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Things which don't make sense in films


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The Terminator is an advanced INFILTRATION unit designed not to draw too much attention to itself before completing its mission. It's then pretty much a redundant machine.


Going kung-fu on the cops would have made sense, but the machine was damaged, quite badly, though not incapacitated. It's very possible that it would not have completed its mission.


Plus: Skynet only knew the name of Sarah Connor, no history, no records of birth or anything. Just at the point before judgement day, she was living in that city at that time.


Also: - 4,659,000 points for having the downright cheek to criticise one of the greatest movies ever made.


Something that annoyed me was the way they mercilessly killed off Hicks and Newt in Alien 3. But that wasn't a plot hole or goof so much as the worst crime in history ever committed, including the crucifixion.


Oh yes, and Hypercube. I mean, why?


The Terminator films are classic, apart from that 3rd spin off one which wasn't technically part of the official storyline because it wasn't Jim Cameron. Just some loser who should be fired from writing.


Don't let Fierce_Link hear you say that about Alien 3, it's his favourite film. I agree about Hicks and Newt, that's just terrible storytelling. They spent the WHOLE of Aliens trying to frigging survive the ordeal and eventually they do. What happens? They're killed in the cheapest of ways at the start of the next one. The argument that it makes Ripley more isolated and grief stricken is bollocks. There are other ways that could have been done, it's just lazy storytelling.

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Whats up with Donnie Darko? Am i to understand he's happy at the end because he knows the satellite thing will crush his bedroom and he wants to die? I don't know, its been a while since i watched it but i remember being rather confused about the whole thing... time travel, weird bunny man... do explain somebody.

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Whats up with Donnie Darko? Am i to understand he's happy at the end because he knows the satellite thing will crush his bedroom and he wants to die? I don't know, its been a while since i watched it but i remember being rather confused about the whole thing... time travel, weird bunny man... do explain somebody.

As far I can recall about the film. Because everyones life was so shitty after he was seduced out the house by the bunny, he decides that life would be better without him. He goes back in time to when the thing [plane engine?] crashes and kills him.


Basically, he's a selfish pussy.

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As for the Aliens thing... Michael Biehn was so disgusted after all the emotional investment people had in his character that he made them pay as much for the single file photo they used of him in Alien 3 as he received for the whole of Aliens.


Good on you.


No it is because they used his photo without asking him or informing about him not being in Alien³, he then threatened legal action so they paid up.

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Someone said this yesterday and I couldn't agree more. In POTC (second one?) when JDeppster is swinging down the zipline type thing, at the other end he gets off, but his restraints/cuffs are still on.





Wait...this isn't quite what the threads about but fuck you so yeah.


I wondered this as well. Though if you look closely he actually throws the loose part of the chain over the zip line, he holds that end, swings down and let's go at the bottom...if that makes any sense.

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Someone said this yesterday and I couldn't agree more. In POTC (second one?) when JDeppster is swinging down the zipline type thing, at the other end he gets off, but his restraints/cuffs are still on.

Haha, that someone was me, am I that forgettable? :heh:

I wondered this as well. Though if you look closely he actually throws the loose part of the chain over the zip line, he holds that end, swings down and let's go at the bottom...if that makes any sense.

Good to know, that's always bugged me.

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Yeah, i noticed that too, but he does throw the dnagly part over the wire and grab onto it and it makes sense.


My biggest gripe is POTC3 when Calypso grows into a giant. Why do the ropes become enlarged too? And you see the pirates holding the ropes on the ground and they are normal sized. Does this magic rope suddenly get fatter at the other end?! Bugs me.

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Yeah, i noticed that too, but he does throw the dnagly part over the wire and grab onto it and it makes sense.


My biggest gripe is POTC3 when Calypso grows into a giant. Why do the ropes become enlarged too? And you see the pirates holding the ropes on the ground and they are normal sized. Does this magic rope suddenly get fatter at the other end?! Bugs me.


and then she turns to crabs....

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I still want the 'New' Trilogy to be announced to be non-canon and for the Thrawn Trilogy to be made. Made well, that is, and without so much badly done CGI...

lol what?


I really don't like that part of the EU, well not that part exactly, but the Dark Empire, it's just too farfetched, even for Star Wars.

Hamil talked about the possibility of an Episode VII, so who knows?

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@ Hellfire - there have been rumours about an Episode 7 in the Star Wars series for years, going right back to when they finished up on 6. Apparently, there is stuff written down for another 3 episodes but really, why bother. They didn't do a fantastic job with the new trilogy so why bother.

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@ Hellfire - there have been rumours about an Episode 7 in the Star Wars series for years, going right back to when they finished up on 6. Apparently, there is stuff written down for another 3 episodes but really, why bother. They didn't do a fantastic job with the new trilogy so why bother.

I'm just saying that Hamil talked about it, there are always rumours.

And to me they did a fantastic job, but yeah, I dont' want them to keep making new movies forever.

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Apparently, there is stuff written down for another 3 episodes but really, why bother. They didn't do a fantastic job with the new trilogy so why bother.


Surely because the universe, mythology and characters are still amazing today. Although Episodes 1-3 were just...:shakehead when compared to the originals.


Still think the whole Medichlorines thing was a bit crazy. To me it felt like someone saying "You will become a good Christian as you have MORE faith in your genes" or "We are Selective due to genetics, not 'faith'".

I guess there's a bigger argument in there...

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I seem to be one of the only people who actually liked and enjoyed the prequel trilogy.


On that note. Darth Sidious. I'm quite curious as to how he maintained his pr0 lightsabre skills after so long being "undercover" and against 4 Jedi Masters.


The thing that annoys me about that is that when he first starts, lightsabre is activated. He manages to spiral jump in the air, and do this pansy hiss for about a second before running his sabre through one Jedi [the rest stand and watch] and manages to kill another [the rest stand and watch] before taking on Windu and that other tentacle dreadlock Jedi, whom I think is awesome. Has a fucking pr0 cheeky grin in Attack Of The Clones.

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Almost every film I see confuses me, seriously. :) most easily confused person ever. Most notable are:


No Country for Oldmen, I left having had no idea what had been going on in the film and yet still enjoying it immensely. Can someone tell me what the general theme was please?

I'm so clueless I did not even realise the main character died. the wife crying did not even give me a hint.



Also Burn After reading: Just wow at how confusing the film was. I left the cinema not understanding what had just happened as it didn't seem to go anywhere.


Maybe it's a coen brother thing.... :p

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