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Football Season 2010/11


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"Oh my God, I can't believe there's so much disloyalty in football nowadays, it's so terrible. Oh well, can't wait to cheer on the player we've just paid a truck load of money to walk out on his home town club just after signing a 5 year contract and giving interviews in the press for the last six months about how he loves the club and won't leave, then handing in a transfer request at teatime on deadline once we came knocking with a sackful of Torres money and a private jet so that Newcastle have no time to get a replacement."

Edited by BlueStar
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Oh, so it's Liverpools fault he turned his back on you? Torres has done same to us, so i know what it's like, they both could of said no and stayed...


I never said that, I'm saying you're being a hypocrite for being outraged at Torres and welcoming Carroll. At least Torres put his request in time for you to get two replacements and at least he wasn't a local lad you'd brought through the academy and stuck by after he got nicked about 5 times and broke one of his team-mate's jaws.


Would be like Gerrard submitting a transfer request and trying to go to Chelsea just as he was realising his potential. Actually, I remember when he did that and the same people who are now doing this




Were doing this



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That's the way the cookie crumbles folks, I don't think any of you would be moaning had you been the lucky ones with money and a rich (albeit corrupt) russian owner!


Sure Newcastle don't have a great replacement, but with that money you can build a solid premiership club and work your way up from there.


I have tickets to see Chelski v Liverpool on Sunday, going to be even more awesome!

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Can only imagine what went through Gerrards head last night when Torres was confirmed to be gone,


I just assumed from the chemistry on the pitch between Gerrard and Torres that they would be pretty good mates off the pitch too, and again I assume that Gerrard must now think Torres is a prick for not sticking with a club he claimed to be happy playing for through the bad times as-well as the good times.


All in all, I can just imagine Gerrard is insulted by Torres action, as-well as Carragher.




Tell you what though, if Spurs and Man City were to pip Chelsea in the champions league spots, that would just be a right middle finger to Torres heh.


Must say I am disappointed that Man United didn't delve into the transfer window, but kinda used to it now. Roll on the summer.

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I was listening to BBC 5Live yesterday and one of the pundits said that Newcastle forced Carroll to make a transfer request so it looked like the club wasn't cashing in.


Carroll told The Evening Chronicle - "Llambias asked me to hand in a transfer request, so I was pushed into a corner and had no choice. I wasn't wanted by them and they made it clear they wanted the money.I'm gutted that I wasn't wanted at my home team after everything I have done and the progress I have made. I didn't want to leave at all. Make sure they know I didn't want to leave. The players, staff and fans were fantastic."


I wouldn't have blamed the board for wanting to sell at £30 million, but this is a new low even for them.

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And the club deny that. As usual with this club, we'll probably never know what actually happened.


One thing I will say about Carroll is that, like Bent, he's the kind of player you will have to build your team around to get the best out of. At the moment, they play quick, passing football and don't really have the need for a target man to hold the ball up. Most of their play goes through the middle, and I don't think that have the players to support AC yet - as good as he was for us, there were some games when players like Barton were out and he was stranded with no service. Who's Liverpool's best crosser, Johnson maybe? Gerrard would be good at putting balls in for Carroll, but he doesn't like playing on the right and I doubt he'd agree to be shuffled around to accommodate the new boy.


Also, most of the last six month has been spent with us corssing our fingers and praying that next next stupid thing he does (and there was always a next one) wasn't serious. You'll have to have someone looking after him and making sure he doesn't get in a training ground fight, deck someone in a nightclub, wrap his car round a tree or fail a drugs test. He's never going to be spending his afternoon creosoting the fence and playing a round of golf, but as long as you can limit his tabloid exposure to him sitting in a hottub filled with blue WKD with Kerry Katona, you'll be fine.

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Also, most of the last six month has been spent with us corssing our fingers and praying that next next stupid thing he does (and there was always a next one) wasn't serious. You'll have to have someone looking after him and making sure he doesn't get in a training ground fight, deck someone in a nightclub, wrap his car round a tree or fail a drugs test. He's never going to be spending his afternoon creosoting the fence and playing a round of golf, but as long as you can limit his tabloid exposure to him sitting in a hottub filled with blue WKD with Kerry Katona, you'll be fine.


He will fit right in! Stevie G + Andy C on a night out = WIN. :D

Edited by Hero-of-Time
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Loads of people were writing in to the guardian saying they had cats and dogs named after Torres, even xmas trees.....


I imagine gerrard is pretty gutted he has gone, apparantly Torres told Gerrard he was gonna hand it in. I think he also knows he is stuck at the club now, I can't see many clubs wanting to buy him now as he is 30? now. Good to see the club buying youth, plenty of years left and I can only imagine the summer will be even better for transfers.


Loads of people were writing in to the guardian saying they had cats and dogs named after Torres, even xmas trees.....


I imagine gerrard is pretty gutted he has gone, apparantly Torres told Gerrard he was gonna hand it in. I think he also knows he is stuck at the club now, I can't see many clubs wanting to buy him now as he is 30? now. Good to see the club buying youth, plenty of years left and I can only imagine the summer will be even better for transfers.

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Football is shit sometimes but the transfer sagas make for bizarre excitement at least.

I'm gutted Andy Avatar has gone from the Toon. Shame that we lost Bent too - just comes across as an overall shame for North East football.


Newcastle should be delighted they got 35mil for Carroll if it's money they are after. If it is reinvested they can buy some top notch players with that money.

Time will tell.

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According to BBC Carroll has stated that Newcastle made him put in a transfer request to hurry the process along. Pardew said this is not true and he wanted him to stay. 35m? LOLZ.


The no loyalty thing is really getting to me now. just seems to keep happening time and time again. Yes Rooney you are still not forgiven in my eyes. I want fergie to drop you and start with Hernandez who is in form and enjoying playing for United.

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Ridiculous decision from the ref for the Saha goal.


Have a loooooook.


That's literally one of the worst decisions I've ever seen since Geoff Hurst in 1966.



It was looking for a while that that would be the goal to burst my coupon but thankfully (in a weird sort of way) Queens Park have taken the lead at Annan to burst it.






Transfer Stuff


Andy Carroll - Far too much for him at the moment but he does have the potential to be a fantastic forward and if plays well he will bang in the goals for Liverpool and will probably form a great partnership with Suarez.


Charlie Adam - Glad to see Blackpool keep hold of him although I can't see him staying any longer than the Summer though. He's turned into some player since leaving Rangers where he was god-awful. In the Scotland - Spain match it looked as if Xavi had put on a Scotland shirt by mistake! Wouldn't want him to go to Spurs as I don't really see where he would fit in? Man Utd could be a good move as Scholes won't be around that much longer, Carrick is very average and he obviously knows well Fletcher well from Scotland duty.


Torres - £20m more than Barca paid for Villa. This just shows how inflated the English market is. Villa is a far better player with a far better record who regularly scores at the highest level. Ludicrous amount of money for a player who isn't even on form.

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I'm still shocked that those signings have gone through.


Although Liverpool bought two strikers, I don't think they entirely got what they needed. The trouble is that they still haven't properly filled the hole that was left by Alonso's departure. It's great that now they have two quality strikers that can play up front (Suarez could also play on the left, which is good) but to me the issues still lie in that midfield. Miereles (sp?) is looking pretty good though, so maybe he can fill the gap. But, the midfield still doesn't look right, imo.


As for tonight's game, I'm happy that Rooney got two goals (Vidic's third was ace as well). He still doesn't look entirely right, but its good that he's getting back on the scoresheet now.

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Just got in from the Arsenal, that Everton goal is a disgrace, Lee Mason's officiating tonight is up there with the worst I've ever witnessed.


But we were great second half, a real determined performance. Arshavin played really well when he came on which is very pleasing.

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Just got in from the Arsenal, that Everton goal is a disgrace, Lee Mason's officiating tonight is up there with the worst I've ever witnessed.


But we were great second half, a real determined performance. Arshavin played really well when he came on which is very pleasing.



Matt Le Tissier was losing the plot over Everton's goal on Soccer Special, he literally couldn't believe it was given. I'd love to hear the Linesman assistant referee's reasoning behind the decision.

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