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So much for the whole day being spent at the cinema. There's still plenty of time for me to go but my mother is being a right prick over it. I can get my own way there it's just I need her to give me the money to get there and get my tickets. :nono: Only chance I have at being able to go to the cinema for awhile as after this week I'm going to be hugely busy, and the end of this week is really busy so I was hoping to use today as a relaxation time but doesn't look like it's going to happen. Not happy. It's alright for her to bugger off for the weekend to catshows leaving virtually no food in the house but it's not ok for me to go and do the normal teenage thing of going to the cinema. ::shrug: Anyone want to swap/buy some parents?

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Anyone want to swap/buy some parents?

*sigh* lemme tell ya now, matey.. this never works.

even if you find a buyer on gumtree it always ends up being an FBI agent making a sting.... :sad:


will; i work in central (tott court rd) 9-6.

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I think I've discovered I really like dismantling things and fixing things. I'm turning my PC into a hackintosh - finally getting it right today - which has taken quite some time to perfect, especially since I couldn't get it to detect my hard drives at first. And I bought a Torx 8 screwdriver on ebay which arrived today, so I could take apart a couple of my 360 pads and clean them (one had sticky buttons, clearly something had been spilled on it - the other was full of dirt. It had bits of tobacco in the rumble motor, I don't even smoke!)


Sup hackintosh buddy http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Y5uDi7fRyFo

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stole my post back from bluey's thread!


Overslept again, but I did write a review last night that I'm pretty pleased with. Should be up on Remedial Waste later when I find Daft and get him to upload pictures/ make sure it's not shit.

oh and new How I Met Your Mother is out, finally. Quite good!

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I think we know who's to blame for that, then. I love taking stuff apart, seeing how stuff works. How much does one of those screwdrivers cost? I could do with cleaning mine out, the A button is getting dodgily stickydowny on one of them.

it was about 99p on ebay. size 8 torx is the one you need, and there's a screw hidden behind the barcode behind the battery pack.

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Beware rant. AAAAAAAAHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHAAAAAAAAAAAAA. I fucking hate this type of shit. Casually stroll along to Odeon to book the fucking cinema, and the box office has a sign saying buy @ retail, so strolled over, and my worst fears became true. Instead of a ticket you get a fucking receipt with the ticket on.


Empire recently adopted this approach, and it does my fucking nut in because I collect my cinema tickets, so now I've got a shit tonne of skanky ass receipts in my collection.


Icing on the cake? Price increase. £6.00....for CHEAP TUESDAY, and up 30p for standard to £8.30.




What the fuck is this shit. They increased it last year from £7.00 because of "new seats" and whats the excuse this time? Credit crunch? Fuck off, you should be lowering prices to get people in you cunt fucks.


I'm a bit annoyed as you can see. Basically now its cheaper to go to Hemel, including petrol still cheaper (on occasion, due to free parking there)




Sigh. Anyway, it looks like at the new theatre complex there will be a Waitrose (ie my old employer) and Waitrose is absolutely amazing so thats made me kinda happy.

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I fucking hate this type of shit. Casually stroll along to Odeon to book the fucking cinema, and the box office has a sign saying buy @ retail, so strolled over, and my worst fears became true. Instead of a ticket you get a fucking receipt with the ticket on.


Empire recently adopted this approach, and it does my fucking nut in because I collect my cinema tickets, so now I've got a shit tonne of skanky ass receipts in my collection.

You displeased because you can't show off the cardboard rectangles that are cinema tickets on your wall anymore?

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You displeased because you can't show off the cardboard rectangles that are cinema tickets on your wall anymore?


Used to put them on my wall, but they are in a box now. (Claire not too keen on that particular decoration)


They will re-appear on the wall in my magic room of fun**




**When we move out. Soon. Ish.





Aaaand, I now havn't spoken to my mum in two years. Shit. :(

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O_o Why?click me


Woops that was slightly misleading. She died two years ago tonight (well tomorrow...early morning) and today two years ago was the last time I spoke to her. Kinda crap.


I'm sure a load of recipts will look just as good on your wall...


I remain skeptical.

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god this unemployment is depressing.


ive been appying for jobs for the past hour. ive started to actualy apply for stuff i know is purly commision basewd, simply cos i need somthing on my CV and at least its a chance to earn some money, rather then sit on my arse and live on handouts.


honestly think this is the lowest point of my life. i'd describe it like being in a perfectly circular hole made of marble. theres no foot hole, no ledge to grab, no purchase to try and climb. trapped completly at the bottom of a hole, no forseable way out unless some one throws me a rope.

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I've gotten pr0 sneaky on trying to sort my brother out.


After being pimpsmacked with 140 hours of community service, which he does on Monday & Tuesdays. The boy has suddenly said he's thinking of joining the army. This means that there's no point in looking for a job because he doesn't want to get a job only to quit it. This would make sense if:

A] He even gets into the army,

B] Actually did something about joining the army. He knows where to go to apply, but can't be bothered. Commitment to Queen and Country displayed in true fashion.


Personally I don't think he'd make it, he's too much of a lazy prick to be honest.


However he's recently gotten himself a girlfriend... Why get a girlfriend if he'd be moving away to join the army? He thinks she'd wait for him [Hahaha]


So I sent her a message asking her to sort him out, convince him to get a job and finally sort his shit out, instead of doing fuck all. Since he doesn't listen to anyone at home with the voice of reason, I'm hoping the voice of someone who gives him rim jobs will persuade him better.



God I'm good.

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Most likely.



It's always good to start off letters like these with a film quote:


"Howdy stranger, this is Hauser. If things have gone wrong I'm talking to myself and you've got a wet towel round your head."


:bowdown: :bowdown:

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The mentally distured girl in English started yet another (very interesting and engaging) debate/arguement in class today, after one of her inane comments.


This time about how she didn't understand why anyone would want to read "To The Lighthouse", as it's just insignificant events.


Cue an explosion from all the other realistic students, who recognise it as fracking amazing.


The teachers were a bit more open to discussion (shooting her down, but saying that it was good that she's brave enough to put her opinions across)


The lesson was summed up with a quote one guy had noted down;


I read Jane Austen to understand my friends, I read Virginia Woolf to understand myself.


I clapped.

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stole my post back from bluey's thread!


Overslept again, but I did write a review last night that I'm pretty pleased with. Should be up on Remedial Waste later when I find Daft and get him to upload pictures/ make sure it's not shit.

oh and new How I Met Your Mother is out, finally. Quite good!


What coincidence. I went and looked at some remedial waste today. Basically I went to a plant where they sort out all the stuff that gets thrown out into things that can be recycled and all the other shite. Then we went and checked out an incinerator where they get rid of the unrecycled stuff. It was all quite impressive and reminded me strongly of Halflife. I kept expecting a headcrab to leap out of the dark corners.


In other news I've just found out one of my old teachers died yesterday. He was total a legend and had only just retired. :(

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