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Just do it. Be a steggy student.



Assuming you mean wear my dirty t-shirts again, I haven't actually done my washing since I got back from xmas holidays. (Nearly 3-weeks)


I've worn every t-shirt I mind being seen in at least thrice now :P


I'm gonna do my damn washing :P


(What does steggy student mean?)

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Assuming you mean wear my dirty t-shirts again, I haven't actually done my washing since I got back from xmas holidays. (Nearly 3-weeks)


I've worn every t-shirt I mind being seen in at least thrice now :P


I'm gonna do my damn washing :P


(What does steggy student mean?)


I assume it means "dirty"...or at least that's what I took from it.

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I probably count as a 'steggy' student. I bought a box of 20 arial tab things, and I currently have 2 left. I bought them about november 2007. Oh dear. I just did a wash, mind you -- now I just gotta find the arse to empty the machine and find enough hangable edges to get it to dry. For the last 4 days I've been wearing shirts I've worn twice in the last 5 years, and a pair of awesome trousers that got ripped to shreds by a bicycle (held together by... er, those pin things with teh safety bit. LOL SAFETY PINS I can't believe I actually forgot what they were called. Massive internal lols.


I have this thing. I buy alcohol -- lots of alcohol per week. Nearly every time I do, I buy it from the same sour-faced woman at the shop opposite my house. Earlier this week I somehow managed to make her laugh, and now the whole "I don't want her to think I'm an alcoholic" shadow-thought has started to metamorphosise stubborn limbs that desire only to bitch-slap me when I continue to buy my crates of cider - if only because we've made some sort of connection. She ACTUALLY smiles when I enter now. She is, seriously, the only person whose opinion actually bothers me. Just not enough to actually do anything about it.


I like italics, ok?!


Me and the girl both think we are going to end up back together at some point because there's still 'fizz' in the relationship. Made me a little more content.


BAH to that. If you are ending up together, I say go see the world - have some fun. Try your darndest to forget all about her - or attain for liver failure, whichever comes first.


I've been thinking about my ex loads recently. So very, very tempted to text her BUT! ... But I know I'm incapable (through self-refusal) to be any sort of sustainable boyfriend. I mostly wish that I had some sort of hobby, or subject that I felt so damn passionate about that I could say "this is me, this is who I am" and somehow find some similar person/people to accept me, and to share themselves with me. Not that I think people don't like me for who I am, but mostly just that they stop at the like and accept me for who I appear to be. Yes, I am a big, fat, emo masochist but still the problems that I feel I face are invisible and obsolete in the grander picture - but if one of the problems is the fact that I am constantly, consistantly unable to view or care about the bigger picture, then is it worth whining about? The paradoxical moronical element is just that - I want to whine about it, but I'm far too conscious of the fact that it's all somewhat a mental excuse to continue being myself; a person I get along with, a person other people get along with - just the fear that this leads towards a slightly ironical habitat is all that worries me.


The word alleyway is sooo damn crucial to my egotistical hemorrhage that it could be labelled the clotting factor. The face-off never seems to end. Is it control? Is it just a tool to distance myself; a protective layer to keep myself insulated? But surely any self-expression regarding this subject to any degree is a case against the matter? I don't believe it is a condition I encounter alone, instead it is something we are all experiencing, continuously. The conscience is, likely, the factor here. But conscience of what? Of when? Of whom? Does it have to be just one of those elements, or is it a unique combination of all of them that defines me, that shapes me, that provides for my excuse?


A constant battle between self-importance and self-worth that cannot be answered merely by the self, yet the self-respect and self-pity refuse to allow any external facets to mold or form any of the internal. The only joy I can scour or scavenge is in the idea that the self-mediated battle within is the only thing that drives me to accept; to encounter and to survive. The selfishness that I so self-consciously question and analyse is precisely what prevents me from being that which I do not want to accept I might be percieved as. Perhaps simple commentary does not harm nor alter the matterafterthefact, or perhaps I just haven't quite pin-pointed the correct route through life that combines the self-awareness issue and provides the answer of absolution.


OR! Perhaps I just need to stop drinking cider 'til 7am.

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I really did try and read all of that post, but the alleyway paragraph just completely confused me. It was like nothing I've ever read. Sorry!


On a good note, natural friendly conversation with the girl has resumed, oddly. Feels good, feels right. Dyson is happy once more.


Also, you can get cider that doesn't have alcohol in it? What's the point in that?!

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Awww, so much drama around hereeeee. Hope everything is going to end up being a-okay for everyone! *hugs to you all!*


My days have been okay this week I think, heh. Been a bad girl and skipped a couple of my classes, oops. Actually preparing to go to one now, though since it's an 8 hour long class where we just sit and draw, I'm probably gonna come back home early (at noon or something).


Watched some films this week (Slumdog Millionaire, Jurassic Park, Planet of the Apes and Predator) and some X-files, as well as played a bit of Brawl, Eledees and yesterday De Blob (early birthday present, yay!). Need more gaming going on! =D


Oh and we made our lovely vegetable lasagne again, which was a success, if I do say so myself! And tomorrow we might make a cake! =O

Still need to find a nice one in the cooking books though...


Anywayyyyy, time to leave to school and do some work, haha. Darn.

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I probably count as a 'steggy' student. I bought a box of 20 arial tab things, and I currently have 2 left. I bought them about november 2007. Oh dear. I just did a wash, mind you -- now I just gotta find the arse to empty the machine and find enough hangable edges to get it to dry.

You sound as a bad as my arse brother. But you're a "student" [loose term for j00] so at present doesn't seem as bad.

I've been thinking about my ex loads recently. So very, very tempted to text her BUT! ... But I know I'm incapable (through self-refusal) to be any sort of sustainable boyfriend.

Maybe you have trouble finding the arse. In more ways than one.

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Kids can drink it? Idk, I've never even seen alcoholic cider, it sounds wonderful.


I don't think I've even seen non-alcoholic cider! Well, there is apple juice, but that's...boring...


The only thing greater than cider is pear cider. It's unequivocally awesome. :awesome:


As for the drinking age, remember that over here the "general" drinking age is 18, considerably lower than what most places state-side have.

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Someone has built a giant snow penis complete with balls out of the post box. I will upload ever. Its the most beautiful thing I've ever seen.


Had a great night last night too, despite seeing one of the worst films I've ever seen (and walked out of the cinema. Am downloading the rest before I "properly" review, but even naked sexy ninjas couldn't save the film, frankly)

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Oh sorry, its in the film thread if you want an essay, but Revolutionary Road.


Think Titanic, but no boat, no interesting characters, the actors have lost the ability to act, nothing happens whatsoever, with a sprinkling of awkward emotions on top. (Didn't see the whole film, walked out so will rate properly when done)

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I should really stop reading J7's ramblings. Think my brain melted trying to comprehend what he was on about. :heh:


Anyways, had a light dusting of snow last night which should make the walk home from Uni at 6pm so much fun. Two afternoon lectures from 3 till 5. I'm hoping it's not me that thinks that having lectures at those times is absolutely ridiculous. And I can't not go as I have a practical which is compulsory.

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