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What happened with your old 3DS? My battery is packing in, and frankly I'm looking for an excuse to upgrade :p


It's started to randomly turn itself off, i can sometimes put it into "standby mode" and it's started making a weird clicking noise. And it makes a popping noise before going off, like it is short circuiting somewhere. So i'm getting a new one now and transferring the data across before it's too late.

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I ordered a white morphsuit:




I didn't buy it from the "official" manufacturer because I didn't want MORPHSUITS.COM tattooed on my ass. The Amazon reviews said it was the exact same quality however, so besides being overjoyed at paying less money for the exclusion of the ass-branding I'm really looking forward to it. Anybody have any experience with these, or know someone who does? Besides using it as a prop I have a number of ideas for it, one of which includes pranks like these:


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After getting 2 faulty Gameware controllers...




...I bought an official one, glad I waited since they went down in price between the second Gameware controllers return and ordering this official one.


Where did you get it from? I need to get one myself.

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@martinist - Tell me what you think, it's all I ever bloody hear about in NEO :p


@Emerald Emblem - What a deal! I hope you enjoy it :D Some of the 'House Party' games are especially fun! And heck, even if you don't, at that price it's worth it for the Wii Remote Plus alone!




Aaaand, I was gonna get the physical copy but it would have took ages and I'm not sure about the shipping/customs and all that shit (though I wish I did get the physical one as I could have salivated over all the posters and crap that come with it) - So instead I once again gave myself a hefty iTunes bill :p



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Nice. It cost you?


Around 243 Great British Pounds.


Bumped my Windows Experience Index from 7.7 to 7.9. :laughing: Not really noticed any difference in speeds so far, not that I expected any.


It has some kind of Rapid mode which speeds up the drive more at the cost of some space but I'm not going to use it.


The software that came with it was simple to use and it only took an hour to clone 111GB from my old SSD.


Just need to move my DQX install on to it somehow.

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