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How do you like to relax?


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Picture the scene: it's late. You finally stumble in through your front door. You've been kept back at work just so the boss can ride your ass a little more, or maybe your colleagues at the University aren't pulling their weight on the group project, leaving you to pick up the slack. Maybe you're still smarting over a job loss or a failed relationship. Maybe you're Jayseven.


Whatever the cause, when you're feeling stressed, blue or just a bit fed up how do you like to relax and unwind?


Me, I love nothing better then then to put on a video game and just let the hours fall away. Ideally something familiar and immersive. Other times I just turn out the lights and put something relaxing on Spotify - Sigur Ros or the Isley Brothers - and then just lie down for an hour. It's nice just to let it fall away like that, in the dark.


How about you?

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Reading, I adore reading and I am sad that uni takes that away from me which is why I read so much in the summer.


Otherwise watching a series of tv shows, I enjoy buying a series and watching them for a whole day/ couple of hours, it wastes time but in an enjoyable way.

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Listening to Stranger in Moscow by Michael Jackson, it blows me away every time. And cool night is beautiful, I love to sit in my garden late at night on the swinging chair, nights are just so relaxing.


I used to like taking strolls at nights too but I'm slightly scared after being approached by a few too many chavs a few months ago. Damn.

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According to Razz I kill prostitutes.


But I don't recall this so I must drink a lot of gin first.


I don't know what relaxes me. It is a big issue. Or at least I'm easily unrelaxed/feel like I should be doing something else. Seems a bit like ADD really. I can't take a long relaxing bath, I take several short ones.

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Going for a run relaxes me.

Coding an arseload of PHP relaxes me.


Like Ashley, I can't just sit and do nothing. My life has to be productive. While I'm typing this, I'm also designing my site's new banner. Multi-tasking is key to my life.


I'm an odd person :P

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As Soon as i finish work i go to the gym,


then from the gym home obviously then cook some food.


then girlfriend does washing up (we swap jobs alot so if she cooks i'll wash up)


once the dishes are put away which is normally about 8pm we then just mong out on the sofa watching either a dvd or anything decent on tv.


and thats my relax, just that 3 or 4 hours on the sofa before going to bed. bloomin lush. prefer it in the winter when it's cold out, cause then just get the spare duvet down and we both get wrapped up in it.

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Sit back and relax with some music on. Or if my flatmates in they'll want to watch rubbish on TV they don't actually like.


Why is it that TV always trumps music, even if the music's on first and there's nothing to watchon TV?

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TV gives you something to focus on completely. With music you usually want to do something else as well. Unless you're lying down/meditating/dancing.


I like nothing more than reading comics and listening to music to relax. Ideally not (reading) on the computer as after a while it hurts your eyes. That's why I've bought so many graphic novels recently.

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I've never pictured anything so odd yet so easy to imagine. :heh:


Haha, so true. :p


As well as that, my ultimate relaxation would be to sit down on my bed with some snacks and a iced drink and watch my favourite episodes of The Simpsons. Bliss. There is nothing greater. I usually watch:


1. Homer Badman. (precious venus, See you in hell CANDY BOYS.)

2. Natural Born Kissers. (time for some serious ass forking)

3. Flaming Moes (I'm the Magical Man from Happy Land, in a gumdrop house on Lollipop Lane)

4. Marge Vs The Monorail. (I like the way Shnrub thinks, Doughnuts is there anything they can't do? I call the big one bitey.)


and then proceed to watch Season 5. :D


Sometimes I'll just watch a random episode from any season 1-21. :)

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I've just finished a couple hours worth of hard DIY labour (my delicate statistician hands are not meant for it) and I'm chilling by doing a bit of casual surfing with some music on in the background. This is typical.


When the wife is around these days it is normally a bit of House (working through the seasons as we've not watched it before) or just watch some brain numbing TV.


I like reading last thing in bed because it sends me to sleep. That means it takes me a while to get through books though.

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I think there is nothing better than sinking into the sofa after the day, and watching Masterchef* on iPlayer. With a cup of tea. And an occasional yoghurt. Maybe the odd stick of incense burning.


*Masterchef can be substituted with Great British Menu, Heston's feasts, or Celebrity Masterchef, depending on the time of year

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