Ashley Posted October 2, 2010 Posted October 2, 2010 1. Are you able to play a game for less than an hour? Yes. In fact much more easily than I can for over. 2. How do you combine other obligations with your greatest of hobbies? Rarely. 3. How do you go about eliminating your backlog? I don't. 4. What game have you played for X hours straight, and what number would that X be? Only time I recall playing a game for any number of hours is when I'm reviewing it. If I play for pleasure I tend to do short bursts. 5. Does anyone here plan their gaming time? Nope.
Cube Posted October 2, 2010 Posted October 2, 2010 1. Are you able to play a game for less than an hour? Yes. Stuff like Audiosurf and Beat Hazard are great for quick goes. 2. How do you combine other obligations with your greatest of hobbies? Work all day. Play games in the evening. 3. How do you go about eliminating your backlog? Buy buying more games. I don't know why, but that tactic isn't working. 4. What game have you played for X hours straight, and what number would that X be? Burnout Paradise. 24 hours. Perhaps question number 5 could be: Does anyone here plan their gaming time? No. I just go with what I feel like.
MadDog Posted October 3, 2010 Posted October 3, 2010 1. Are you able to play a game for less than an hour? Yes, easily. 2. How do you combine other obligations with your greatest of hobbies? Football comes before everything, then gaming. 3. How do you go about eliminating your backlog? I don't know really. I play games until i stop enjoying them, whether I've completed them or not. 4. What game have you played for X hours straight, and what number would that X be? Hmm. There has been nights were I've played EVE Online from evening time, so about 7/8PM. All the way till 4AM. So i'll say 7 hours. 5. Do i plan gaming time? Nope. Only for organised online gaming.
Sméagol Posted October 3, 2010 Posted October 3, 2010 To be honest, I don't have a real solution, as I have the same general problem, except for the fact I do have plenty of time available, but I just seem to game less.. I do suggest you play Silent Hill right away though, since that'll give you a great experience while requiring little of your time. 2 nights should be enough for a single playthrough, 1 even if you play the whole night.
D_prOdigy Posted October 3, 2010 Posted October 3, 2010 1. Are you able to play a game for less than an hour? Definitely. With just having started university, I'm finding myself more and more confined to handheld gaming, which I find superb for short bursts. Going on Dragon Quest IX at least once a day for about half and hour per stint. I've also just acquired, played and completed Metroid Fusion in a week by going on it a couple of times a day in less-than-an-hour bursts. 2. How do you combine other obligations with your greatest of hobbies? My gaming is now fit in around my uni work (actually doing some now). As work stuff gets harder, it seems to take more commitment to actually game. Most of my spare time is spent procrastinating online whilst lying on my bed. Gaming for me is almost becoming like reading in the mental commitment if requires. 3. How do you go about eliminating your backlog? Very very badly recently. Luckily, I don't purchase so many games in a year. But in recent months I've just found it impossible to go back to certain games. On the one hand, it's sad to see the games I've only put a couple of hours into, but on the other, it separates the great games from the rest. If I game really captures me (say, Metroid: Other M), I WILL see it through to the end very quickly. Something like No More Heroes 2 though just doesn't seem worthy of my time, and I've only put about 4 hours into it. I do however have Donkey Kong Country 2 which I downloaded months ago and haven't even thought about starting yet #shame 4. What game have you played for X hours straight, and what number would that X be? The only recent extreme I can think of (that's non-PC) is Infinite Space on DS, which I think I played for about 4 hours straight the first time I started it. I recommend YOU go through Silent Hill from start to finish non-stop. It'll take about 6 hours providing you get the most out of the beautiful game world, and it'll be quite an experience. 5. Does anyone here plan their gaming time? I'm planning on going on Golden Sun 2 when I finish this Philosophy work. That's about as long-term as my planning gets.
FalcoLombardi Posted October 4, 2010 Posted October 4, 2010 Bioware should make a Star Fox RPG ala Mass Effect for the Wii. Yes, a very random thought.
nekunando Posted October 4, 2010 Posted October 4, 2010 1. Are you able to play a game for less than an hour? I regularly play games for less than an hour. I usually work through several different games at a time across a variety of genres. At the moment I am dividing my time between Red Steel 2 (Wii), Spyro The Dragon (PS1), Forza Motorsport 3 (XBOX 360), Top Spin 3 (XBOX 360) and now Golden Sun (GBA) since finishing the campaign on Call of Duty 4: Modern Warfare (XBOX 360). I usually play little segments at a time unless I become engrossed in a particular game 2. How do you combine other obligations with your greatest of hobbies? I seem to have a lot more time on my hands now due to how everything has developed this year. When I'm not at work I'm usually playing a game or doing stuff with my friends.. 3. How do you go about eliminating your backlog? I seem to have taken better strides at eliminating my backlog in recent times as I have certainly bought less games recently and I'm making more of an effort to stick at certain games without being sidetracked by others. I tend to play several games at a time across different formats, as I mentioned, so that things stay fresh. If one of the games grabs my interest more than the others, I'll probably finish it relatively quickly and move onto another. 4. What game have you played for X hours straight, and what number would that X be? I don't usually play any game for a large number of hours in a row and find that going over the 2 hour mark is enough of a stretch. The last game I can recall playing for a prolonged period of time is Super Mario Galaxy 2 because it was so hard to put down! I may have reached about 4 hours in one sitting.. but things like that are rare for me 5. Does anyone here plan their gaming time? I don't really plan my time. If I feel like playing something in particular, I'll probably just play it when I get the chance. I only really plan things ocassionaly, such as this Halloween when I plan to take care of Silent Hill: Shattered Memories. i have wanted to play it for a few months now but I have postponed it just so I can play it around this time of year I'm also likely to give 1080 Snowboarding its annual playthrough along with doing Tony Hawk's Pro Skater 3 with another character as I always get in the mood to play them in the autumn. I'm sure that is down to me buying them around this time of year several years ago..
Captain Falcon Posted October 5, 2010 Posted October 5, 2010 1. Are you able to play a game for less than an hour? I am but I tend not to as much. I like having that time so I can let myself become more absorbed in it. When I'm waiting for something, instead of firing up the DS, I am now more inclined to just go on the internet on my phone. I'm very likely to send someone a message too whilst I get a few minutes to myself and if they respond it saves me having to keep putting something down and picking it up again. So if I am playing a game for less than an hour, I try to avoid new games where I would actually be making progress in case I get to a point where I can't really save and stop playing. 2. How do you combine other obligations with your greatest of hobbies? Obligations are just that and they have to come first. But if I think I can get away with, I'll do a bit of gaming beforehand. It's a pretty bad habit though. 3. How do you go about eliminating your backlog? Backlogs aren't something I typically ever have problems with. I don't buy an awful lot of games. I've brought 8 retail games so far this year (6 Wii and 2 DS) and have my eye on 3 future releases. But normally after a good weekend session, I'll have seen a good chunk of what most games have to offer and then by the end of the week, the game is often finished. I still go back and play them and have multiple games on the go that way but they aren't in any sort of backlog. Most of my purchases of games tend to be on it's day or weekenn of release. If I don't get it then, the odds of me doing so become quite low. And I don't normally buy a game until I've finished the one I'm on so I know I will give it my full attention unless I see it as an absolute must buy. 4. What game have you played for X hours straight, and what number would that X be? When I get a new game, I'll sit there and play it for hours if I enjoy it enough. I think I spent up to 8 hours at any one time just playing without stopping to for an actual meal or do do something else. 5. Does anyone here plan their gaming time? I have been known to book time off work for games I'm really looking forward to but after that initial day, I just play when I have free time - free time = gaming time I do sometimes plan what order I'm going to play my games though. So I might think I've not played something recently so I'll go through that. And then I'll look at how long I think it will take me and see what I've got on. If it's a really long game and I know I won't have as much free time, I won't bother starting it - I'll pick something shorter.
Fused King Posted October 5, 2010 Posted October 5, 2010 Thanks a lot for all these diverse responses! @ Darksnowman No, this is not for my coursework, I'm just curious about fellow N-europers gaming habits and am also trying to learn from them. Let me just tell all of you what kind of guy I am: I am a guy who makes a list of all the Wii and DS games I still need to buy/play and the first thing I do is order 2 games that were not on my list (Castlevania Double Pack). I hope we can all agree though, that, from time to time, you play a game you just fall in love with and still gives you that warm feeling inside when you think about it. I bow my head to those who answered. NOW THEN! Next year's E3: NINTENDO CONFERENCE......Nintendo Sphiire?
Retro_Link Posted October 6, 2010 Posted October 6, 2010 If developers are gonna put absolutely no effort into their Wii games, they could at least release it as a Wii Ware title at a cheap price!
Caris Posted October 7, 2010 Posted October 7, 2010 I'm wanting to pick up another Wii for Galaxy 2, Other M, DKC Returns, Goldeneye and Zelda. Any good deals going on anywhere?
david.dakota Posted October 7, 2010 Posted October 7, 2010 Red Wii to release in Japan for Marios 25th
Owen Posted October 7, 2010 Posted October 7, 2010 25th Anniversary Super Mario All-Stars Collection coming to Europe December's been posted on Nintendo hopefuly we'll get official confirmation soon!
Hero-of-Time Posted October 7, 2010 Posted October 7, 2010 25th Anniversary Super Mario All-Stars Collection coming to Europe December's been posted on Nintendo hopefuly we'll get official confirmation soon! *points to Super Mario All-Stars Collection Thread*
Sméagol Posted October 7, 2010 Posted October 7, 2010 Red Wii to release in Japan for Marios 25th Link: The console itself only seems to have a differrent colour, no special print like the DSi's. I would have loved an 8-bit Mario printed on top. But pre-installed is a 25th anniversary special edition Super Mario Bros game, the same as the one you get from the VC in all aspects, except for the fact all the questionmark blocks have been replaced. See a screenshot through that link. Oh, and it comes with a red new remote (the one with Motion+ included).
limonadik Posted October 8, 2010 Posted October 8, 2010 1. Are you able to play a game for less than an hour? of course no!!! I play in WOW minimum 2 hour. 2. How do you combine other obligations with your greatest of hobbies? I know, there are something what I nessesery do, and it compel me do it/ 3. How do you go about eliminating your backlog? I don't know really. I play games until i stop enjoying them, whether I've completed them or not. 4. What game have you played for X hours straight, and what number would that X be? Once I plaed for a 6 hour... 5. Do i plan gaming time? yes, it can be.
Dante Posted October 9, 2010 Posted October 9, 2010 European Wii Red Version - DONKEY KONG: Original Edition -Mario's gaming debut Pre-installed on this system Wii Sports New Super Mario Bros Wii
Ike Posted October 9, 2010 Posted October 9, 2010 Nice. That's the colour I originally wanted. Why are we getting Donkey Kong though?
Retro_Link Posted October 9, 2010 Posted October 9, 2010 Nice. That's the colour I originally wanted. Why are we getting Donkey Kong though?Where it all started for Mario!
Cube Posted October 9, 2010 Posted October 9, 2010 And Donkey Kong (and therefore Mario) is 30 next year. So they can have a big advertising promotion next year.
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