In a complete contrast to the Lizard in the Amazing Spiderman, I have to say that it's just so refreshing to see actors really going that extra mile and doing all they can for their roles, without the need to be CGI-ed to hell. Evidently, Tom Hardy beefed up a hell of a lot for it, and looked immense. Anne Hathaway spent months training and getting into shape for the role, and it showed in many instances. I loved the first scene with Bruce where she escapes out of the window. Acrobatic, yet subtle.


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In a complete contrast to the Lizard in the Amazing Spiderman, I have to say that it's just so refreshing to see actors really going that extra mile and doing all they can for their roles, without the need to be CGI-ed to hell. Evidently, Tom Hardy beefed up a hell of a lot for it, and looked immense. Anne Hathaway spent months training and getting into shape for the role, and it showed in many instances. I loved the first scene with Bruce where she escapes out of the window. Acrobatic, yet subtle.


Rewatching all the Nolan films recently, and seeing this on a large screen... I forgot how clean and fresh films without much CGI in it look. Obviously there was tons of CGI in this film... but that "war" scene was just hundreds and hundreds of extras. It looked amazing because the camera wasn't swinging and flying magically around CGI people... And yeah... just knowing that Christian Bale and Tom Hardy were EXHAUSTED fighting in their costumes made the fights seem so much more meaningful than just pure "because we can" spectacle.


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Rewatching all the Nolan films recently, and seeing this on a large screen... I forgot how clean and fresh films without much CGI in it look. Obviously there was tons of CGI in this film... but that "war" scene was just hundreds and hundreds of extras. It looked amazing because the camera wasn't swinging and flying magically around CGI people... And yeah... just knowing that Christian Bale and Tom Hardy were EXHAUSTED fighting in their costumes made the fights seem so much more meaningful than just pure "because we can" spectacle.


Yeah, totally agree. I loved how Bale looked completely shattered just before Bane broke his back. In fact, that whole scene is one of my favourites in the trilogy.


Have to admit that I had a few shivers down my spine when the war scene was taking place. It was obvious what was at stake, and I think Nolan captured the scene perfectly, without making it seem "too epic or cheesy" for its own good. The balance was just right.


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In a complete contrast to the Lizard in the Amazing Spiderman, I have to say that it's just so refreshing to see actors really going that extra mile and doing all they can for their roles, without the need to be CGI-ed to hell. Evidently, Tom Hardy beefed up a hell of a lot for it, and looked immense. Anne Hathaway spent months training and getting into shape for the role, and it showed in many instances. I loved the first scene with Bruce where she escapes out of the window. Acrobatic, yet subtle.


Was Hardy not already beefed up from when he was in Warrior? He just looked fatter as Bane. :D


I totally agree with you in regards with Actors Vs CGI. Its something I have never really thought about until you just brought it up. :bowdown:

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Was Hardy not already beefed up from when he was in Warrior? He just looked fatter as Bane. :D


I totally agree with you in regards with Actors Vs CGI. Its something I have never really thought about until you just brought it up. :bowdown:


Lol, fatter is definitely not the word I was use at all.


He was pretty big and toned in Warrior, but the body shape is entirely different for TDKR. He looks pretty big, especially along the shoulders and traps in TDKR. It's quite noticeable. It looks a lot clean in warrior, more toned, whereas the look in TDKR is more focused on strength than appearance.



If you watch the World's Strongest Man they always look a bit fat. Bane seemed a bit like that... very strong, and just hard to shift.


It's not really what I'd call fat. He's got more mass than he does in Warrior. He gained something stupid like 16kg in 5 months for this role, the majority of which is muscle. He had to, to look physically imposing. I applaud him for doing this, because as an actor he is willing to do this, like Bale dramatically slimmed down for the Machinist (weighed almost 55kg...). They could've easily all gone down the CGI route and not bothered, but they did it the other way.


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I don't think the general public would have got the reference of the name Dick actually. I bet you the vast majority don't know Robins real name.


I actually liked that they called him Robin.

Plus it sets up the scenario that he's more likely to become Nightwing... because he wouldn't use his actual name as his superhero name. Also Robin is lame.


Also they couldn't have had the woman he's talking to effectively saying...


"I think you should use your real name... I like Dick!" :p


Agreed. I was expecting Dick Grayson as well, but on closer thought I'm happy they went with Robin. It ensures the general public gets it and makes this Robin his own character.


The Batcave that he goes to at the end, is that the current Batcave, or was it a new one?... seeing as Wayne Manor is now an orphanage. Though it looked to have the foundations.


I'd definitely say the current Batcave. Did Wayne Manor become a orphanage, though? Wasn't it to be preserved as is?


Did people take from the ending that:


- Batman has hung up his gloves and Blake is taking over as Batman?

- Or given the Robin name teaser, Bruce is staying on and Blake will be his partner?


I went with the later.

And when Blake walked into the Batcave I assumed he'd gone to meet Batman.


Definitely the former for me. When they first revealed that he'd fixed the autopilot, I actually took it to mean that despite fixing it he'd chosen to die because he was unable to move on. I much prefer the actual ending, but I still believe it was the end of Bruce's run as Batman. He'd finally moved on and settled down, exactly as Alfred had imagined it for so long.


We could see Blake taking over and being Batman in the Justice League Movie.


It's a nice little setup they have now for more Batman movies... as JGL could just take over and they wouldn't have to go through the origins story; just that he'd taken over the mantle from Bruce.


Nah, I really can't see this happening.


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I also took it to mean that Bruce Wayne had finished with Batman. He killed Batman, Batman did die... Bruce Wayne didn't. I think the way this is confirmed is the presence of Selina at the end... they both used the "clean slate" thingy to start new lives.


I also love the way they let Robin take over... it confirms what the first film was about "you can kill a man, but you can't kill a symbol". The symbol of the bat continues to inspire people and live on much longer than an actual human could.


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I also took it to mean that Bruce Wayne had finished with Batman. He killed Batman, Batman did die... Bruce Wayne didn't. I think the way this is confirmed is the presence of Selina at the end... they both used the "clean slate" thingy to start new lives.


I also love the way they let Robin take over... it confirms what the first film was about "you can kill a man, but you can't kill a symbol". The symbol of the bat continues to inspire people and live on much longer than an actual human could.


That's pretty much what I interpreted from the ending.


It was the "perfect" ending for the series. Bruce couldn't remain in Gotham. That's hinted at earlier in the film when Alfred reveals that he never wanted Bruce to come back as "there's tragedy" that will follow him as long as he stays in Gotham.


I looooooved everything about Robin/Blake in this film. So perfect. I also loved how they didn't feel the need to spoil anything by showing him dressing up as the Batman/something else. The Bat-signal is there, he knows where the cave is, so if the time comes for Gotham to need a hero, "it can be anyne."


One thing I thing Nolan seems to have nailed 100% is the script. There are literally no wasted lines in the three films. No throw-aways. Every single line is crafted for a reason and a purpose. Bane's dialogue in particular is both chilling and poetic. I LOVE his speech during the fight with Batman about darkness. Just...YES!


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I really wanted to enjoy this film but found I couldn't, simply because most of the time I could not understand what was being said. I have always found it hard to understand Barman, but Bane seemed even worse. I only understood about 1/3rd of his lines, if that.

I pretty much did not get a word he said in the stadium scene. Sure I could sort of make out the gist of it, but it is still really annoying when you are straining yourself to make out words.



The second half of the film just seemed to have so much loud music that it became hard to understand anyone. Even at the very end!

When Fox found out about the auto pilot being fixed, I only found out about that after reading it here.

Also did not hear what was said in Blake's part other than Robin. By the way, how did he get the coordinates to the cave?



I am hoping I can enjoy it more on a second viewing with subtitles. Right now the film is my least favourite of the trilogy. It is ok but did not blow me away. I did like catwoman though, wish she had a bigger part.

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I really wanted to enjoy this film but found I couldn't, simply because most of the time I could not understand what was being said. I have always found it hard to understand Barman, but Bane seemed even worse. I only understood about 1/3rd of his lines, if that.

I pretty much did not get a word he said in the stadium scene. Sure I could sort of make out the gist of it, but it is still really annoying when you are straining yourself to make out words.



You'll probably pick up more lines in the second viewing, especially with subtitles. But, honestly, I don't think they could have done anything more to make Bane's lines clearer. They sounded much louder than the lines of the other characters, like it was done on purpose. It was something I was worried about, but I thought this was one area they pulled off really well.


The second half of the film just seemed to have so much loud music that it became hard to understand anyone. Even at the very end!

When Fox found out about the auto pilot being fixed, I only found out about that after reading it here.


It did get pretty loud towards the end, but Nolan does that, so it's just something we have to live with, I guess. Blake/Robin gets the co-ordinates in that bag/rucksack, where you're told his first name is Robin. So, Bruce left it for him, along with telling him earlier on that Batman could be anyone, as he is just a symbol.



I am hoping I can enjoy it more on a second viewing with subtitles. Right now the film is my least favourite of the trilogy. It is ok but did not blow me away. I did like catwoman though, wish she had a bigger part.


I left the cinema yesterday enjoying it but thinking it was weaker than The Dark Knight, but I remember leaving the cinema for TDK thinking Begins was better. Second viewing is when films should be judged. I really liked it. Thinking about the ending, it was pulled off perfectly.

Also did not hear what was said in Blake's part other than Robin. By the way, how did he get the coordinates to the cave?

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Maybe just me, but ...


There's a scene where the 'thugs' have a Sniper covering them from the roof, It seemed that this sniper had a few more seconds screen time than other thugs..... Deadshot? But you know... Nolan-ised



Just wondering as he's had Zsaz in Begins, Mention of a 'Giant Crocodile' in Dark Knight Rises, just wondered if it could be another little Easter egg.




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If Robin was in Nolan's Batman....


(no spoilers in video)






Found this a good read (note if you click on link it will have spoilers)


Small list of somethings that writer found wrong in DKR

Just to take two points from that list....


Where The Hell Was That Prison?


Remember when Batman went to Hong Kong? You got a sense of distance thanks to the scene of the plane arriving, Lucius in Hong Kong, and some beautiful establishing shots. Alternatively, this film transports us to… erm, I don’t really know. I think it’s a place just outside Gotham. I say this because after Batman has his back broken, we skip to the arrival at the prison. Bane’s there, but the next second he’s teleported back to Gotham. After Wayne’s struggle to get out of the cave we’re prepared for his long journey home… only we don’t see that. He just walks straight into Gotham, past the armed soldiers, over the cracking ice, and just happens to bump into Catwoman. I guess it was a 5-minute walk, and the fresh air has done Brucey some good.


I was wondering about this too, how does Bane get back and forth so fast and how does Bruce with a just healed broken back (and assumed just healed joints and limbs that were messed up at the start of the film) and no money get back to Gotham from what can only be assumed is at the very least somewhere in the southern hemisphere by the contrast of weather and climate conditions to Gotham. And Bruce somehow gets to Gotham inside what a few hours? While watching the film I just let that go but reading it again it sounds a bit too "aarrrrrggggg"


The Editing


Talk about a mess. I’m pretty sure one of the scenes was even in the wrong place – as Gordon and Miranda Tate brought before Judge Crane. Bane then asks for Miranda to be brought to him. The next scene has Wayne enter the building and talk to Lucius and Miranda, even though she was just called to see Bane. Later, Batman asks where Miranda is and he is told that Bane took her. But Wayne was the last person to see her. Add to that the constant flashbacks for the sake of those that skipped BATMAN BEGINS, and the PG-13 friendly violence that just cuts to dead characters without any explanation – was Foley shot, run over, or did he just die from embarrassment when he realised he was wearing his wife’s underwear? It all adds up to a big headache.


This was a real good point I thought I did notice while watching the film the bit when Bruce asks "Where's Miranda" and I was thinking "didn't you just see her"? But I just ignored it. Wonder if they did make an error in editing and moved a few bits into the wrong order.



Also in relation to references to the previous films....


I loved that they reference Begins (obviously a lot with the League of Shadows and Ras) and they referenced TDK a bit by their use of Harvey Dent in this film but was anyone else disappointed there was no mention of Joker at all?


I know they couldn't really have him be in the film what with Ledger no longer with us but surely they could have easily found some way to even have some characters talk about him or something. It felt a little like the highlight of the 3 films, the performance of Ledger as Joker, (for me anyway) became forgotten and ignored simply because they couldn't use him as a character in this film.


Edited by Mokong
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About Joker:


"We're not addressing The Joker at all. That is something I felt very strongly about in terms of my relationship with Heath and the experience I went through with him on The Dark Knight. I didn't want to in any way try and account for a real-life tragedy. That seemed inappropriate to me. We just have a new set of characters and a continuation of Bruce Wayne's story. Not involving The Joker."
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I was wondering about this too, how does Bane get back and forth so fast and how does Bruce with a just healed broken back (and assumed just healed joints and limbs that were messed up at the start of the film) and no money get back to Gotham from what can only be assumed is at the very least somewhere in the southern hemisphere by the contrast of weather and climate conditions to Gotham. And Bruce somehow gets to Gotham inside what a few hours? While watching the film I just let that go but reading it again it sounds a bit too "aarrrrrggggg"


Yeah, I wondered about that too. Or rather I thought "Oh, so Bruce had time to shave?"

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