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Had to go into town again to do an advanced course for work and had the chance to go to this awesome Manga shop called Tokyo Pop. Fell in love with absolutely everything and would buy pretty much most of the store.


Anyway, fell in love with these gloves for £5 each so had them both. Attack on Titan and Death Note are amazing. I really wanted the Attack on Titan rucksack and the Death Note L wallet but didn't have the money. :(

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Had to go into town again to do an advanced course for work and had the chance to go to this awesome Manga shop called Tokyo Pop. Fell in love with absolutely everything and would buy pretty much most of the store.


Anyway, fell in love with these gloves for £5 each so had them both. Attack on Titan and Death Note are amazing. I really wanted the Attack on Titan rucksack and the Death Note L wallet but didn't have the money. :(


Oh man I'm jealous, L is amazing :love:

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Oh man I'm jealous, L is amazing :love:

L is life. L is love. The shop is the only amazing thing in town. Got this awesome bag as well with Pikachu and Totoro on it too. The actual Death Note was there as well. There was a phone case for Dragonball for £5 that I regret not buying. However I came up with an idea for a phone case so I'm gonna make it. Tokyo Toys and the Disney store are the best things about town, hate everything else.





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L is life. L is love. The shop is the only amazing thing in town. Got this awesome bag as well with Pikachu and Totoro on it too. The actual Death Note was there as well. There was a phone case for Dragonball for £5 that I regret not buying. However I came up with an idea for a phone case so I'm gonna make it. Tokyo Toys and the Disney store are the best things about town, hate everything else.






That's not Tokyo Toys by any chance is it? If it is I'll be hiding in there from now on, ready to pounce on you and take you to my cave. :bouncy:

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Bought 2 tickets to see Newton Faulkner in concert in Glasgow at the start of April as an anniversary gift for my fiancée. She's been wanting to see him in concert for ages/since I told her about him playing at my graduation ball a few years back so thought it would be a nice treat for her and gives us a weekend away for a bit of shopping as well.

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Nice one! Moving far?


No but not an area you'd look upon favourably haha. I don't mind though. It's got a garage, a garden, fibre broadband - and it's going to give me back an hour of every day that I previously lost to commuting. Plus I'm getting on the property ladder. Grown up shit!

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No but not an area you'd look upon favourably haha. I don't mind though. It's got a garage, a garden, fibre broadband - and it's going to give me back an hour of every day that I previously lost to commuting. Plus I'm getting on the property ladder. Grown up shit!


Oh no! It doesn't happen to have a postcode beginning with S6 does it!? Other than that it sounds really good!

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I've been buying stuff for my Japan trip.


First up is 2 of these:




Tickets to the Studio Ghibli Museum near Tokyo. This place looks seriously ace:









We also booked accommodation for the 2 weeks, staying at Tokyo, Kyoto, Osaka and at a place in Kanso along the Kumano Kodo walking trail. This includes staying at a couple of capsule hostels! We've also booked some pretty good seats to see Sumo in the final week of the Osaka tournament.


I've been buying lots of things for the trip too like comfortable, slip-on shoes, a good 55L backpack, plus plenty of other bits. Then there's the JR rail pass for travel across most of Japan for a couple of weeks and a wifi receiver.


Then there's also going to be the amount of Yen to buy - one of the best things I'm looking forward to is the food, which I can imagine I'll be spending a lot on. I really want to go to Nishiki market in Kyoto:




It would also be fun to take on some ridiculous food challenges like this:




(also one of the cheapest places to get Kobe beef)


God damn expensive this will be but cannot wait. :)

Edited by Sheikah
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Around Christmas I knew I had the week with intense family interaction and a lot of downtime, along with plenty of gifted Nintendo points so decided to finally see what this Minecraft stuff was about and got the Wii U Version, assuming it would fill the festive gap.


Alas it caught me more than I'd ever imagine, now over 90 hours in on the Wii U game. After finding out about my recent obsession my friends convinced me to get it for 360! I'm very impressed I can get a Banjo skin but that aside... damn, I like to waste money. Luckily I bought this with credit from my sold 3DS or 'ultimate dust collector RPG only machine' as it's otherwise known, so no big loss.



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You should've convinced your friends to get it on PC instead :heh: Assuming you went from Wii U to 360 so you can play multiplayer with a group of mates, good reason. But it's more of the same game. At least the PS4/Xbone versions have 36x bigger worlds.


The PC version on the other hand has hundreds of free expansions, texture packs and skins, dedicated and fan-managed servers, many, many more features, mods, and unlimited world size.

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Got myself a new camera. I've been interested in photography on and off over the years and thought it would be nice to have a new hobby to learn. Plus now in my new job part of my work is going to be taking photos at the events we put on for alumni so I thought it would be nice to have my own camera that I can learn rather than borrowing the school one every now and again which we have to share with the marketing department.




Gonna get a new lens for it at the start of next month as well...just need to get paid again first!

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