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Is there actually someone on this forum who only owns NINTNENDO systems?

Thus, someone who owns a Wii and 3DS and no other non-NINTENDO consoles?

I don't think Retro_Link has any non-NINTENDO consoles...


... it's true!


I have Eddage for that! :p

I've had a Dreamcast in the past, and I am constantly thinking about getting a 360/PS3, but I guess the overall draw of those just isn't quite big enough atm. Maybe though.

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... it's true!


I have Eddage for that! :p

I've had a Dreamcast in the past, and I am constantly thinking about getting a 360/PS3, but I guess the overall draw of those just isn't quite big enough atm. Maybe though.


Same here. It's not that I don't buy non-Nintendo consoles, it's just that this generation hasn't grabbed me, for a number of reasons (price, games, needing an HDTV). I've got a PS2 and Xbox, just not a PS3 or Xbox 360 (yet). I am very keen on the NGP though.

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As far as I'm concerned this generation has been fantastic for non nintendo consoles (I'd even go as far as saying that they've bettered Ninty's console offerings), so many brilliant games.


I really hope that the Cafe has a load of these ported, just so that anyone who hasn't owned a PS360 can get to experience them (although I guess the online system Nintendo put into place will be a major factor, in which case I'm not expecting much :heh:)!

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Is there actually someone on this forum who only owns NINTNENDO systems?

Thus, someone who owns a Wii and 3DS and no other non-NINTENDO consoles?

Yep, I don't own any other non-Nintendo consoles. To be fair though, I do do a lot of my gaming on PC, so for me, my Wii is solely for Nintendo games, and my PC for everything else. :smile:

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Is there actually someone on this forum who only owns NINTNENDO systems?

Thus, someone who owns a Wii and 3DS and no other non-NINTENDO consoles?


I have a PSOne and two and a Megadrive but only got them when their generation had passed. Yes I'm saying the PS2 is no longer current. :heh: I just do it to catch up on some RPGs and stuff (I've still plenty of catching up to do) that didn't make it to the Nintendo console of the time.


As for PS360... it'll be nice to play Blue Dragon, FF XIII, Tales of Vesperia and all some time but I've been extremely happy the last number of years with the Wii and DS combo. Plus, I've been able to hold off on buying a new all singing, all dancing TV for gaming on. Standard def ftw. :cool:

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Is there actually someone on this forum who only owns NINTNENDO systems?

Thus, someone who owns a Wii and 3DS and no other non-NINTENDO consoles?


Sadly, I have succumbed and purchased a PS3 - there's a lot I felt I was missing out on, Dead Space, Little Big Planet. Its a great machine actually but in many ways still feels very last generation; the controller, XMB are terribly dated. Wii's icon/channel menu feels far more intuitive and fun, and of course the Wii Remote is far more advanced than the DualShock.


On a different note; anyone seen this. While its pretty cringe worthy, it shows how much - in 1991 - Nintendo put into its customer service.


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Is there actually someone on this forum who only owns NINTNENDO systems?

Thus, someone who owns a Wii and 3DS and no other non-NINTENDO consoles?

Other than this magnificent machine:





Then yes, I only have Nintendo stuff. :smile:



Although I want to try and get a Dreamcast at some point in order to own the awesome

. :love:


Just been waiting to see if they'd do the right thing and release a version for Wii, but it appears that SEGA aren't down with that plan. :(

The fools! *shakes fist*

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Is there actually someone on this forum who only owns NINTNENDO systems?

Thus, someone who owns a Wii and 3DS and no other non-NINTENDO consoles?


*raises hand*


Since the days of my NES to the Wii now, I've only ever had Nintendo consoles/handhelds.


It's not a loyalty thing or anything. Just with on a limited income I can't justify the cost of owning more than 1 console a generation. And PS3 and 360 have few exclusives that interest me, where as of course with Nintendo I have Nintendo games : peace:


And getting a 2nd system just to play 1 or 2 games again just wouldn't be worth the cost either.


I'm happy with my Wii and I've played games on other consoles at reletives/friends so unless I win a substantial ammount on the lotto or something I'll be a one console person always I guess, haha.

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*raises hand*


Since the days of my NES to the Wii now, I've only ever had Nintendo consoles/handhelds.


It's not a loyalty thing or anything. Just with on a limited income I can't justify the cost of owning more than 1 console a generation. And PS3 and 360 have few exclusives that interest me, where as of course with Nintendo I have Nintendo games : peace:


And getting a 2nd system just to play 1 or 2 games again just wouldn't be worth the cost either.


I'm happy with my Wii and I've played games on other consoles at reletives/friends so unless I win a substantial ammount on the lotto or something I'll be a one console person always I guess, haha.


I can very much relate to that: peace:

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I Picked up Eledee's for £3 on eBay this week, it's a title that interested me but I never splashed out on, when I saw if for some cheap I thought I'd whack a bid down and got it.


looking forward to giving this a blast on the weekend.



I'm trying to pick up a back catalogue of Wii game's I missed out on, and it pains me to say.... there is a lot I missed out on :(

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I Picked up Eledee's for £3 on eBay this week, it's a title that interested me but I never splashed out on, when I saw if for some cheap I thought I'd whack a bid down and got it.


It's a fantastic game and one that shows off the wiimote's features very well. It's a shame more people didn't pick the game up. :(

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I Picked up Eledee's for £3 on eBay this week, it's a title that interested me but I never splashed out on, when I saw if for some cheap I thought I'd whack a bid down and got it.


looking forward to giving this a blast on the weekend.



I'm trying to pick up a back catalogue of Wii game's I missed out on, and it pains me to say.... there is a lot I missed out on :(


Just a question...are you one of these foo's who bought a Wii, sold it, and have now re-bought it to catch up on old stuff? :heh:

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Just a question...are you one of these foo's who bought a Wii, sold it, and have now re-bought it to catch up on old stuff? :heh:




Nahh I got my original white Wii on launch, and got a 2nd Wii (the Red Mario 25th Anniversary one) :p Got one in the living room, and the red one in our bedroom :)


But I admit I did kind of... neglect the Wii, I got the bigger hitters like Smash Bro's, Twilight Princess, Galaxy 1 & 2, Metroid Other M, DKCR, and such on their launch, and dipped into a few of the party / fun games like Warioware, Raving Rabbids & Wii Play...


but other than that didn't treat the console with as much time as I did my 360.



So just sweeping the back catalogue of gems that I neglected now they're a little bit cheaper.


Want to make sure I get them all before the Cafe does come out, as from past experience getting games for an Old Ninty Console for a decent price when a new console is out is a challenge... (Still want Fire Emblem & Chibi Robo for cube, but can't justify parting away with £40 for each)

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Nahh I got my original white Wii on launch, and got a 2nd Wii (the Red Mario 25th Anniversary one) :p Got one in the living room, and the red one in our bedroom :)


But I admit I did kind of... neglect the Wii, I got the bigger hitters like Smash Bro's, Twilight Princess, Galaxy 1 & 2, Metroid Other M, DKCR, and such on their launch, and dipped into a few of the party / fun games like Warioware, Raving Rabbids & Wii Play...


but other than that didn't treat the console with as much time as I did my 360.



So just sweeping the back catalogue of gems that I neglected now they're a little bit cheaper.


Want to make sure I get them all before the Cafe does come out, as from past experience getting games for an Old Ninty Console for a decent price when a new console is out is a challenge... (Still want Fire Emblem & Chibi Robo for cube, but can't justify parting away with £40 for each)


Ahh, good man. In that case, I'mma post a list of games that I recommend you get.


ExciteTruck - you are not considered a man until you have this

Little King's Story - Or else Fused King will die.

Silent Hill Shattered Memories - I love

Dead Space Extraction - I love this, too.

No More Heroes 1 + 2 - do eet

de blob 1 and 2 - do eet twice

the metroid prime trilogy


This should get you started. A nice mixture there. Plus, some of those can be bought for absolutely nothing. You can probably get no more heroes 1 and 2 combined for 20 or so quid. De blob for about a fiver. Little King's Story only cost me £6 when I bought it about a year ago.


Hunt around. 50 quid will get you a decent Wii collection of games. If you're feeling really brave, you can buy Madworld brand new for about 3 pound. :D

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I tried for the longest time to stick to my Wii. But two years ago I was fed up. I didn't get GTA, the best racing game was Need for Speed Carbon and the best FPS was a port of a PSP game and an entry in a franchise which has since died off (yes, I bought it, and I didn't like it because the controls were bad, the level design was bad and the game looked like it literally could have been beaten by an N64 game). And the few high quality games that were available just never dropped in price (just last week I tried getting Smash Bros and it cost 50euro. USED!).

I'm the biggest Nintendo fan in the world and I can see a milion different cool things you can do with a Wiimote, but there too few Nintendo games and too few games that made good use of the Wiimote.

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Ahh, good man. In that case, I'mma post a list of games that I recommend you get.


ExciteTruck - you are not considered a man until you have this

Little King's Story - Or else Fused King will die.

Silent Hill Shattered Memories - I love

Dead Space Extraction - I love this, too.

No More Heroes 1 + 2 - do eet

de blob 1 and 2 - do eet twice

the metroid prime trilogy


This should get you started. A nice mixture there. Plus, some of those can be bought for absolutely nothing. You can probably get no more heroes 1 and 2 combined for 20 or so quid. De blob for about a fiver. Little King's Story only cost me £6 when I bought it about a year ago.


Hunt around. 50 quid will get you a decent Wii collection of games. If you're feeling really brave, you can buy Madworld brand new for about 3 pound. :D


Pretty much summed up what I'm after... as well as the games you've listed I also want to get...


* Endless Ocean 1&2

* Disaster Day (New Nintendo title... got to do it)

* Fire Emblem

* Punchout

* Trauma Centre Second Opinion

* Another Code: A Journey into Lost memories



just gotta wait till next pay day to pick up another one or 2 now.

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I tried for the longest time to stick to my Wii. But two years ago I was fed up. I didn't get GTA, the best racing game was Need for Speed Carbon and the best FPS was a port of a PSP game and an entry in a franchise which has since died off (yes, I bought it, and I didn't like it because the controls were bad, the level design was bad and the game looked like it literally could have been beaten by an N64 game). And the few high quality games that were available just never dropped in price (just last week I tried getting Smash Bros and it cost 50euro. USED!).

I'm the biggest Nintendo fan in the world and I can see a milion different cool things you can do with a Wiimote, but there too few Nintendo games and too few games that made good use of the Wiimote.


Does this mean that you missed 2010? It was an incredible year for the Wii.


Pretty much summed up what I'm after... as well as the games you've listed I also want to get...


* Endless Ocean 1&2

* Disaster Day (New Nintendo title... got to do it)

* Fire Emblem

* Punchout

* Trauma Centre Second Opinion

* Another Code: A Journey into Lost memories



just gotta wait till next pay day to pick up another one or 2 now.


I quite like Disaster: Day of Crisis. Its very B-movie. Its basically the game adaptation of The Rock (with The Cage and The Connery). I like how it contains different elements, such as the exploration, the shooting sections and the driving parts. For me, it works. It can feel a bit clunky at times, particularly during the exploration bits. But, if you can see past its misgivings, it actually is lots of fun. I loved it. :heh:


Punchout is stunning. [/chairdriver] One of my favourite games. Fucking hard, though.


Also, Trauma Centre. Amazing single player, breath-taking in co-op. In co-op, it just becomes...something else. Me and Ine have been playing this together and its just a whole different level when two people are involved. You really have to communicate otherwise you just won't get things done. I really rate this and New Blood.


I'm on the lookout for Endless Ocean, Another Code and Fire Emblem. Want all of these. I have too many games, and too many to still finish.

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I'm on the lookout for Endless Ocean, Another Code and Fire Emblem. Want all of these. I have too many games, and too many to still finish.


You ever played the one on the Gamecube? Can't say I recommend Radiant Dawn without playing Path of Radiance first.


@Murr: Tatsunoko vs Capcom is an excellent 2D fighter, House of the Dead: Overkill is gory, cheesy fun and Resi 4: Wii Edition is a must-play.

I also recommend the aforementioned De Blob and Excitetruck.


And how about one of the 2D platformers, like Wario Land and A Boy And His Blob? Haven't played them, but they look like quality games.

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I was just reading an interview done with the 'vice president of strategic planning and business development' of Capcom, at IGN. There is nothing really of note here but he talked a little about Capcom's support of the Wii over the past 4 years and I thought some of you might want to read it:




IGN: Since Nintendo announced a new console for release in 2012, I thought we should take a look back at Capcom's output for the Wii. The company so far has put out about 14 titles in North America, nearly half of which were ports of some sort. If I had told you in 2006 the Wii would sell nearly 80 million units you'd be ecstatic and want to make sure Capcom had tons of software ready. In reality, the company put out very few titles.


Svensson: It's not about necessarily the number of releases, but I would argue we have probably three or four in the top 20 on Metacritic. As a percentage of our share of the top 20 Metacritic games out of the number of Wii titles released to date, we certainly over-performed. Resident Evil 4: Wii Edition, Zack and Wiki, Tatsunoko vs. Capcom: Ultimate All-Stars, Monster Hunter Tri, and Okami are all probably up there.



IGN: Any regrets with the Wii?


Svensson: I think like much of the industry, I wish I knew what it was going to be a year before it actually became apparent what it was going to be, in terms of market acceptance. I don't know that there's any publisher you could speak to going into that window that would have said "It's going to be that." Maybe Ubisoft did, they're the only ones that bet really heavily out of the gate on it. But I'm not sure if they capitalized on it any better than we did in the end.


There are certain things I wish we would have done, but the problem is the windows of opportunities closed. When it became apparent we should have done something, the chance had already passed us by from a business or development standpoint. But other than that, it was not terrible. We've had some major successes. The Wii helped us grow the Monster Hunter brand in the West. Our most successful Monster Hunter in the West was Tri in both North America and Europe. I think Zack and Wiki was an interesting experiment; very creative in its approach and reinforced that Capcom innovation is alive and well here. We brought Tatsunoko vs. Capcom to the West when everyone said it wouldn't come. We proved them wrong and it was modestly successful.


I'm not disappointed with our Wii output at all.

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I don't think anyone could be really disappointed with Capcoms support on the Wii. Sure the Wii didn't get blockbusters titles like the HD twins but what Capcom put on the Wii were great games. Zack and Wiki, the Resident Evil gun games, Monster Hunter etc. all offered fantastic and different experiences.

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