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What makes you smile?


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I thought a nice "Angry! Angry! Angry!" counter thread would be nice. Better to focus on the positives, if any, in life.


What brings a smile to my face:


  • Any Jamiroquai music video.
  • My weird electro house music, listened to on my headphones really loudly with no one around.
  • Reading anything by Hunter S. Thompson (but especially his letters).
  • Kung Fu Hustle.
  • Watching footage of Chuck Berry live.
  • Video montages that use Johnny Cash (e.g. The last episode of Terminator: SCC).
  • Chocolate chip brioche.
  • Coming back to London after a holiday.
  • Frank Lampard. Because I like him, not because I think he is fat or any other bullcrap pumped out by the press and regurgitated ad nauseam by idiots who can't think for themselves.
  • Swearing.
  • Making up swear words.
  • Using my made up swear words in a comical context.


So what puts a smile on all your mugs?

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Hmm, what makes me smile? Quite a lot of things.


- When people show kindness to each other. I hate it when people walk around with faces like smacked arses, so it always pleases me when strangers make nice comments to each other at train stations or on buses or in shops.


- Appreciation. I think everyone will agree with this. When you get rewarded for your good work, or when you're having a not so good day and somebody comes out with a comment which makes you think "actually, I'm not doing too badly." On the flipside, I always feel that little bit better when I give somebody one comment and you see their face light up, like it's made their day.


- When you're walking down the street and a nice looking lady gives you a knowing glance and a smile. Haha. It's actually quite sad, but it does put a spring in my step. It's like "hey...I'm not invisible after all!"


- When you're out having fun, or in having fun, and you look around and see that your mates are having a good time as well. One of those cool nights where you feel invincible.


- Sometimes, when I've been teaching, and I see that the class really are getting a point that I'm trying to put across. Or, if I explain something to them and then look through their work and see for myself that they have totally 'got' it. It makes me think that they're really learning and that I'm doing a decent job.


- When you get a random txt off somebody, and its not somebody reminding you of something, but asking how you are or asking if you'd like to meet up.


Probably a dozen others, but that'll do for now. :) <-----

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- When Aston Villa win a match. Sounds stupid I know, but when your whole family supports the club, the atmosphere in the house sorta changes depending on whether they won or lost. If they have an emphatic or memorable victory, such as beating Chelsea 2-0 or winning the second city derby against Blues 5-1 last season. The 'euphoria' lasts into the following week.


- Comedy. Not just funny sitcoms or good anime, but anything that succeeds in making me laugh.


- Music. Like a really good song that I haven't heard in ages. It sort of makes me feel good and makes me feel less miserable.


- A really good film/telly programme. If I watch a brilliant film or a show that was really, really good, it hypnotises me and makes me feel rather happy that there isn't always recycled and boring shite on telly all the time.

That's been happening a lot since I got into anime. I've seen some really good anime shows that have just been a lot better than most tripe I've seen on telly.


- Yeah, videogames as well. Whether it be comedy, or enjoying a session on Guitar Hero or Rock Band, or finishing a great game. It makes me smile.

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- When Aston Villa win a match. Sounds stupid I know, but when your whole family supports the club, the atmosphere in the house sorta changes depending on whether they won or lost.


I know what you mean (except for with BCFC obviously, lol). So that makes me happy when Birmingham City win a match.


TV: Especially comedies or Heroes, lol. Oh, and I like sci-fi as well.


Movies: They have to be either a comedy (white chicks and more...) a horror (way too many to name but Battle Royale) a fantasy (Harry Potter, Narnia and more...) or anime (Spirited Away, My neighbour Totoro, Nausicaa...)


Books: Stephen King, J.K Rowling and Dan Brown are just brilliant books to me, lol


Music: Anything at all apart from Amy Winehouse and McFly, rofl


Gaming: Dead or Alive, Resi Evil, Mario Galaxy, lol...and I really want Guitar Hero (is it worth getting because I haven't played it but it looks awesome!)

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-Food makes me really smile just thinking about it gives me the biggest grin. :grin:


-When someone acknowledges my existance. That's always nice. :)


- You find out someone isn't as bad as you think.


- Playing Videogames as hollow as that sounds playing games does make me really happy. :D


- Just when I have one of those awesome relaxing days.


- Watching The Simpons and Anime.


I'll think of more later. More thing smake me happy.

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My best friend just came back from France = Massive :D


I don't know what I'm going to do when he is away for the whole year in a couple months. :(


- Watching The Simpons and Anime.


Haha! Yeah the opening of The Simpsons with the clouds and the title always bring a massive smile to my face.

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My best friend just came back from France = Massive :D


I don't know what I'm going to do when he is away for the whole year in a couple months. :(




Haha! Yeah the opening of The Simpsons with the clouds and the title always bring a massive smile to my face.


Great! : peace: I love the opening and Couch gags.


Being a Simpsons Nerd, when someone is talking to me and I suddenly think of a great Simpsons quote or scene it makes me smile. (like homer eating a cake photo or sliding up naked on a glass church)


Though when I mistake of saying the quote out loud like "stupid lack of public urinals" in a totally unrelated conversation I get very odd looks....



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Best Simpsons quote has to be Hans Moleman!


"I was saying boo-urns."


I love saying this randomly. Whenever me or my friend say it we just crack up, a notable time being sniped in Halo 3. :D

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Best Simpsons quote has to be Hans Moleman!


"I was saying boo-urns."


I love saying this randomly. Whenever me or my friend say it we just crack up, a notable time being sniped in Halo 3. :D


That's awesome! :awesome:


It's one of my favourite quotes, from a great episode. :yay:


some more stuff:


- having a good chat with people (that I like.:p)


- Waking up early in the morning.


- When it raining but I'm all cosy in my bed.


-equally when it's warm and I have the fan blasting over me. :D

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Friends (and no, not the Sitcom)

Talking of Sitcoms, Scrubs!

Lego Star Wars

Suitably well placed sarcasm/dead-pan.


Zero Punctuation



When a friend gets a text saying "hey, this is random, but do you wanna meet up for sex this weekend" from an anonymous number.

Bill Bryson books

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At the moment, last fucking night :D:D:D:D:D


Is that a clue?


Anyway for me:


-A certain girl, which is kind of sad that so much happiness hinges on one person, especially when that person isn't even your girlfriend anymore. (although there have been several occasions where we've ended up in the same bed recently, ugh, complex situation)


-Listening and singing along to music loudly in my room.


-Receiving a random calls/texts off of people, although I should do more random calls/texts myself.


-Helping random strangers out, like this bloke I was chatting to over the phone at work. He had a pretty tragic story and so I'm going to send him whatever information I can find to help him.


-Long nights of chatting and drinking.


Actually reading back a lot of those things sound quite depressing. I really need to get my act together.

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  • food (especially when I'm not supposed to have it)
  • sleep (curling up in bed is fun)
  • nature/animals
  • good music
  • when someone leaves a nice comment on one of my drawings
  • even bigger smile when someone likes it enough to buy it


C'est tout pour le moment.

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I just realised what makes me happy.


When I do my hair and I think it looks good. It makes me happy I don't know why but it makes me feel like I'm not ugly :p When its bad I get so annoyed and usually ruin it even more.


Also people make me happy. When I'm with people I'm happy.

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I'm always happiest when I hear some great music i'd never heard before (new or old).


In terms of music, more specifically, the album SMiLE by Brian Wilson always leaves me with a ridiculous grin on my face. It's such an incredible album and, unusually for such an amazing and complex album, very jubilant. :bowdown:

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Guest bluey

the one thing in the whole entire world guaranteed to make me happy happy smile smile ~ is charlie and lola.



i love it. i'm not even sure WHY anymore.. it just charms me into smiling and gets me all happy ^___^ sit me infront of an episode of this, followed by dr.who and then perhaps house MD, gimme a cuppa tea (made by jamba or my friend ian ~ those guys make the best tea EVAR) and a slice of toast with raspberry jam (or better still ~ a croissant w/ butter and raspberry jam!) and i will no doubt be so happy i have to fight off joy-tears :grin:


.....i'm easily pleased, ne.


that being said i cant find raspberry jam ANYWHERE in japan~ but! one of my students finished her regular lessons today and got me a present to say thank you for teaching her (aww!) i'd been complaining explaining about not being able to find raspberry jam, and she's bought me a beautifully wrapped jar of hand made raspberry jam (and another jar of strawberry jam - just to top it off ^__^)

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Guest Stefkov

Being with mates.

A good joke.

Getting something in the post and ripping it out of it's packaging.

When it's really sunny outside but then it starts to rain a bit. It's hot but there's rain pouring. It's great.

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