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ahhh finished my 4 playthrough yesterday.. Finally got 1000 points (achivement whore)... was a bit stuck with the speech ach. but I remembered reading about a glitch.. and sure enough... I felt a bit rotten about that but I just didnt want to spend another 10 hours running around finding all those speech challenges..

I will get the DLC at some point.. and then I will play through the game with meele weapons as my primary.. the only one I havent tried... also I keep on finding stupid things that have me laughing on the floor.. like opening the cell where Red is held captive.. and then zapping her with the mezz gun and putting a slave collar on her.. It just gets me every time.. cough


Anyone checked out the Dunwich building on the south western corner of the map?

I haven´t finished it yet but damn is it creepy.


Also the last audiotape (at least I think it´s the last) gave me goosebumps.

I just had to take a break from Fallout 3, it's just so grey and depressing.

Lol, similar feeling. I was trying to take out a big factory full of giant ants, dogmeat kept dying... the ants were easy to kill but boring. I'd just wandered right accross the wasteland to get here, there's no xp because I've capped and it doesn't seem like I'm going to get much of a reward for finishing this factory... it can bring you down a bit sometimes :heh:

Anyone checked out the Dunwich building on the south western corner of the map?

I haven´t finished it yet but damn is it creepy.


Also the last audiotape (at least I think it´s the last) gave me goosebumps.


sure thing.. think theres a bobblehead there.. That's what I went for in the first place.. and I was pretty "green" when I did it so i had a pretty hard time getting through that place


I found two bobbleheads yesterday! Two in one hour after a 45-hour gap since the first one I found >_< Also discovered about 97 locations so far! I love exploring.


Eurogamer have their review up of the DLC, they gave it 5/10.


They said that removing most of the rpg elements such as looting, and exploration you're just left with a standard shooter.


Yeah the Dunwich building was great, wish they had locked away a few more hidden places into caves etc that don't appear on the map.


I didn't realise the DLC was dropping today.


Should really think about downloading it but have got a little sidetracked by Fable 2 at the moment.


TBH , I can't fully remember were I got to in this , I don't think I was that far along though.


The DLC is a nice departure from the main game. Unfortunately it ends abruptly (like the main game), but it's still good fun.


Also...it must be brilliant if it's as good as Banjo-Kazooie.

where is the simulation anyway? i downloaded it but dont know where 2 go lol


cant remember where the simulation machines are


Wait a few minutes and you should receive a radio signal and the quest. Then simply follow the arrows.


Got this game yesterday. I must say it's very overwhelming. I'm not entirely sure if I should be dying as much as I am. I get told to explore somewhere and get owned by stuff I can't kill. For example, i've just been told to go find the Galaxy News station. So I head in the direction i'm told and hit some city outskirts. Few moments later i'm killed by 3 raiders, one with a bazooka. All I can kill it seems is dogs, rats and wasps...


Yeh, the game seems to be very unbalanced when it comes to the enemies. I spent a little bit of time before heading out to where you were to go just doing some side quests and getting my level, skills and perks up. Now I can decapitate raiders and most of the other enemies with a couple of shoots. The only things that give me any trouble are the centaurs as they seem to just absorb most bullet damage. At least they go down quick enough with the flamer or the Fat Man.

So I head in the direction i'm told and hit some city outskirts. Few moments later i'm killed by 3 raiders, one with a bazooka. All I can kill it seems is dogs, rats and wasps...


It can be a pain at times. I started a new save today and the first enemy I encountered outside the vault was a Deathclaw (luckily after a little bit of running I bumped into some Brotherhood Outcasts who kicked it's arse).


What would you guys suggest? The only side quest I have is finding some gang called The Family. I went where I was told and there were a shit load of mutants so I gave up on that.

Maybe lower the difficulty if you have troubles. I managed to scrape through.


^ That's what I did. I plugged 20 hours into creeping around, shotgunning-people-in-the-face. I couldn't get into DC for all the soup mutes, so I just went off galavanting around trying to pick off any raiders I came across from a distance.


Then I went from Normal to Very Easy, and I'm now lvl 20 with another 35 hours of the game under my belt, having enjoyed it muuuch more because of it. There are no achievements for doing it on a harder difficulty besides the general self-hi-5 you'll give yourself eventually.


The game is easier once you get a few better weapons, and after a while you're not struggling for stimpaks or ammo too much. The mission 'Riley's Rangers' was probably the turning point, for me.


ZOMGWTF aliens?! srsly I was all lololo no wai! The gun is awesome. Will I ever get any more ammo?



I think I've calculated that there are 9 more missions to do. I've found about 107 places on the map; how many are there? And, lastly, the bobbleheads - how easy are they to find? I've got 5 so far...


Lastly! What's the name of teh last mission? I really want to get as many of the other missions sorted before I end the game.


I'll give it another go on a lower difficulty then. Is there a shop around, in Megaton maybe? I got loads of stuff I reckon I can sell.


Incoming spoilers relating to the DLC...


I must say I was very disappointed with Operation: Anchorage. It has none of the sense of adventure and exploration that made the full game so appealing and ends up feeling like a knock off of Call of Duty. There are no moral choices to make and you can't even interact with the environment; if you're low on health or ammo there are contrived dispensers for both after every encounter. I know it's supposed to be an in-game simulator but it seems completely detached from the otherwise cohesive overworld and completely unnecessary to the overriding story arch. Owners of the Playstation version aren't actually missing out on anything worthwhile, I just hope the upcoming DLC has a bit more in common with the main game.

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