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@ Pookiablo - For most people, if they come out of Uni with a degree and choose not to use anything they've learnt it's fine. But if you're like me, I already have a degree (HND) and this'll be my second when I finish in 3/4 years and if I personally come out of Uni not wanting to use what I've learnt I'll go insane. I've been in the educational system for 14 straight years and it'll be 18 when I finish and I don't want to go back in again. So this is why I'm doubting/unhappy with it so far as it hasn't grasped me as I'd have liked. I'm hoping it will though.


I BEAT CRACKDOWN!!! :awesome: Took ten minutes when I got home from school. :)


Good start to the evening which was followed by a tortilla and now some Psychology. :D Funness Pears.


Other than that school was normal but I want the Christmas Holiday's now. I need mah space. :)


I didn't go to uni and I have a reasonably paid (yet dead-end) job. Think it's more luck and getting your foot in the door. And I haven't got a single penny of debt.


Uni wouldn't be for me because I'm the definition of anti-social. Also optional lectures would be skipped lectures :heh:


Back to reality, my job sucks. I think its nearly impossible to find a job you can love until you retire...


I've never had an optional lecture. They're a myth.


When I chose to do an assignment about Godzilla I didn't think it would involve so much history research...looking at Japanese propaganda during WWII.


Went to see a random lecturer about this and she had a dog with her, was nice to fuss over a dog again. Been a while since I've seen mine.


Anyway. Back to research!


Dammit, I recently got home from university and much as I need a rest, I really hate the holidays. I don't mind my family that much, though they can be a little irritating at times, but I'm away from most of my friends, am not able to spend as much time on linguistics, and am in the middle of nowhere where nothing much ever happens. And on top of that I have an evil sore throat right now.


Ah well, on the upside I'm reading Chomsky's Syntactic Structures, and we have an oven here so I can cook more interesting things.


So true. To be fair though some of the stuff looks amazing. Theres this park (near Esso, towards Stocklake, peeps) that was recently re-done like a month ago or so...and OH EM GEE. Seriously I really want to go there....in fact....omg...this could be a viable option soon, anyway it looks so cool. Loads of cool things that spin, and its oraaaange and silver and looks modern and looks really fun. Practically a theme park. Kids these days have it good.


Apart from all the....pedos eh.


I've come home to find this post quoted, I guess I was gonna reply to it for some reason. Probs Speed/Ex-Swing parks! They are actually well fun, though I see no reason at all to forgo swings! If you have some, there's this weird spinny bucket things at an angle, they're crazy! Everything looks so mild when you see someone on it, but when you're on it yourself, you'd be surprised! I think you should definitely go check some out, in the middle of the day surrounded by kids, or in the dark of the night, I've done both. In a non-pedo way.


My day...I went to work at 12, 'finished' at 6, went to the 'restaraunt' in the hospital and got some chips, then ate them on the ward, then went to aikido, had a beer after, got in an hourish ago had some food, having another beer. I feel absolutely fucking knackered. I'm also watching Green Street, a not too bad film, if it wasn't for the main 'cockney' actor's fucking terrible accent he's pulling, really fucking disgusting. Annoys me to no end in what could otherwise be a reasonable film!


Digital roulettes, I played some in an actual casino, then realised they were tied to the actual roulette wheels on the table. Totally pointless fact for you all.


And then at the end of three years where do you end up? Chris The Great? Dan Dare? Rummy? EEVILMURRAY? All unemployed losers (bar work doesn't count).





Hey! I'm sort of employed...though not in any degree capacity. I DO have a job I should apply for using my degree, but I haven't cos I'm a lazy procrastinatory bastard. If you DO go to uni, don't live at home, unless you're getting a degree for a serious career choice you've considered very in depth and know EXACTLY what you're doing so you're living at home to save money. Uni's main lesson is the life, I missed the class.

@ Pookiablo - For most people, if they come out of Uni with a degree and choose not to use anything they've learnt it's fine. But if you're like me, I already have a degree (HND) and this'll be my second when I finish in 3/4 years and if I personally come out of Uni not wanting to use what I've learnt I'll go insane. I've been in the educational system for 14 straight years and it'll be 18 when I finish and I don't want to go back in again. So this is why I'm doubting/unhappy with it so far as it hasn't grasped me as I'd have liked. I'm hoping it will though.


I understand your point entirely and I'm sure you'll discover something you'll want to do when you're done. I've no idea what I want to do when I finish, and i've done placements and the lot - that's helped me more decide what I don't want to do, lol! But back to you, even if you don't know what you want to do right away after finishing, at least you'll have a whopping two qualifications to throw out whilst you're finding out! I imagine it'll certainly broaden your options available too! Other thing I've noticed is that nowadays, unless it's a certain field of work such as medicine, where accuracy is of utmost importance, you can get into most lines of work anyways.


Like I said, two degree titles and you'll be flying free my friend! And I apologise, this post is in no way meant in a patronising way and it probably seems that way given that you're the one with the degree and not me, but just wanted to say that from the sounds of it, you're probably on the right track as it is and that the doubts you might have are substantiated, but I personally wouldn't take them to heart too much. It's all a matter of time and at the end of the day, there's still a long way to go in the course of life for both you and I!


Hopefully I'll get some offers soon, seeing as the ucas form is now sorted and sent. If not, I may have to cry.


Anyway, sooo much to do tomorrow. Psych coursework, the college magazine articles I'm supposed to be writing (done some, but there's so much more to do) and then you know, actually having a social life. Fun times.


Night guys.


went to a mates gig. for reasons i cannot fathom the barmaid served me once, then didnt again. didnt turn me down, i was sober and having soft drinks, the bar was empty most of the time, too loud to shout to her. then a wierd mate showed up, hardly ever see him yet he act like hes one of the gang, it was odd, nice to see him yet i worry he seems mentaly unstable. one mate decide he was going so left, as a driver he was responsible for lifts, yet stranded us, as we were one too many for my mates car. i volenteered to make my own way, every one else lived further away, except a girl, being a gent i let her take the lift. managed to get a lift from the band, my mates the drummer so it was cool. had a catch up, hadnt seen him much cos hes on the road alot.


it was a poor night, but ive nowt else to do, and it got me out. just wish mates were a bit easier to deal with somtimes, and that i didnt always have to play the good guy.


I went for dinner with an old friend last night. Sharing old stories over a glass of wine and peri peri chicken was a delight. I was quite happy to see her, being that it's around two years since I saw her last!


Also, Frankie and Benny's cheese cake = epic win.


^ peri-peri chicken is godly. First time I had it was when I was in Portugal and it was fantastic. Proper traditional meal (at least as far as I'm aware the dish originates in Portugal. I'm sure I'll be schooled by one of our resident Portuguese forumites later). Main reason why I love Nando's so much.


Anyways, a revision day today. pfft. Haven't started yet. Just need to get into the mindset to actually sit down and do it. Perhaps I should put the laptop away although it'll come in handy when I'm looking for information on things I don't understand.


Last night was pretty damn productive for me ^_^. Managed to get my website finished, so thats 3/9 tasks sorted. My essay is also at 1330 words, so if I manage to wangle another 700 tonight, considering I've not written any introduction and conclusion, then I can have jayseven read it tomorrow ee ^_^.


Got a long day today and another task to add onto my ever growing list. But a friend is taking me to coffee in abit to cheer me up. Today is about having a break from essays/assignments, except in my three hour lecture. Gooood times.

And then at the end of three years where do you end up? Chris The Great? Dan Dare? Rummy? EEVILMURRAY? All unemployed losers (bar work doesn't count).



Issue this dude an infraction for insulting staff members.


Uni or not finding a normal job, let alone something relevant to one's course at the moment isn't that promising. Not through lack of trying.

Is it wrong that I don't mind that? The longer I can hold off having complete control of my life, the better. I'm useless, and college gives me a template to live by, with fun in between.

Not at all.


Today. Good.


Work. Productive.


Jordan. Has Phone Line At Flat.


Jordan. Attempt To Order Internet.


Jordan. Finds Name Not Accepted By O2 Direct Debit.


Jordan. Has To Call O2 To Sort Out.


Jordan needs to learn appropriate useage of the full stop.


Anyway Spenno put on £20 and came out with £28.50 and I did £10 (y'know...debt) and came out with £17.50.


Put in £20 today, and came out £39.00. Up £19.00.


Gonna look into doing financial exams at work now and actually acheive something at life.


Illed. Every year i get ill in December. There's just nothing i can do to stop it :(


Should be able to get rid of it before Christmas, but it still sucks.


Yesterday was ok, got home to find MS rejected my direct debit for One Care and want me to pay by Credit Card 2 years worth of service. Bugger off, so i changed back to *cough* Norton *cough* at least that has 200 or so days left on it (its my Dads anti-virus btw). So i email MS to cancel my account and they say call this number. Its an American number, so bugger off. I'm not spending £30 on the phone to cancel something that can be done via email.


My Christmas shopping is going well, 3 presents down and 3 to go then the cards which take 10 mins to buy (i'm that good at getting cards).


Wanted to watch Total Recall last night with my Vindaloo, but it didn't arrive so Austin Powers: The Spy Who Shagged Me did the trick just fine.

Put in £20 today, and came out £39.00. Up £19.00.



Don't make the mistake everyone else does - either stop whilst you're up, or just put in your winnings, so the worst that can happen is you break even.

I was skeptical at first too, but I swear to you myself and about four people at work have not lost yet. Well one has, but he was foolish.


Its a wicked feeling. I know the limits though, blah blah blah.

I still prefer the pr0 physical, even though the digital one is hooked up to a real table, but it doesn't beat the experience of putting your chips and fapping around. The way I normally work is put a 50p chip between 4 numbers and getting £4 when winnings.


I wanna do it again now...

Don't make the mistake everyone else does - either stop whilst you're up, or just put in your winnings, so the worst that can happen is you break even.


Aye I hear you. I'm gonna try and not be stupid.


Spenno182 just lost £40. Heh. (Sorry mate :()



Ah well, on the upside I'm reading Chomsky's Syntactic Structures, and we have an oven here so I can cook more interesting things.


Chomsky as an upside? Well I'll be damned!


Issue this dude an infraction for insulting staff members.


Site staff are excluded :p


Today has been good so far. Had to go to uni early to return a book for 9.15 but did some work. Had a presentation which went okay but as I was on first had a few people walk in late. Plus the lecturer passed around chocolates but it was empty by the time I finished. Foils!


Picked up an assignment, A- and thats from a module I had given up on for being shitbagtastic. Good times.


Apparently Dick may get released next week. Christmas is going to be dramatic. Funtimes.


Now time for work and general housechores and then should be going out later.

Don't make the mistake everyone else does - either stop whilst you're up, or just put in your winnings, so the worst that can happen is you break even.


That doesn't work with the doubling bet method, I don't think. Someone explained it to me once and I kind of got it, but I never had the oppurtunity to try it since, though in theory I don't see why it shouldn't once you've won again...

That doesn't work with the doubling bet method, I don't think. Someone explained it to me once and I kind of got it, but I never had the oppurtunity to try it since, though in theory I don't see why it shouldn't once you've won again...

Also to take it slowly with your shizzle. One of my mates was up about 50-60ish quid, and decided to bet it all on one hand of blackjack, bell end lost it all.

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