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Good, I'm tired now, just wairting for my chinese to arrive. :)


Evertyone sign up for Music Warz! Just pick 3 songs you like! (well, you have to contribute when the time comes to it, but that involved just listening to 2 songs then voting)

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My day was rushed. Best way to put it. Had to rush into town to pick something up. Rush to my lecture on the other side of town. Then had to ran to my english tutorial. And then run again to my biology practical. And that practical was sooooooo awkward. Got paired with a polish girl to work with and it was just awkward the whole time. Just silence. :( Really should have tried to make conversation but didn't know what to do and it was pretty quite in the labs so really didn't want to look like a prat trying to make conversation with someone I don't know.


Train ride home was awful. Really bad. No seat. Bloody packed. And a missed opportunity. There was a good looking girl that I really regret not having asked out but really couldn't because as the train get busier, I ended up moving further and further away. Caught eyes a few times so should have tried to ask her out for a coffee. I know she gets on at the same station as me coming home and presume she gets on the same train on a friday. Will just have to keep an eye out. Sounds very stalkish. I could write a book on the number of missed chances. *sigh* need to stop being so shy.

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went to the job center with some mates. spent a good 10 mins in the car doing pokemon noises. driver almost crashed laughing at my horsea impression.


no jobs available, well, had a couple of options, one is a chatroom moderator, witht eh requirments of 3 gcse's (SHOCK HORROR!) and anouther is a data entry role.


then went round town a bit, got some lunch and came home.

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Well...epic evening.


We planned to go for a "Cheeky pint after work" which turned into epic fest, and we just kept drinking and not going home. Massive win. This new chick at work fits right into our "humour" and so we were loving it. We sang so much though...definitely were getting some particularly strange looks (could have been the singing or the probably inappropriately loud paedo jokes) but yeah. Quality.


I took a large amount of videos, so I'll check em' later to see if they are public-worthy.




Now I'm being made to go shopping. (I'd rather stay home and play Gears 2) and obviously I'm the bad guy for not wanting to go. Standard. ;)

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After a long time of shallow dates a lot of playing around and and thinking that I wouldn't find some one worth dating I may have struck GOLD. But i only meet her on the buss, I don't have her number or anything. But let me work my magic.


Wish me luck :)


goooood luck. You can do it! With the power of Grayskull!

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The best night last night ended in a really strange way. I was sat in my mates car, with me and another mate in the back. She swung round, and elbowed me in the nose. This caused my nose to start bleeding reeeealy heavily, and I hate the sight of blood. It took almost ten minutes for it too stop, and it was everywhere. It looked like I'd been stabbed, and my mates car was a little bit bloody due to the fact no one had a tissue. There's a picture of my with my hands/face covered in blood, it looks a tad gross.


Other than that, the night was rather awesome. Went to see a movie at vue, then went bowling for a bit which I've not done in ageeeees. :D

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Oiii, just got back from my friend's wedding and the reception. She looked lovely in her dress and her hair done all nicely. =)

Sitting in church is boring though, and I couldn't really see much so it was meh.


Reception was okay, with some yummy small food thingies (lots of them) and champagne to drink. Not many people to talk to but oh well, it was okay. Only just got back. Sadly I'm not invited to the dinner (which will be happening in an hour), but I will get to go to the party at 9:30, yay. Drinks! And hopefully some silly dancing too, if the only friend I know there is in the mood, which she usually isn't. X3


*will just nap now or something*

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Long and short of it. Still pissed off about yesterday and seeing as I have nobody to talk to about it just been on my mind. Plus I was trying to help my friend find his friend's house phone number and said "is this the house" and showed him a map (online btw) and he said "no, its not even in the right area" so I just ranted something like "sorry, i was trying to do you a favour while I was doing my uni work and I just asked if you could check it as you would know where he lives anyway whereas I don't. Sorry for making a silly mistake." Urgh.


So yeah other than that got an idea of how my scriptwriting thing is going to go down (but had this before and it got shot down) but I think im onto something at least.


Reworked my presentation a bit so its less dull. Ironed. Tidied. An exciting Saturday.

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My oldest sister visited from Sheffield today. She introduced me to www.geocaching.co.uk. All you need is a Handheld GPS and a love for walking/and finding cool little caches. We spent the day exploring Birmingham city centre with some success/failures-It was pouring with rain and we got totally soaked but well worth it. I may even invest in my own cheap GPS and hide some of my own caches around my area.


After the GPS hunt we met up with my Dad and we all ate at Old Orleans where I picked up the Bill. We drove home and watched my younger sisters Wedding DVD.


Now I'm going to fix myself a hot sandwich and either further progress in Disaster: Day of Crisis or watch TV/DVD.

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