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The thing with Echoes was that Prime 1 set such a high standard for environments and score so coming after that, it was always going to be a challenge to top it. I don't think we'll ever get a more awesome Metroid moment than stepping out onto Tallon IV for the first time or for stepping out into the Phendrana Drifts for the first time.


Oh man - stepping out on to Tallon IV for the first time. One of my favourite gaming moments of all time. Sub. Lime.


Yes, and the thing with environments is that Metroid Prime already covered all the most obvious environments - Lush Greenery, Fire, Snow, Underwater, Ruins and Mines*. For any subsequent game, it's going to be hard to think of new, interesting ones - I think they've done a great job actually.


*Come to think of it, we haven't had a pure desert environment yet, surprisingly.

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A desert environment doesn't really suit Metroid's "room" layout.


Haha. How many swamps do you know that have eletrical doors in them? ;)


Only messing - I know you quoted "rooms" for a reason. I suppose Agon Wastes is the compromise then - a desert wasteland with mountainous boundaries everywhere you look. A Desert Canyon in effect.


The Chozo Ruins (as far as I remember!) was deserty enough for me. :heh:


Hey, I'll have you know Metroid Prime is an excellent game . . . er, oh. Wait a minute. Re-reading your post, I'm failing to see a single jibe or complaint. Suddenly my world is making no sense any more.

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Hey, I'll have you know Metroid Prime is an excellent game . . . er, oh. Wait a minute. Re-reading your post, I'm failing to see a single jibe or complaint. Suddenly my world is making no sense any more.


Don't worry, I didn't say the Chozo Ruins was good, did I? :wink:

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maridia :) from super metroid it hasn't really been done but it can be argued thatmost environments from echoes were like this ..


Maridia could be a little annoying as the layout meant that you would have to go on a big detour to get to certain sections (particularly with the rooms that included the quicksand :eek:)

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Maridia could be a little annoying as the layout meant that you would have to go on a big detour to get to certain sections (particularly with the rooms that included the quicksand :eek:)


yes!!! ridiculous I nearly freaked out the first, and in fact EVERYTIME i get to that...


Don't worry, I didn't say the Chozo Ruins was good, did I? :wink:


..........you shame me

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The Chozo Ruins (as far as I remember!) was deserty enough for me. :heh:


Agree. They always make me feel really sick, then I switch to 60hz and I'm fine.


I don't know if the higher refresh rate cures me, or I just get used to it, but desert levels have always made me feel sick. The one in Banjo Kazooie certainly did, can't remember if Mario 64 did too. It must be something about the way they represent moving sand.


The odd thing is I never get seasick or motion sickness on thrill rides.

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Guest Captain Falcon
No talks about the trailer and the start up loading screens?


I've seen the trailer, though I had to go to else where because the video in the article on the main page isn't for MPT.


It's a bit difficult to get excited about the trailer to three games you've already played through. No matter how many trailers they put out, they can't show me anything I don't already know.


This is a game that needs to be played, nay experienced, not watched.

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Got anything to add?


Yeah I like the start loading scenes ie showing inside her gun and scenes of chosen game to play shows Samus in her metroid prime series suits fire off her weapon.

Edited by Dante
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£35 for 3 games of the quality of the Metroid Prime Trilogy is sensational value for anyone who hasn't yet played one or perhaps hasn't played all the games :smile:


I don't think I will be buying it though as I finished Metroid Prime last year (I had got to the final boss a few years ago but never got round to beating him :heh:) and I am currently getting through plenty of Metroid games at the moment!


I finally got round to playing Super Metroid from start to finish (which I bought a couple of years ago..) and soon found myself dipping into Zero Mission (which, again, was bought a long time ago)


I have completed plenty of games in June and July (I've been like a machine :eek:) and after ending the rather short Zero Mission on GBA, I resumed Metroid Prime 3: Corruption where I was about 10 hours in.. and, almost needless to say, it too has been finished :hehe:


In what many might see as a Metroid overdose (..uhh.. you know who you are, 'snowdude :indeed:) the completion of Corruption led me directly into Metroid Prime 2: Echoes. I am currently a few hours into it and am enjoying it a lot :smile:


It may seem strange that I didn't tackle the trilogy in order.. but when I first played Metroid Prime 2: Echoes a few years ago I just didn't feel much for it in the early stages.. in fact, I have had all of these Metroid games sitting on The Pile™ for a good while and just couldn't really get into them :hmm:


Thankfully, whenever I finally started playing I found a great deal of enjoyment and definitely see Metroid Prime Trilogy as a perfect place for anyone to get into the Metroid Series. Metroid Prime was my first taste of Metroid of any kind.. and is my favourite of the 3 Prime games I think. As I play through Echoes directly after Corruption, I find it strange that I actually seem to prefer it to Corruption.. but there you go : peace: In that regard, I guess it is probably gonna be Metroid Prime, Metroid Prime 2: Echoes then Metroid Prime 3: Corruption as the order from best to worst (though they're all great :yay:)


Metroid Prime: Hunters, however.. stay clear of that game :heh: I did it last year after the original Metroid Prime and, although I finished it, it is very bad compared to the rest of the games. Every Metroid game that I have played (apart from Hunters :eek:) is basically a classic :yay:

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