ReZourceman Posted November 13, 2008 Posted November 13, 2008 Aye I we need to definitely have a talk tonight. If A) I have the balls. and...yeah. Actually thats the only thing. Wow this would be a million times easier if I didn't live with her/had a family members I could crash at in this town.
Rummy Posted November 13, 2008 Posted November 13, 2008 You can do it man. If you like, I'll do it, as I said I have no qualms with being nice and blunt(though not quite as blunt as jay was, though I kind of totally agree with him). Do you have any claim to the house in which you live?
ReZourceman Posted November 13, 2008 Posted November 13, 2008 You can do it man. If you like, I'll do it, as I said I have no qualms with being nice and blunt(though not quite as blunt as jay was, though I kind of totally agree with him). Do you have any claim to the house in which you live? Its her parents house. So....that'd be a no. I don't really care about living situation, the only affect that has on me is its a complication.
nightwolf Posted November 13, 2008 Posted November 13, 2008 Rez, your girlfriend is a nut. And yes, as CTG says girls usually aren't logical and they fucking love to win arguments... *sigh*. I was being a tit last night mind, I was tired/cranky, work was tough and my furniture still hasn't turned up. It really sucks balls. Letty is also really over worked. She's going to college then straight to work I mean, wtf? So we're really pissing each other off last night for no reason. Got up this morning and we're fine again because we're no longer tired (and i did a funny thing to her to wake her up XD, which involved me grabbing hold of her and rolling her onto the floor, she laughed.). No doubt when we're both home again tonight and tired, we'll both be going at each other again. Its really daft, I get in shitty moods sometimes and theres nothing I can do to make myself feel better, Letty usually helps but if shes tired then we're both pretty bad. Ah well, phone line next Tuesday then hopefully internet by the following... *sigh*. But that's not a bad thing at least it's more tiredness than being irratational. I get exactly the same and get pretty annoying too. I think rez you need to get some balls regardless, you can't just sweep it under the carpet if there's lots of things bugging you. Had a good day, I love my tutor on thursdays, was abit wary of her at first, but we discussed silent hill and watched some of the movie and how it relates so much to the game. Good day. Going to harmer building at 6 to do some work and then coming home and not sure wtf I'm doing after that haha.
gaggle64 Posted November 13, 2008 Posted November 13, 2008 I think my mind caved in again. There's still a part of me that sincerely believes I can control the weather.
Ellmeister Posted November 13, 2008 Posted November 13, 2008 I think my mind caved in again. There's still a part of me that sincerely believes I can control the weather. You mean that's you making it rain and then stop and then rain again? That's power Working on law work so im free at the weekend to visit some people at Kent uni. I get moaned at for staying in by the uni crew but I don't care. Old friends >>>>> new ones
EEVILMURRAY Posted November 13, 2008 Posted November 13, 2008 It's nothing a good backhand can't solve ReZ.
Tellyn Posted November 13, 2008 Author Posted November 13, 2008 Watched Psycho yesterday in media studies, I thought it was excellent. I had media again today, then an appointment at school for my 'review day', then went into town and had a walk about. I'm about to start a pretty long essay which probably should have been done a bit earlier too. A) I have the balls. I think rez you need to get some balls regardless, you can't just sweep it under the carpet if there's lots of things bugging you. Did somebody say BALLS?!?!
Slaggis Posted November 13, 2008 Posted November 13, 2008 My mobile went off in the study room, and "Now or Never" e.g "16, 16, 16 minutes left" began playing rather loudly. It was rather embarassing, I thought I had put it on silent. Then again, a few of them looked as though the were about to start singing it, so there must be a fair few closet Hms3 fans in my college. :p Got a film review for my 6th form magazine completed today. Now I just need to do a book, tv show and then some general media news.
Chris the great Posted November 13, 2008 Posted November 13, 2008 ok, so im ment to be waiting for the sainsburys delivery, but its not here yet. me mam said she had it booked early so i could still get out to the gym. were is it? got mates presuriong me to go round to a guys house to play fifa with them. i hate fifa. i hate football. why would i want to sit and play fifa all night?
Slaggis Posted November 13, 2008 Posted November 13, 2008 got mates presuriong me to go round to a guys house to play fifa with them. i hate fifa. i hate football. why would i want to sit and play fifa all night? Agreed, it sucks. It's one of the most boring things you could watch on tv, let alone play a game about it. I don't mind playing it - but even then, endless years of playing it in the middle of winter at school has ruined even my enjoyment of that.
Paj! Posted November 13, 2008 Posted November 13, 2008 Ok, did a little more UCAS stuff. Though I was told by a friend who is also applying to Chelsea to just do it outwith UCAS. So that was annoying, but doable. Did more lovely art. I'm doing an oil painting of this kinda almost monochromatic femal body emerging from the board, (which has a pretty cool greenish blue ground I put on) and it's gonna look like this figure was once one of those anmcient diagrams of the hindu goddess, Kali. So she has one arm all 3D, but the other is 2d, and black and gold. Sounds crap, but I like it so far. Lovely chatting after badminton made doing badminton worthwhile.
Jimbob Posted November 13, 2008 Posted November 13, 2008 6 year wait over. 6 years ago, my N64 was sold with all games. Could never re-buy it wasn't aloud to. And now the wait is over and i can play Banjo Kazooie again. All the memories are flooding back of all the great times i had. The developer did a great job on re-doing it. Controls work wonders, graphics are better and framerate too. Widescreen version of it looks amazing to. Music is spot on. Aw shucks.
jayseven Posted November 13, 2008 Posted November 13, 2008 Ok, did a little more UCAS stuff. Though I was told by a friend who is also applying to Chelsea to just do it outwith UCAS. So that was annoying, but doable. Did more lovely art. I'm doing an oil painting of this kinda almost monochromatic femal body emerging from the board, (which has a pretty cool greenish blue ground I put on) and it's gonna look like this figure was once one of those anmcient diagrams of the hindu goddess, Kali. So she has one arm all 3D, but the other is 2d, and black and gold. Sounds crap, but I like it so far. Lovely chatting after badminton made doing badminton worthwhile. "There's something in the heart of Lord Kali, Kali lights the children's heads on fire, And causes disease to spread, But Kali is our friend, And Kali is the sweethog... Mount the sweethog... "
Chris the great Posted November 13, 2008 Posted November 13, 2008 so, my mam tells me the delivery is between 8-9. i told her that easrly in the day was fine, yet she does it at night any way? i dont get her. spoke to mate, still tried to convince me to go and play fifa, but i said that cos im ill, and its a long walk in the dark, i didnt feel up to it. then i find out he can give me a lift, but id have to be ready soon, havent even eaten, and i had to wait for my dad, only now hes home late any way, so i could have just grabbed somthing and gone. i'm more willing to go now a few more people are going and theres a chance of watching a film instead of fifa all night. fuck the whole thing, theres ok telly on tonight, and 0% chance of fifa. id not mind fifa or pro evo if the games didnt last ages, and there was just a couple. honestly, youd think after an hour chatting about football that guys would want to do somthing else. why arnt i a man? in outher news, i was told i look like will young today.
Ganepark32 Posted November 13, 2008 Posted November 13, 2008 Bad day today. Well... not really. I mean compared to days others have had this would seem like a decent one. But to me it was pretty bad. Got my first psychology report back and while I was being pessimistic about it, I felt like I had been kicked in the balls when I saw I had gotten a C3. From the comments written, it would seem more like a B3 but I'm just very disappointed. I always look pessimistic on my work so I won't be disappointed but even this put me down. And I know it's only my first report so I can only get better. Hopefully. It just really cast a doubt on whether I should be at Uni studying psychology. Then I had an essay exam for psychology. Kind of drew a blank about what to write and after the first set back, I'm really not looking forward to getting it back. I could be optimistic in that at least they only choose 3 pieces of our work to get our mark but it doesn't look good. So, Uni has made me feel very depressed about the whole debacle. Now to eat something big as I haven't eaten for 10 hours.
Ashley Posted November 13, 2008 Posted November 13, 2008 Know those days when you realise something you lovehate about yourself and can't get it off your mind no matter how hard you try? Had one of those days. Mixed with a bit of Samba de Amigo.
nightwolf Posted November 13, 2008 Posted November 13, 2008 Know those days when you realise something you lovehate about yourself and can't get it off your mind no matter how hard you try? Had one of those days. Mixed with a bit of Samba de Amigo. Have them every so often, winds me up. Went back to uni at 6 and di work til 8, it's all finished now, just needs putting on a disc tomorrow, when I find out why my swf files aren't working from my tutor. Whoop. Love the banner today guys ^_^ looks awesome.
soag Posted November 13, 2008 Posted November 13, 2008 I'M OVER THE MOON :D Hopefully more to say about this in the following weeks to come. :D :D
Molly Posted November 14, 2008 Posted November 14, 2008 Love the banner today guys ^_^ looks awesome. Yeah, it's awesome Particularly funny when you press the penguin's nose and they all look like they're on...something, made me lol. It's possible that I'm easily amused, ahhh well.
nightwolf Posted November 14, 2008 Posted November 14, 2008 OH MY GOD I didn't realise the button made it animated.. I'm thrilled. Literally, that has got to be the best thing today!
Rummy Posted November 14, 2008 Posted November 14, 2008 Wow, that is pretty frickin sweet! If you guys hadn't mentioned it, I'd never have noticed/looked! Who made it?? Daywise, I've spent alot of it tired, in bed, and also attempting to write cover letter and cv but failing miserably and procrastinating, I tried to write short 500 word articles on things instead, try and burn out all that procrastination. Whenever I ask friends for suggestions of a topic, any topic, most were just oh so hilarious sex related topics, so now lurking on my computer is 500 words on the nature of sex. You know what isn't lurking on my computer though? A fucking CV and cover letter
Dyson Posted November 14, 2008 Posted November 14, 2008 I rewrote my CV in an hour yesterday. It's really not that hard once you've got a good layout!
Cube Posted November 14, 2008 Posted November 14, 2008 Today I decided that from next weekend I'll be living near Manchester.
jayseven Posted November 14, 2008 Posted November 14, 2008 I'M OVER THE MOON :D Hopefully more to say about this in the following weeks to come. :D :D I'm gonna claim 'babies' for the sweepstakes. Today I decided that from next weekend I'll be living near Manchester. ... why?
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