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Do You Ever Want Kids?


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Eventually... but often I doubt if something like that could ever happen, I laugh at the idea of myself becoming a father because before I could even consider that sort of responsibility I'd need to sort my own life out first and be in a stable relationship etc... much easier said than done. :heh:

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Eventually... but often I doubt if something like that could ever happen, I laugh at the idea of myself becoming a father because before I could even consider that sort of responsibility I'd need to sort my own life out first and be in a stable relationship etc... much easier said than done. :heh:

I dont think theres such a thing XD

Just get prgnant if you want one :)

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I want a Son, So can teach him the ways of a Coolness. :) Then a Daughter as well!


I want a whole herd of children. :p


I'd make a great father I'm sure! Problem is I have to get something called a "woman"...


whatever that is? to look at me* which isn't going to happen anytime soon. :heh:


I'd be up for adoption as well as I'm adopted and I think it is an awesome option. :D


*I do know it takes more than looking at a woman to get them pregnant! I'm not that naive!

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I want a Son, So can teach him the ways of a Coolness. :) Then a Daughter as well!


I want a whole herd of children. :p


I'd make a great father I'm sure! Problem is I have to get something called a "woman"...


whatever that is? to look at me* which isn't going to happen anytime soon. :heh:


I'd be up for adoption as well as I'm adopted and I think it is an awesome option. :D


*I do know it takes more than looking at a woman to get them pregnant! I'm not that naive!

I think you might have to hold their hand, but im not 100% Theres books and stuff on it. Zoo, Nuts, FHM, etc..

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I'd be up for adoption as well as I'm adopted and I think it is an awesome option. :D


Adoption: The Awesome Option!


There's your advertising campaign.


I would like to have a daughter one day (as a combo breaker, not been a daughter born into this rotten geneology for over 100 years (ignoring the probably-not-my-sibling's-fetus)) called Lilly.


But not til im at least 30. I want to be finacially secure (or, at least more so than now) and have settled a bit more. As I still have no idea what I'm doing with myself.


And whoever asked, this thread pops up every few months.

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This is something Mrs Iun and I have been debating recently: I'm not sure and she's not sure. But at the moment it is most definitely out of the question until we actually move into our new house and get a bit more financial stability. At this point, there just isn't enough money. But the good news is we can receive child benefit from the British government even though we don't live in the country.


I still pay taxes though :/



Perhaps when I'm 30.


The idea of you being allowed into the gene pool, even in the shallow end, disturbs me.

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The idea of you being allowed into the gene pool, even in the shallow end, disturbs me.


That's so harsh it shames me to say that I just got shouted at by my sister across the hall for laughing too loudly and waking her up...


I'll probably have kids, not sure when though - probably not till I'm 30 at the earliest.




Thus ends the shortest post I've ever made.


Tigers are an endangered species, dammit! Breed! :awesome:

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I still don't see myself as an adult, neither do I have the responsibility of one, and I especially don't see myself leaving my bubble of infantile selfishness. No, I don't want kids to give me the ultimate responsibility when I'm desperately trying to get rid of the few I have.

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Yes! Kids! I can play with toys again and not be outcast for it. I think the ladyfriend does too, although whether or not we're still together by then to raise a family of course, is another question!


Mini-Pookies will rule the world! I'm gonna train em up to be totally bad ass!

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Do I want children at some point? Definitely.


Do I think I can handle children? I'm scared to shit of it.


When I have a kid, I want to make sure I can give him or her a great upbringing, but I'm scared to death of the responsibility. Basically, I'm afraid I won't be a good enough father.


Of course, before all that, there's the "finding a partner" thing. Which seems quite difficult for me.

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I want 2, first when I'm about 24-26ish, second about 2 years after the first.


Trouble is when making these plans that not everything may go as planned. For my plan to work I need to find the right partner. And I really need to be doing it no later than 21/22.

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I want 2, first when I'm about 24-26ish, second about 2 years after the first.


Trouble is when making these plans that not everything may go as planned. For my plan to work I need to find the right partner. And I really need to be doing it no later than 21/22.


times running out dude :heh:



I'm having nooo kids. I'm not passing even a chance of getting my ridiculous genetics. My parents are cousins so i'm basically a genetic throwback - wouldn't wanna give that to anyone.

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