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Your Ideal New Year's Eve


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Right, so just a little thread for all you mofo's out there to get you thinking about New Year's Eve.


I've never had a truely great New Years Eve, at least not for years anyway.


Last year, I spent it with my then girlfirend and her two mates. It was alright, a bit boring, and it wasn't anything like I wanted it to be. To be honest, it always ends up being a disappointment, and at heart I'm always thinking "why can't it be romantic?" and all that.


So, how would you plan yours? What do you want yours to be like? I'll tell you mine later.

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Had the best NYE ever a few years ago - And I take full credit for organising it :P


Basically, found out that down at the Lagoon in Hove there's lights that come on behind the Surf hut. Basically I told everyone a week early to be there as soon as it gets dark, and in the end over thirty people turned up. We'd already moved some of the park benches there, and we started with shots lined up for everyone, and there were crates of beer and cider and bottles of vodka.. and even music! Loud enough to be heard but not too loud to drown out conversation. Perfect. Great weather, great company. I even managed a 'moonlit' walk with a girl along the promenade overlooking the beach both sides of midnight, and everyone had a blast!


But now everyone's at uni... Meh. I've organised the last three... four years? I didn't enjoy the last two though. My house isn't a great place for it as it's small, and this year everyone's too grown up to get cold outdoors... Plus my old friend base has totally splintered thanks to people breaking up with each other (myself included...) so... yah. WHO KNOWS!

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My last ones have been spent in the States, at my boy's place. There would usually be a gaming party going on, since it's also his birthday then and his friends come over and there's pizza and cake and of course games. Pretty fun. =D

Though more in celebration of his birthday than New Year, but I don't mind. =P


This year though I'll be home (and he'll be here with me, teehee). My parents seem to want to go for dinner somewhere, but I'm not sure yet if that's actually going to happen or not. Rest of the night will probably be spent watching movies/playing games/eating snacks or whatever. Sounds good enough to me (especially since I'll finally be getting some affection again then, hopefully). =3

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House Partys >>>>>>>>>>> Going out at new years. Having to pay to get into a pub is just wrong imo. Spending an hour queing at the bar to be charged £4 per pint no thanks. My mate had a house party last year that was brilliant I think cant remember anything from about 10 pm onwards however.

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My ideal New Year's Eve would be a night in with my best friends, with a coal fire burning, some poker and a steady supply of fine drinks. We'd drift into the new year as if by accident, celebrating maybe by clinking glasses of champagne.


Then again this is 'ideal', right? So let's say I have a mini-bar in there, with a good bartender and some cocktail waitresses. And some professional poker players in the game.

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