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  My Buttons are Magic! said:
huh,. in a way im definately like her


i refuse to be friends with people who drink :) and smoke...



and therefore am friends with like 2 people


So not even friends with someone who has a drink every so often?


I can't say I'm too big on this stuff either. I don't mind people having the occasional drink or smoke (though I guess it depends on what they smoke), as long as it's in a limited amount.


Still, I'd rather prefer people to not do it at all really. I've seen people/families ruined because of addictions. Not fun.


..hmm.. I have to say, I've never had an enjoyable experience around anyone who is drunk :hmm: ..and I often find it quite intimidating :sad:


Anyway, I've only really read the opening post and actually felt the girl is just right for looking out for her boyfriend.. if anyone around me suggested that they wanted to try any type of drug I'd be seriously worried (and I'd sure as hell do my best to make them reconsider!)


Chill, Winstan. You're clearly very pro-drugs while she is very against. When two polar opposites collide there is always mass annihilation, or wonderful sex.

  My Buttons are Magic! said:
i probably wont u know :P..

(and i dont believe anyone can be a great drunk..)


ahh well


How can you not believe it though? Not everyone is a violent drunk, only a small minority are. It's their responsibility to control how much they drink, so as not to cause such behaviour.

  Haggis said:
How can you not believe it though? Not everyone is a violent drunk, only a small minority are. It's their responsibility to control how much they drink, so as not to cause such behaviour.


exactly.. not everyone is a violent drunk...


in my experience - everyone who ive seen drunk - it hasnt been a good thing..

  My Buttons are Magic! said:
i probably wont u know :P..

(and i dont believe anyone can be a great drunk..)


ahh well

Well you've got your flight booked already, so it's down to the rest of us to ensure y'all have a good time :)

  / nando / said:
..hmm.. I have to say, I've never had an enjoyable experience around anyone who is drunk :hmm: ..and I often find it quite intimidating :sad:

I'll make sure you guys meet me sober first, I think! There'll be plenty of amusements; chess, backgammon, go, juggling balls, frisbee, cheesy jokes. But I guess all of this is now the new off-topic topic...


honestly, i'm leaving the meetup as soon as the kids start getting all "OMG AHM PISHED!!".

i'm way more up for going somewhere nice and having a quiet drink and a chat than going out to get slaughtered.

  bluey said:
honestly, i'm leaving the meetup as soon as the kids start getting all "OMG AHM PISHED!!".

i'm way more up for going somewhere nice and having a quiet drink and a chat than going out to get slaughtered.


Saaaaame! So we can hang out together if other people are ending up getting too drunk. =P

  bluey said:
honestly, i'm leaving the meetup as soon as the kids start getting all "OMG AHM PISHED!!".

i'm way more up for going somewhere nice and having a quiet drink and a chat than going out to get slaughtered.


You're gonna be leaving early....I'm bad enough sober.

  ReZourceman said:


You're gonna be leaving early....I'm bad enough sober.


I think you'd be amazing drunk. I can just imagine your voice randomly going 2 octaves higher from time to time. No idea why.


One of my pals was surprised I hadn't tried cannabis. He said "You've got to try it, haven't you?" Well, no!


Personally, I don't see the point in trying something I know I don't want to get into. It's like tobacco - we know the harmful effects (and terrible they are too), so why start? I don't care if I'd like it or not. What's the point in saying "Oh yes, I like that, but now I have to stop because I don't want to fry my brain!"?


Weed (or any drug for that matter) isn't essential. it's kind of interesting, pretty fun and generally leads to lols and/or super happy funtimes. S'not like you're missing out dramatically.


actually, that reminds me how much I hate evangelical drug users. It's not in the slightest a big enough deal to try and convince someone to do, and it doesn't make you any cooler.

  Haggis said:
I think you'd be amazing drunk. I can just imagine your voice randomly going 2 octaves higher from time to time. No idea why.


You'd be correct. Literally not mentally okay.


I can't see why her opinions are so bad, some people have reasons to dislike drugs, but hating her because she's boring and has "shit views" sounds abit retarded to me. The same goes for how she "will have no fun in life", surely what's fun to you isn't fun to everyone else, to be honest i find 80% of parties absolutely shite.


Sorry Paj, but all I see in this thread is you basically saying "wahwahwah someone has different opinions to me I hate them", yet when you have in the past been on the other side of similar situations it is the opposite reaction you give. I can therefore proffer no sympathy too you. Was this not the same girl you were excited to be having move in with you not long ago?

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