ReZourceman Posted January 22, 2009 Posted January 22, 2009 I don't really swear at all to be honest.
Fierce_LiNk Posted January 22, 2009 Author Posted January 22, 2009 Pretty much the same as me then I guess. X3 Though I do tell Flinky to either "shut up" or "fuck off" when he annoys me again. =P I would just like to emphasise that word again. Pretty much the same as me then I guess. X3 Though I do tell Flinky to either "shut up" or "fuck off" when he annoys me again. =p Aaaaand once more. Again! AGAIN! AGAAAAAAIN! Haha, yeah...she says it quite a lot. Damn, I must be awful. I've turned the Ine into a foul-mouthed-terminator-watching-lasagna-eating-Arnie-quoting Babe. Wohoooo! There's also many different ways you can say "fuck off", too. My Dad says it the best. He really drags it out, and it sounds like "faaaaaahk aaaaaaahf!" I immitate it all the time, and it makes me laugh. Oh, how I amuse myself, woo wooo.
Jimbob Posted January 22, 2009 Posted January 22, 2009 I try not to swear, but sometimes if not most of the time i let a few words go. Usually i swear most around my mates, but its a now and again throughout the night thing really. I do swear with online gaming when someone sneaks up behind without my knowledge or overtakes at the last corner. As for choice words, its the usual ones e.g damn, shit etc. Some of my mates are the worst, its nearly every word.
jayseven Posted January 22, 2009 Posted January 22, 2009 Shit, yo. That's well gay. Gay cancer. Big gay. None are 'swear' words, just general cheeky, nice, playful "oi"'s to mon amigos. Etc.
killthenet Posted January 23, 2009 Posted January 23, 2009 I swear plenty, but only when it sounds right. As any fan of The Thick of It will know there is an art to swearing and when it's done right it's fucking poetry. Example: Glenn Cullen: This is a bucket of shit. If someone throws shit at us, we throw shit back at them. We start a shit fight. We throw so much shit back at them so they can't pick up shit, they can't throw shit, they can't DO shit.
Konfucius Posted January 23, 2009 Posted January 23, 2009 I swear a lot in real life but not so much on the internet. My favourite swear word at the moment is "gehört abgefackelt" which roughly translates to "must be torched". I use it for things and people alike. I also say shit a lot. For instance when I'm explaining a calculation to someone instead of saying: "you put that number in here." I say: "you put that shit in here." And then there are the usual things like fuck (you, me running/sideways, off, up) which I sometimes pronounce as duck, bitch and bitching, damn. I use most of the words in English and the german translation as well which amounts to a nice amout of variety although I'm sure I have a lot more up my sleeve than I remember.
Ashley Posted January 23, 2009 Posted January 23, 2009 Due to 30 Rock (which I've just watched and thus been reminded) I tend to say "blergh" and "nerfs" or "nerds" instead of swearing fairly often. I find replacing swear words is more...creative.
Aimless Posted January 23, 2009 Posted January 23, 2009 They are just words. You shouldn't give them so much mettle. So's "I hate you" or "You were a mistake". It's the meaning behind the letters that's important; everything is just words. I'm not picking on you in particular, by the way, just explaining why I swear very little: swearing all the time diminishes its meaning, negates its purpose, and I like having some strong language in reserve in case I can't express myself any other way. People swearing doesn't offend me and I've no issue with over-the-top abuse being used for comedic effect, but I like words to maintain their meaning so that language doesn't have to keep escalating; "cunt" is the new "fuck", for instance, and "shit" doesn't mean itself. If people insist on swearing as some form of punctuation then we just have to keep coming up with new words, and that seems pretty pointless to me.
Mr_Odwin Posted January 23, 2009 Posted January 23, 2009 People who say swearing means your culcabulury is small are wrong, And you can just make up words to add to your vocabulary too ... like culcabulury. I don't swear, bar the occasional "crap" or "damn it". I especially try not to swear when I'm angry because I control my tongue, not the other way round. I prefer to use old school words like "bother" or "fiddlesticks".
Ashley Posted January 23, 2009 Posted January 23, 2009 "Punch snow you mook" is one of my favourite ye olde time retorts.
Jim Posted January 23, 2009 Posted January 23, 2009 If im using it to put someone down i usually go with dickless wonder, or clueless, cocksucking faggot, or the classy fucking dickhead. Hell I use just about every expletive under the sun, unless the mrs is around... if its swearing from shock etc then its usually shits sake, or fucks sake.
Dannyboy-the-Dane Posted January 23, 2009 Posted January 23, 2009 Swearing, if mastered, can almost become an art in itself. And you certainly have to have your way with words to master ANY type of linguistical art, swearing included. I have no problem with swearing. Most of my swearing is done for comical effect. Like when I'm mildly annoyed by something, I've gotten into the habit of going Will Smith: "Awww, HELL no!" Another one that gets used often is: "For fuck's sake!" I also find that using substitutes actually improves this comedic effect, the prime example being: "Darn you! Darn you all to heck!" I do, however, also use swear words when I get pissed. It doesn't happen often, but when I get pissed, I go into a rage and need to get my anger out - preferably in the form of physical violence towards an object. Smashing something really helps me relieve my anger, but afterwards I feel bad, 'specially if I broke something I like. I try to avoid this by swearing heavily against whatever I'm pissed at - problem is that the swearing gets so exaggerated that it's ridiculous. On-lookers would probably find it amusing or laughable. I don't agree with words being just words, though. Technically they are, but value is put into every word, even the ones we don't expect. To me, swear words don't have an offensive meaning, but a comical one - which is why my anger swearing seems so exaggerated and ridiculous: Because I try to make up for the lack of meaning by increasing quantity. But I do respect that some people are offended by cursing, and I naturally try to avoid offending people and respect their wishes. Self-righteousness can be annoying, though.
Raining_again Posted January 23, 2009 Posted January 23, 2009 Funny this thread should come up. Got an email at work about cursing: Dear Employees: It has been brought to management's attention that some individuals throughout the trust have been using foul language during the course of normal conversation with their co-workers. Due to complaints received from some employees who may be easily offended, this type of language will no longer be tolerated. We do, however, realize the critical importance of being able to accurately express your feelings when communicating with co-workers. Therefore, a list of 18 New and Innovative 'TRY SAYING' phrases have been provided so that proper exchange of ideas and information can continue in an effective manner. Number 1 TRY SAYING: I think you could use more training. INSTEAD OF: You don't know what the f___ you're doing. Number 2 TRY SAYING: She's an aggressive go-getter. INSTEAD OF: She's a f___ing b__ch. Number 3 TRY SAYING: Perhaps I can work late. INSTEAD OF: And when the f___ do you expect me to do this? Number 4 TRY SAYING: I'm certain that isn't feasible. INSTEAD OF: No f___ing way. Number 5 TRY SAYING: Really? INSTEAD OF: You've got to be sh___ing me! Number 6 TRY SAYING: Perhaps you should check with... INSTEAD OF: Tell someone who gives a sh__. Number 7 TRY SAYING: I wasn't involved in the project. INSTEAD OF: It's not my f___ing problem. Number 8 TRY SAYING: That's interesting. INSTEAD OF: What the f___? Number 9 TRY SAYING: I'm not sure this can be implemented. INSTEAD OF: This sh__ won't work. Number 10 TRY SAYING: I'll try to schedule that. INSTEAD OF: Why the f___ didn't you tell me sooner? Number 11 TRY SAYING: He's not familiar with the issues. INSTEAD OF: He's got his head up his a__. Number 12 TRY SAYING: Excuse me, sir? INSTEAD OF: Eat sh__ and die. Number 13 TRY SAYING: So you weren't happy with it? INSTEAD OF: Kiss my a__. Number 14 TRY SAYING: I'm a bit overloaded at the moment. INSTEAD OF: F__ it, I'm on salary. Number 15 TRY SAYING: I don't think you understand. INSTEAD OF: Shove it up your a__. Number 16 TRY SAY ING: I love a challenge. INSTEAD OF: This f___ing job sucks. Number 17 TRY SAYING: You want me to take care of that? INSTEAD OF: Who the f___ died and made you boss? Number 18 TRY SAYING: He's somewhat insensitive. INSTEAD OF: He's a pr_ck. Thank You, Human Resources Not sure whether it was a joke or serious Number12 is epic
Jonnas Posted January 23, 2009 Posted January 23, 2009 Haha, that's epic Although I'm more of a fan of No.16. By the way, "prick" is foul language? Seriously?
Raining_again Posted January 23, 2009 Posted January 23, 2009 Haha, that's epic Although I'm more of a fan of No.16. By the way, "prick" is foul language? Seriously? In the right context yah.. If you said you pricked your finger I doubt too many people would be shocked Maybe one of the softer swears, but in a workplace it would be frowned upon.
MoogleViper Posted January 23, 2009 Posted January 23, 2009 Maybe one of the softer swears, but in a workplace it would be frowned upon. I think it can sound bad as it's easy to spit out the letter p.
Jav_NE Posted January 24, 2009 Posted January 24, 2009 I dont swear in front of work colleagues, especially not superiors. I said "trophy whores" when talking about gamers in a meeting with our editor in chief and felt weird, luckilly he didnt mind and said he was a trophy whore, but it was an uncomfortable moment for a few seconds!
weeyellowbloke Posted January 24, 2009 Posted January 24, 2009 I'm slightly Edwardian in my swearing, opting for nice traditional words in everyday language such as "oh bugger", "bloody hell", "you knob" and Jack Bauer style "damn it". However recently I have got fond of saying "well bugger me shitless" because if you think about it it's actually pretty funny. However during games of Mario Kart at university profanity took over, eventually concocting whole new terminology. A typical exchange would be "Oh fuck, rammed with the sheg by big dong", "FUCK-DOG!!!", "Bullshit you cock-jockey botanical-bastard, default win". Good times they were.
Ashley Posted January 24, 2009 Posted January 24, 2009 I tend to find the word "raped" comes up alot when playing Mario Kart actually. I know its not swearing itself but swearing tends to be fitted into it "I've been raped by a fucking blue shell again!"
Eenuh Posted January 24, 2009 Posted January 24, 2009 Heh, Mario Kart seems to be a game that makes many people swear. X3 I know I swear quite a bit when playing it, but that might be because I simply suck at the game. =P
weeyellowbloke Posted January 24, 2009 Posted January 24, 2009 I think it's because there is nothing more enraging than getting hit with three red shells in a row and going from first to sixth just before the line. I think we broke about three controllers over the years from incidents like that.
Pancake Posted January 24, 2009 Posted January 24, 2009 I've gotten into the habit of saying "fuck sake" as a general response. I only ever feel embarrassed if i've been caught saying it by someone i consider to be a non-swear person. There's this waiter at work who i know for a fact is offended by swearing. I find it kind of pathetic. I'd like to come up with some alternatives to the usual insults, but any i hear end up sounding cheesy/American/student-y.
Dannyboy-the-Dane Posted January 24, 2009 Posted January 24, 2009 To be honest, being beaten mercilessly in games, 'specially by the computer, is the thing that is most prone to induce my rages. :p Many a controller have been on the verge of total and utter destruction, yet somehow I've managed to avoid throwing it to hell and back so far.
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