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What makes you happy?


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Coolness Bears.


This. :) What else makes me happy?


The Opening to Ocarina of Time.



because then I know the greatest game of all time is about to begin. :D


One Piece anything from it really. The openings, many moments in the series itself but I'll go with:



It usually means ass is going to be kicked. :grin: watching/reading it makes me happy.


Curb Your Enthusiasm.


Destroying people at Tetris.


When my Pokemon Evolve.


Also Snorlax and Nosepass.


Spending time with my family.


Being by myself.


The Simpsons. :yay: It's at its peak when I watch my favourite episode: Homer badman.




Eating, anything delicious.






writing my book.


Miley Cyrus.


It's Always Sunny in Philidelphia:



Spending hours watching a TV Show/Anime.


Playing a videogame and getting completelt engrossed in it.


The Worm from the Labyrinth



Watching a film that I love. :bouncy:


The list could go on, most things make me happy. :heart:

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Watching and reviewing movies (even the bad ones). I don't know why but I'm really happy when I'm reviewing.


Writing stories and songs. I hardly do this anymore because of writing reviews but this makes me happy.


Listening to any type of music and it's better if you can dance to it, as Dannyboy has said.


I love dreaming and daydreaming, it's where I get inspirations for my stories.


Running, weightlifting or swimming, I feel invincible when I do it and it makes me feel like I can achieve anything.

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Crushing my enemies, seeing them driven before me and hearing the lamentations of their women.


Hahahahahahah. Oh, you have no idea how hard I laughed when I read that. The best thing I've ever read on this forum.


What does dis key unlaaaack?! (conan the destroyer)


What makes me happy? Many things. Being with somebody special and just having one of those peaceful moments where you don't really have to do much, but you know you're in good company.


Another one is when I'm watching football. I have so many great moments from last season, and I'm happy when I'm seeing memorable games, or moments from games that are special. The one from last season that springs to mind is Owen's goal against City in the very last second of the game, or Scholes' goal against City at their place, again right at the death. Late goals make me so horny.


When I'm in the shower and I feel the hot water on my skin. I feel cleansed and for some reason I always find it really comforting.


Another moment is when you go to bed and you're so tired. I'm happy because it usually means that I've had a productive day up until then. Being busy and getting stuff done makes me happy.

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Writing stories and songs. I hardly do this anymore because of writing reviews but this makes me happy.

I absolutely hate the actual process of writing, the main reason I do very little of it. I thoroughly enjoy the bit before sitting down to write and the 24 hours after writing something wherein I like what I've done, though; once time's up I invariably revert back to hating.


I like scampering up the stairs on all fours.

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Yeah, imagining writing/making a piece of art I really like makes me happy, but then I can't (bring myself to) do it. It seems childish, like I'm pretending, regardless of how I approach it. I await the day when it feels like I can create something because it needs to be created, rather than it being "something I want to do", wearing influences on my sleeve, full of shit etc.


I don't feel like I can write/can justify writing. I have nothing to say that isn't in the work that I worship anyway. So it seems pointless.

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Quite a lot of things make me happy, obviously your basic ones; spending time with family and friends, paying sports, not going to work. One small pleasure I get is discovering a new TV show you've never watched before and suddenly becoming obsessed with it. I've done this, a lot. The other big win for me is listening to and seeing my favourite bands, not much inspires you more than music.



I also like shotgunning people in the face.

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Winding up one of the girls at work. I used to just put random stuff in her bag (well on top as it was open, I wouldn't go in the bag obviously as that would be rude), hiding her phone and sending a text saying "you found me!" for her to find and then we'd insult each other and such. For example on my last day she pointedly said "Just put some napkins upstairs which you forgot" to which I, rather loudly, replied "I WISH I COULD FORGET YOU!"


I like that kind of relationship. Had it with a few colleagues in the past. It just makes working more enjoyable.


The stupid/simple things that pets do.


Imagining the lives of random animals (pigeons, snails etc) and what they get up to.




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Summer Heights High - Created, written and starring Chris Lilley



I forgot how good it was after Arrested Development came into my life, but I spent a good hour just analysing the shit out of it with my mum, who also loves it, and I'm pretty sure it's my all-time favourite TV show. Above AD and BSG. It's the most taut, painfully funny, tear-jerking (every time), perfectly-observed show I've ever watched.


There's so many themes and truths and amazing observations throughout, the characters are hilarious, gut-wrenchingly so, but without it being..on the surface, or stupid, or just "for the laugh". They're breathing, multi-faceted creations. Each with the most subtle crafting, to create what can seem to be in-your-face farces. There's a focused pain and sadness that runs through each character that just allows them to be built so organically, and then become so hilarious. That sadness isn't..shite. It's not like..E.T (or insert random famous "sad for the sake of it" thing here). Like "Oh the little thing is leaving + sad", there's subtext of deep abuse and stuff here, proper human pain on which people in life actually do end up subconciously building there life up and over, sometimes without getting rid of it (to their detriment).


Argh. Best. I could talk about the themes and deft characterisation for ages. Chris Lilley is a genius. I think I put him on a pedestal higher than Grant Morrison. (deservedly)

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