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I would like to know that too.


This contains all the DLC, but it doesn't look all that great if I'm honest.


- Additional Character - Dampierre

- Collector's Armor Set

- Customization Equipment Set

- Headgears Set

- Modern Costumes Set

- Tekken Costumes Set

- Sexy Costumes Set

- Armor Set


Still, it seems like a good price.


Yeah, it's pretty cheap. Nice to have on the HDD, too.

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I ended up buying Corpse Party and Harvest Moon to play on my Vita.


Will get Corpse Party, too. Heard that is has a really good story.


And I hate that Harvest Moon isn't available in Germany -.-


Finally. I've been waiting for a price drop on Book of Shadows since it was released.


But now I have too many PSP games for them to fit on one page, so that sucks. :hmm:

Finally. I've been waiting for a price drop on Book of Shadows since it was released.


But now I have too many PSP games for them to fit on one page, so that sucks. :hmm:


Use folders :p


Just played a bit of Corpse Party and damn, it already is quite scary :D

But it has to be played with headphones!

Just played a bit of Corpse Party and damn, it already is quite scary :D

But it has to be played with headphones!


Yeah I just got done trying it out myself and im liking it. I agree about the headphones as well, it'll help with the atmosphere but also stop people overhearing all the screaming which gets pretty loud lol


Got Parasite Eve 2 and Zone of the Enders HD Collection. Been waiting for these for awhile. Actually running out of space on my machine :( Need to really get through some of these games but Kingdom's of Amalaur is so damn big and fun with it.

Need to really get through some of these games but Kingdom's of Amalaur is so damn big and fun with it.


Ah, Kingdom's of Amalur. Remember that game.

Might give it another go sometime, because it actually is quite fun, but comes down to button mashing rather than equipment stats and that's when it gets tedious. Never finished it because of that.


Was really disappointed that this game didn't sell so well and its developers had to shut down.


Apparently an HD port of Assassin's Creed III: Liberation is coming.


For anyone who really wanted to play it but isn't cool enough to own a Vita.


Insanely good deal on a PS3 bundle at the moment for anyone who doesn't have one. £189.99 for a PS3 500GB with The Last of Us, GTAV and season 1 of Breaking Bad (use promotional code toonarmani) at GAME.


Dose anyone else keep getting signed out of PSN? I sign in just fine, start playing a game and then 5 minutes or so later i get a pop up saying i've been signed out and won't sign me back in. This has been going on for a good few days now.

Dose anyone else keep getting signed out of PSN? I sign in just fine, start playing a game and then 5 minutes or so later i get a pop up saying i've been signed out and won't sign me back in. This has been going on for a good few days now.


I remember a long while back you would always sign in and out of PSN on my friend list. I think this is something to do with your setup...


On a similar note to @martinist is anyone having issues with their YouTube app?


It loads, but nothing shows up, so its just a background, I've contacted support, but I just keep getting told they are looking into it and its been over a week, which is annoying.


I did a quick search and found a few others with the issue, but they seem to have fixed it without mentioning how...le sigh.

ZOE any good? Will probably grab VF2. Already got Daytona which is superb.




No its not. Even if free, its not good.

Wait for SC2 HD and hopefully SC3 HD(arcade port).


ZOE 1 is...passable. If you want trophies, don't play this game as you will torture yourself trying to get them. Basically the trophies highlight the bad game design in areas. Having to restart the game over again because you can't tell how much damage an area received till 1 or 2 missions after that particular mission will be the start of this game pissing you off.


ZOE 2 is freaking hard! Much harder than I remember but it still looks fantastic, has amazing music, excellently directed cutscenes (which in typical konami/kojima fashion are a little too long) and runs consistently at 60fps thanks to updates. Oh and the gameplay is sublime too.


Would be playing now but have to finish kingdoms of Amalur sometime this year and then Dead space 2 so I can start a co-op on Dead space 3.


So, in a moment of spontaneity, I've just ordered a PS3. Bit late to the party, I know.


Was itching for something new to play, brother is off to uni tomorrow and is taking the 360 with him, Wii U still a little too expensive (waiting for a £199 deal), so have ordered a 500GB with GTAV and The Last of Us from Shopto for £199!


Tell me all I need to know, all the bargains, must haves, etc. etc.!

@Mr\-Paul I'm looking to sell Ni-No Kuni (unplayed) and Heavy Rain, if either interest you :)


What price are you looking to get for both? I'll think about it :D

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