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Happy April 1st!


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Fair play I was sold! Although I bet some users wouldn't have clicked on the admin link and felt really gutted.


I came on here looking for some April fools gags and yet I managed to let myself get done!


Hahah, I did exactly the same! It was very well played, hit us hard and fast!



I actually came up with the best april fools joke a few years ago, but have never had the balls to carry it out. Basically, pick a nice room that can fit your family(maybe a friend too, a best one), plant yourself a camera. Gather them all together for some 'srs bsns' big news, make a long speech taking ages to get to the point and.....Come out. The camera is for the reactions. As I said, I've never had the balls to do it as I fear I may implant the doubt forever in my parent's mind, and whilst I have no problems with people's orientation, I'd be a little sad if my parents secretly though I was gay forever when I wasn't.


So anyway, ReZ, you know what you need to do. You've got 12 hours remaining...


I did consider hiding general chit-chat to avoid guests seeing the thread, but I thought that might've been suspicious* :p also I didn't think anyone would really not use the 'remember me' box!


*I was scared I would break it


You think I should turn it off at noon? I must admit to a slight fear that some people will say 'well, fuck it then' and just navigate away from the site forever :heh:


If they do then they're week and don't deserve to be here! Though it'd be pretty funny if they did and found out in like 6months they left the site cos of aprils fools.

Edited by Rummy
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Fooled for the second time today... I fell for it because I'm naughty enough for something like this to be true. :P


My dad woke me up with a phone call saying the fire brigade were coming round to lift the cat off the roof. No one uses my cat in April Fool's jokes!

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Jokes on you Shorty it's gone 12pm. You're the April fool now!





Also your April lame fool didn't fool me.


Fixed, normally I wouldn't fix peoples typos but when it's in size 7 lettering... >>


Anyway it was a good April Fool but yeah, it's past 12pm now.

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Jokes on you Shorty it's gone 12pm.
Nah, I mean cmon, most people don't get up til noon these days. And on the previous page I discussed whether or not to drop it at noon and decided against it. That crap was made up years ago by parents who just didn't want their kids to be pranking them all day. Also you used the wrong spelling of "you're".


Plus, this is the internet. How do you decide when it's noon? It was noon in Japan 9 hours ago. It won't be noon on the west coast of the US for another 7.

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Hahah, excellent.


That made me think for a while "what did i do to get banned", then i twigged it.


Also liking the C-E page.


Edit: Youtube has gone backwards and upside down, and the other web forum i go on is now "Train Universe". All about trains, lovely.

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