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Tenthirty! TwohoursbeforeIleave. Tiredasfuck. NotsureIcareanymore.


The Derren Brown program missed an amazing trick out. When I saw that show live, he did a trick where he limited the oxygen to his brain by putting a bag over his head, this put his self in to a certain state of mind.


Once in this state he walked over broken glass, then placed his face on top of the glass and had a man stand on his head and back.



They showed that on his previous TV 'live' show thingum. Was pretty horrible to watch.

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Aye, it does seem curious. They originally printed two issues in one, so they were catching up at double speed, then added X-Men so evened out. Where abouts is it upto? Which storyline?

Well due to subscription fiascos and my own shitness and all that, I haven't read an issue since about...october? Spidey was just at the clone saga where Fury's about to take him in, Xmen was just about to start a new saga with Sinister next issue or something. *Think* the last story was about Shadow King.


I thought the same about the doubling/catching up though, so I'm just kind of amazed they're dropping it so soon. Issue 90! That's like...probably march or something silly. I'm getting my missed issues sent to me(for 1.70 and issue, pfft) so that's 3 issues...I need to make sure I don't miss the one after. But yeah, on the whole, plain gayness. Do you know how cheap/expensive it'd be to get just ultimate in? I'd probs wanna buy a ton at the same time though, save on postage and stuff.

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Do you know how cheap/expensive it'd be to get just ultimate in? I'd probs wanna buy a ton at the same time though, save on postage and stuff.


It should be somewhat cheap. Happenstance knows of a website that sells comics here, they are rather reasonably priced and I think would be the best bet. Over than that Ebay would be worth a try as Ult Spidey has rather large sales. I think its like....25 issues or so behind, as we're on like 129 now. *Checks*

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So far my day is going incredibly well, had the morning off to sort out my new car, got every extra I wanted for a very good price and I've been approved for their finance deal. All I need to do is sign the form and pay 10% and my car will be on the production line - absolutely cannot wait :) :) The 6 week wait is going to kill me though.


Back at work now, few things for 2008 reporting to do but nothing too major.

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I have to get my sleeping pattern back to some manner of normality for Friday with my sexily early interviewings. I'm not doing my normal manner of getting myself nicely drunk. I'm going to try abstaining from tea all of tomorrow, coupled with an early night should help me get up at about 7ings.



Christ it's foggy too.

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Meh, spent the night in the cells last night, me and the wife had a bit of an argument that got out of hand, she bit my nose, and it looked really bad, loads of blood, so I called an ambulance, after we'd calmed down and cleaned it up it wasn't as bad as it looked, so I called and cancelled the ambulance. The ambulance people thought that was suspicious so called the police, and because I'd had a few drinks they blamed it all on me and nicked me, even though I was the one who had been injured. The food in there was crappy, and it was freezing, and the blanket they gave me hardly covered me. Got about 4 hours sleep, had my interview, they realised there was no reason to detain me now I was sober and let me out. Bloody knackered now, but can't sleep, think I'll lunch out in front of the telly for the rest of the day.

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That seems a bit off.


Also, a nose bite? Interesting..attack..


That's the way the police work, they've got arrest quotas to make and I was the only arrest there going, not like I'm going to shop my wife, no matter what she does to me.


How did your wife reach your nose, you're very tall!


She has her ways, it's not the first time she has over powered me.

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Wow, interesting adventure there rokhed! =O



I've been trying to read through my course book today for my exam tomorrow, but it's going awfully slow. It is an open book exam, but we're actually not even allowed to use the book, since it has pictures in it... so instead we have to use these crappy notes the teacher made. For the last chapters she even simply made copies from the book, leaving out the pictures. Crappy copies even, since they contain all her pencil notes where she crossed words and the like. Bahhh.


Anyway, half an hour break with a game I think!

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That's the way the police work, they've got arrest quotas to make and I was the only arrest there going, not like I'm going to shop my wife, no matter what she does to me.


I guess it was because it sounded suspicious, cancelling the ambulance after an attack. If you don't want to press charges, it doesn't if you're wife were to even admit to it.


Sounds like a bad night in all. Still, you've got a rather good story to tell out of it! :heh:

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I'm so swamped with work, it's mental. I realise everyone else is aswell, but being off for a week really made things a million times worse. My first exam is tomorrow, and though I feel vaguely prepared, this is the only one I have that feeling for. The others? MOTHER FUNKING HELL.


Anyone have any tips for revision? Staring at notes, after notes is boring me to tears. If anyone makes a good suggestion, I will love them long time. :heart:




On another note. I have a new annoyance. Generalising. Anyone that does it deserves to be burnt lots.

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Finished uni at 10:30 today. Got tomorrow off as usual. Next week the lecture is cancelled so I have Wednesday and Tuesday off.


I'm going to look around for part time courses otherwise I'm going to go insane.


Was reading Freud today. Confirmed some of my thoughts about how screwed up I am. Joy.

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Finished uni at 10:30 today. Got tomorrow off as usual. Next week the lecture is cancelled so I have Wednesday and Tuesday off.


I'm going to look around for part time courses otherwise I'm going to go insane.


Was reading Freud today. Confirmed some of my thoughts about how screwed up I am. Joy.


Peh to Freud everyone is screwed up and need to get screwed to fix/make things worse (as they seem to go hand in hand).


Done more work on my assignment. Went to uni to see a friend and give her some books and generally see real life people (always exciting). Although she realised she has an assignment in for tomorrow (along with others) and was stressing out so I've come home and bung together a plan and a few references I had knocking about.


Should finish one assignment today. Oh and I started working on my 'file'. It comes to something when in the third year you end up cutting up pictures to put into your work >_>

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Exam overr. Not that you vested any interest in it, but hey! I have the right to moan.


Pwned up the first question, didn't finish teh second one. So long as I pass 40 marks I don't really mind too much. I also picked up my three essays - gota pleasing 60 (remarked from a 59!), 64 and 71 (as mentioned) which have seriously made me realise I'm not totally down-and-out this year.


Now I have about four days to prepare for the exam that combines with the 71 score. I shall be aiming for a 69 or higher to first-it-up for the module, so we shall see!

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In before Moogle; always good to aim for a 69 jimmy boy.


Congrats on the exam and essays. Nearly there lil' buddy!


Also noticed you listening to The Faint. 'Mirror Error' was used on Gossip Girl and I kinda love it. The rest of their stuff similar or is this one of those cases where there is one song which is completely left field?

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In before Moogle; always good to aim for a 69 jimmy boy.


Congrats on the exam and essays. Nearly there lil' buddy!


Also noticed you listening to The Faint. 'Mirror Error' was used on Gossip Girl and I kinda love it. The rest of their stuff similar or is this one of those cases where there is one song which is completely left field?


Cheers dude :) I listening to The Faint absolutely ages ago, I just rarely have my audioscrobbler on. I've not heard Mirror Error, but from my experience their music is, if I may generalise lol, yeah it's all pretty much teh same vein.

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