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Advertising Woes


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So, what kind of adverts annoy you? Which advertising techniques are awful?


At the moment, I have two big problems with adverts.


First is adverts that are really clearly dubbed, especially those where they were clearly filmed in another language.


The other is the stupid surveys. Like "90% of people who regularly buy this haircare product prefer it to any other haircare product." A recent study that has been quoted by the Telegraph and Guardian regarding the use of an iPad. The study shows that only 31% of iPad owners like using their iPad for one of it's main uses (reading articles and magazines).


This is then twisted into headlines saying "The iPad is the preferred method of reading books in the UK".


Oh, and these things always seem to have small target groups - the iPad one was done by just over 1000 people. I saw one where they asked 36 people to get their statistics.

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Iams Cat food -


You'll have to read the label... cause i'm a fucking Cat!


thats what they might as well say!





also the Febreeze advert!!


Mum - Your friends are coming over.


Mum - This room stinks... what a shit tip... you gotta clean this shit up!


Kid - Clean it??? WTF???


**** Room is febreezed which means it's clean... (apparantly)***


Soome girls walks into the room...


Girl - WOW FRESH!!!111!



Grrr that advert irratates me.






Her hair is so blonde, she clearly stole the Sun... and then that Cops all like... "WHERE IS THE SUN!!!"





oh and one more!!




Ugly little kid - Sign the fession,


pussy dad - Alright, i did it, i'll sign your confession!




Really.... just really???


yeah i watch a fair amount of TV!

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That Harribo one, yeah. I have a thing about children acting as adults. Or getting extra privleges to "be adult". It makes me nervous.


And adverts with the stereotyped inept husband and the wise and sage wife. Mostly about cleaning products.

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And adverts with the stereotyped inept husband and the wise and sage wife. Mostly about cleaning products.


The Bounty adverts did a great take on that kind of thing. Oddly, I haven't seen any in a while.

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A lot of alchohol commercials that try too hard, One of the all-time low points was the " WAZZZZZUP" budweizer ads.


and although it's not really a commercial, The" you wouldn't steal a car" anti-piracy ads are absolutely dreadful in every possible way.


The last airbender trailer is quite awful as well. the "fire bending in 3d", "water bending in 3d" and stuff like that.


I don't tend to like much ads, but we certainly don't have it as bad as the US.

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Yeah the ridiculous percentages one is SOOOO stupid.


There's a really recent one that is for like....a revitalising cream or some shit that ignorant women think works, and it says something like "52% of women felt better after using this product"




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Why do most adverts look like they're lip-syncing badly? I understood the ones where they'd used foreign ads (obviously it's cheaper than making a new one) but now there seems to be loads where they're speaking in English yet are lip-syncing about 3 seconds out of time.


I was going to mention that! I saw one yesterday with Vanessa Hudgens (possible her, not sure) who is obviously American so would be speaking English, yet it was completely out of sync like it had been dubbed.


All the compensation adverts piss me off, "I wasn't looking where I was going so I walked through a glass window because I'm retarded", fuck off!

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lol! I actually dug this video of yours up recently to rewatch. It's amazing.


Also, Nando, that is the exact advert I thought of when I mentioned ones about cleaning products and sexism.


Is the woman pregnant? It just look like it was (badly) made by a militant feminist or something.

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All the compensation adverts piss me off, "I wasn't looking where I was going so I walked through a glass window because I'm retarded", fuck off!







Unskippable trailers on DVDs/Blurays piss me off. Can't they just take my money, give me a movie and not try and sell me some other shit?


Adverts at the bottom of YouTube videos annoy me as well. As if plastering the rest of the site isn't enough, they've got to get in the way of the videos now as well? Twats. Some videos even have adverts play before they let you watch the video now. I hate how adverts are slowly getting worse and worse.

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Ah the delightful Adverts That Blow topic. I knew I should've made another of these sooner.

First is adverts that are really clearly dubbed, especially those where they were clearly filmed in another language.

The latest Munch Bunch adverts do this for me. Same with that colour catcher, except now they've gotten round to making an official English one.

also the Febreeze advert!!


Mum - Your friends are coming over.

Mum - This room stinks... what a shit tip... you gotta clean this shit up!

Kid - Clean it??? WTF???

**** Room is febreezed which means it's clean... (apparantly)***

Soome girls walks into the room...

Girl - WOW FRESH!!!111!


Grrr that advert irratates me.

I can only fathom that they're all retarded. No girl looking half as pretty as that would come round to that bell ends house, then to exclaim the freshness. You can almost understand the angle with the more recent one involving the grandma as you could assume she's a little senile.


The Perle Du Lait advert really annoys me:

"I don't yoghurts that taste sour"

Stop fucking eating them then. We're treated to 5-10 seconds of her cringing reaction to this yoghurt, but still goes to shovel more in her mouth as if a gun is being pointed to her head out of shot. The only good thing about the advert is that at the end when she changes expression, she looks quite plowable.


Anything with Davina McCall really. She and her friend must have some quality web connection and high definition webcam system to see how "nourished" the others' hair looks. And Cheryl Tweedy has come back to ruin the Loreal catchphrase with "We're so worth it". Wrong. This is why your husband cheated on you, because you keep fucking things up.


Pretty much any of the Olay (It's Ulay dammit!) adverts. Like the one with Fiona Phillips... "These days I'm often asked if cheaper anti-aging products are a smart way to save money" I'm willing to bet almost all the money I have that noone has asked her that. Ever.

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