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Ash, seems he signed a contract saying he was to work occasional saturday shifts, 3 in 8 seem occasional.




Occurring from time to time

Not habitual; infrequent




Not occurring regularly; occasional or rare

Situated or placed at rather wide intervals, as in time or space


IMO, 3/8 ie almost 50% isn't occasional.

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Gargh, totally overslept this morning and had 6 minutes to get up, get ready and leave for work.


Its an email. Yeah. I've been told maybe I should do it in person....so I think I'll wait till the resource dude comes back.

Well I said I would be doing it in person initially and using my 'cheeky charm' to try and solve the problem, heh. Just think the email sounds a bit aggressive.


Oh yeah, I can't check which saturdays I'm working because someone changed my system to Polish! :heh:

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IhateGAME. Dubstepisawesome. Jugglingtonight! The End.





Occurring from time to time

Not habitual; infrequent




Not occurring regularly; occasional or rare

Situated or placed at rather wide intervals, as in time or space


IMO, 3/8 ie almost 50% isn't occasional.


precisely what I was going to say to you. Don't let them get away with it!


EDIT: Oh, and Raining_Again! That joke was awesome. I told it twice yesterday.

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Word. I checked my contract the other day, but can't see anything more specific than "Occasional Saturday" I think I'll have to check again tonight for that change without permission line.


Things = never easy.


Enjoy college life kiddies. Best days evaaar. I just should have worked harder.


My contract says the same, only have ever worked a Saturday once in the 18 months i have been here. It also states a reasonable amount of overtime per month, have worked about 5 days in 18 months overtime. Win


Todays highlight of the day: The far end of the factory where i work caught fire, evacuation of the whole factory and offices. 1/2 - 3/4 outside in the cold = fail. At least i had my coat unlike some others.

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Speaking of being kept up all night by technology, anyone (apart from Jay) into Facebook Tetris. Actually the best thing in the world. Not that I need moar competishion, but yeah its amazing. Leaderboards, of your friends, etc, you can watch back your friends high scores attempts, like watch the game.


Its like really really awesome and I've been playing it like a pr0 smooth gringo the last few days. Must vanquish my friends high score in two minutes top score, or I'll be upset.


Seeing Push tonight.


Super powers + Chris Evans = awesome....



....well FF was okay, but I still love him etcokaystfuwtfbbqlololol

Wow look haw many NEers I impersonated by accident in this post lololol.

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Tired and it's not being helped by the fact that the curtains are shut in my room, as a result of my brother staying up all night and playing Warcraft. :shakehead Just finished taking one of my module online assignments and got a 65 out of 75 which is pretty good. Couldn't for the life of me figure out the answers to the other two questions where I dropped the 10 marks but that's still a decent grade.


Went looking round the shops and spotted what must have been the best bargain every and because of my lack of funds I can't afford it until next week and it probably won't be there by then which sucks as MGS: Twin Snakes will never appear in Gamestation again for £7.99. They also had a copy of Pikmin 2 for £12.99, in immaculate condition, if anyone was interested (likewise with MGS which was why I was a little annoyed at not having the money to buy it as I could easily make £40 on eBay) :heh:

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Naughty Squirtle..


I'd fuck it.............


(I don't know. I just don't know anymore)


wtf why


Basically, it is fun, but I suck too much, so I'm selling it to pay for Disgaea, and then I'll pick it up on the cheap when its in sales/dropped in price.


To clarify this is because the CE is the biggest rip off in the history of the universe. Staggeringly expensive. The figures are a lower quality than pod toys I got for *looks for Euro button* Ah €2 years ago, and yet they essentially whack on £30 for them (oooh and a bonus disk in a slip sleeve) you don't get them free with fucking newspapers.


Huge rip off.


But yeah I want Disgaea. :(

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Haha, thats brilliant. Forums hugely on the fritz recently.


Havn't sold it yet. I've seen it on Ebay WITHOUT the game for £33, so I might try it that way.






I had an argument with God the other day, but we've now patched things up.






Said the worst thing ever at work today. I was speaking to an internal colleague on the phone, and the system was being ridiculously slow, and it finally loaded and I said the fateful words "Sorry it took so long to get it up" I usually word it differently, but this time it just slipped out (thats what she said) and I knew my mistake. Luckily she seemed to not notice/had a great poker voice.

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Appears I've been given the job as reviewer at the website I applied for yet they haven't told me. All they've said is 'when can you get the reviews done by?' ::shrug: Not exactly the right way for them to do it but it's fine. Done my first two reviews for them but can't connect to the site so can't send them in. Need to sort out arrangements for payment and game deliveries as well but that'll be quick to sort out.


Going to watch The Girl Who Leapt Through Time again tonight as I wasn't paying much attention when I watched it a few weeks ago and want to watch it properly to get a proper feel of the film. Was too tired then so I'm hoping I'll be alright when watching it this time. Would have been watching What Dreams May Come but nowhere has it for sale. I've been to a few HMVs and none have had it. Will check in Zavvi tomorrow but it's unlikely they'll have it either.

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today has been good, went to college as usal which is okay sometimes on wednesdays. but today was diffreant as we had a basketball against the top team in the league, but we beet them which gave me an exclent feeling inside of me. other than that ive been download apps for my new ipod touch i will be getting on sunday for my birthday.:smile:

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Worst day, ever. I came in to college, and was utterly shattered. Had a major migraine (worse than my usual ones. I get them a lot, and college knows this). I looked so tired, and wasn't really concentrating in lessons. Next thing I know, I'm being called to my head of years office, and being told they are concerned I may be doing something stupid, and that (Like my sister ended up doing before she went off the rails) they think I might be taking drugs!!!


I was like "I'm both incredibly insulted, and damn right fucked off that someone would even imply that about myself". I don't think I've ever been that angry in my entire life. Because I've missed a few more lessons than normal over the past few months due to constant migraines, they deem it reasonable to assume I'm a drug addict? I'm stunned, and a little but worried what my teachers think of me now, considering the head of year has probably informed them of his opinions.

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Having a great day. Started off lamely, got up at 8 to get into work at 8:30, turns out I don't have work until 11. NICE. Then I went to the school :) Its always fun there. Enjoy helping kids out, although some are unbelievably stupid =/ Not even funny.


Came home. Booked a ticket to an amazing gig! This weekend is going to own! skin tournament and a nice little N-E meet hopefully in Sheffield :)


Then I went and bought our St Patrick's Ball (Its the halls I'm staying in), will be formal and good :) £35 though :|

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