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And then he showed me his email address...


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I go to college and there used to be this guy that I tried to avoid in a class right near mine.

I tried to avoid him before I even knew him as he is really weird, he says such ridiculous things and is a nob in general.


a back story about him?

Our class went on a trip to amsterdam, he tried to smuggle weed home.

He claims he nearly got a girl pregnant after fingering her.

He is bi sexual and likes an awful lot of people.

He says stuff like 'I wana kil myself cuz im so depresd' but then moments later if big brother is on he is fine again.


Right then, he added me on facebook and I accepted it, stupidly.

Because a few weeks later he asked if he could have my msn adress and gave me some sob story about him needing someone to talk too as all of his friends have 'ditched' him.


I reluctantly added him and he told me his story. Anyway he went on to say how he had just broken up with his boyfriend, and how that is why he is so down. He then went onto say that he really wants his boyfriend back as he is the love of his life...

but then continued by saying

''or it wud b gd if i had a nu boyfriend''

he then asked me out, I said no, he didn't speak to me for weeks and my life went on as normal without giving the whole situation a second thought.



A few weeks down the line though he comes on MSN and starts claiming such things as ''I saw your new facebook pics they are really fit, you are fit man i would bone u anyday''

Obviously I was a bit taken back and as I was about to reply he carried on by saying, ''I jerked off to one of your pictures''


as if that wasn't enough...

''If you wanna have sex then im all for it, we could meet in the toilets up town''


Now, I know im not an established member on here so a lot of you probably don't know much about my personality but seriously, even if Zac Efron had said that to me (I do love that man) I would be discusted, Public toilets?!

And I'm not being over the top when I say this guy is one of the worst looking people I have ever came across, not to mention he is incredibly creepy.


Ok so i'm really freaked out at this point at the prospect of him jerking off over my pictures and asking for sex.

So I say ''What the fuck is wrong with you man, I already told you i'm not interested, you are discusting for wanking over my pictures and I will not have sex with you, ever"


And I would just like to clarify I don't have any suggestive pictures on my facebook like some people do, yknow when people are posing half naked and all that, mine are just me and my mates out at various places which is what makes it more disturbing.


Anyway back to the story, after all this he said ''are you sure you dont want me''

and tried to send a picture of his dick!


So in the end I said ''What do you think you are doing, you are fucked up, don't ever even try and talk to me in college, just stay the fuck away''


And I blocked him.


What a scary freak.

So anyway, what are your thoughts on the story, should I be pretty scared, should I leave the whole thing behind me and...

Should I have accepted the picture and shown everyone :P



Anyway have any of you guys had horrible internet encounters like this?

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He says stuff like 'I wana kil myself cuz im so depresd' but then moments later if big brother is on he is fine again.


My favourite quote... pure irony summed up in a single sentence. :heh: [/bB Bashing]


But seriously, this guy does sound like just a little bit of an oddball to say the least...




So anyway, what are your thoughts on the story, should I be pretty scared, should I leave the whole thing behind me and...

Should I have accepted the picture and shown everyone :P


This, except worryingly from how you'd described him he would probably actively encourage you to post pics of his member on the internet / around college... :blank:

Edited by S.C.G
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Hmm what an odd duck. He's either very bored or very troubled (or somewhere inbetween).


Reminds me of my friend Alex who I used to work with. He's similarly weird and often started games of touch cock at Woolies (weird game whereby they would quickly move their hand to someone else's crotch area and the other person had to block), he's made sexual comments toward me (although I know he's straight, just weird), he once held me at knife point, would often try and show me his penis when he stopped to take a piss on the drunken walk home, once continously threw stones at me while I tried to help him get home when he was off his face. Although he's been better since my little brother beat him up (for unrelated issues).


And of course, he has a baby due in a month :p

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I was going to post: 'Why post this?'

But since it made me laugh and I read it and all, that would made me look rather foolish.


So thanks for a good laugh and please, I know you hate the little bugger, but he probably experienced lots o' stuff that made him to what he is today.

He's just different and if you can't handle this kind o' different (which I can understand, I couldn't either) then avoid him.


You can judge him by his ways, but he was shaped this way.


And of course, he has a baby due in a month

Pure Humour in its purest form.

Edited by Fused King
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Yep, got a similar guy in my school. This guy isn't bi though, but his thought processes exactly match that guy. Like telling people they are giving him an erection, or coming on waytoo strong to someone not even remotely with a chance of being interested.


His latest stunt was to puke all over himself at a party, wipe the puke off the arm of the chair he was sat on, and then take another sip of beer from the glass into which half of his puke fell.


This guy thinks people like him; in reality, everyone hates him, but talks to him at these sorts of parties because he's bound to do something ridiculous that everyone can laugh at him for.

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An entertaining read. And ReZ's comment made it even better! :D


If you are truly bothered by it, ignore him in any way possible, and if he approaches you, simply turn him down. I'm worried he might have psychological problems, though (I don't necessarily mean a psychological disorder, maybe just a heavy emotional baggage), so I wouldn't be too harsh on him. Possibly he misses love in his life (not only partner-love), but is socially handicapped. I kinda feel bad for him if that is the case. Of course, if he's simply a disturbed individual, he's a mighty funny one! Albeit very creepy ...

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Now, I know im not an established member on here so a lot of you probably don't know much about my personality but seriously, even if Zac Efron had said that to me (I do love that man) I would be discusted, Public toilets?!


Totally would. :p


But chirst, this guy sounds utterly freaking insane, and like a massive attention seeker. Hopefully soon he'll realise behaving like he does won't do himself any favours in life.

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Hmm what an odd duck. He's either very bored or very troubled (or somewhere inbetween).


Reminds me of my friend Alex who I used to work with. He's similarly weird and often started games of touch cock at Woolies (weird game whereby they would quickly move their hand to someone else's crotch area and the other person had to block), he's made sexual comments toward me (although I know he's straight, just weird), he once held me at knife point, would often try and show me his penis when he stopped to take a piss on the drunken walk home, once continously threw stones at me while I tried to help him get home when he was off his face. Although he's been better since my little brother beat him up (for unrelated issues).


And of course, he has a baby due in a month :p


Woah man, it sounds like you have found someone slightly more crazy than this guy.


It's actually quite ironic that the person I am referring to in my thread is called Ashley!

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The title implies you actually saw his cock:

and tried to send a picture of his dick!

So based on assuming you witnessed the MSN thumbnail, how violated did you feel?


The amazing thing is to do one of the following:

Tell him to fuck off,

Ignore him,

Arrange to meet him somewhere and not turn up and when he complains, tell him he should learn from it.


I recommend the latter, as it's fun for everyone, and he learns a valuable lesson from it.

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Haha the thread title reminds me of this game me and a friend used to play on people over msn. You'd dare the other person to say something like "And then he was like, Just cup my fake ball!" or something into the conversation window of someone else you were talking to, and then be like "OMG Wrong convo, sorry!". It was pretty immature but when you did it to prudes their reactions were amazing.

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Haha the thread title reminds me of this game me and a friend used to play on people over msn. You'd dare the other person to say something like "And then he was like, Just cup my fake ball!" or something into the conversation window of someone else you were talking to, and then be like "OMG Wrong convo, sorry!". It was pretty immature but when you did it to prudes their reactions were amazing.


Messing on MSN with a group of people is hilarious. If mean.

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Haha the thread title reminds me of this game me and a friend used to play on people over msn. You'd dare the other person to say something like "And then he was like, Just cup my fake ball!" or something into the conversation window of someone else you were talking to, and then be like "OMG Wrong convo, sorry!". It was pretty immature but when you did it to prudes their reactions were amazing.


Better version of this game is to say "So I think we should have sex". If they reply with "wtf? no" then you say it was the wrong window, if they reply with "hmm, ok" you get to have sex.

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