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THANK YOU for the welcome!!! :) . Yeah im not a gamer really, im not gonna pretend to know what phoenix wright is, lol. I dont understand alot of things on here to be honest, for example 'anime'...but sometimes ignorance is bliss!



Anime is basically Japanese cartoons. (pronounced "An-Imm-Ay"....I think? lol)

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Your not wrong :P Sometimes there's guys who look like girls, and sometimes your not even sure what gender they are. Thats part of the fun :)


Me and my mate walked into GAME this afternoon so he could buy PES on the PS2, assistant informs us its not out till Halloween to which the response was how much is a 360 :P one long walk back to his with a very heavy console later and im informed its his best ever purchase :)

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So Anime is Japanese girls who look like boys, have big tits, are extremely healthy, like pop music and are a bit like crack*? Sold. :heh:


Im going to Lincoln tomorrow for the weekend to see one of my aforementioned best friends from uni. I feel its gonna be awesome, woooop. Also get to take my dads big car instead of my old banger, yay.




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^ Echo: LOL! :grin:


Y'know, I haven't really given an account on how my day's been:


Well, it's been alright. Got up at 10am after being woken so I could tell my brother my PIN code so he could go get Saints Row 2.


So I get up, and I immediately come on here. It's mostly all I've done, just browse the net, broken by going down the shops, having a shower and playing Saints Row 2.


But it has been a good day.


So Anime is Japanese girls who look like boys, have big tits, are extremely healthy, like pop music and are a bit like crack*? Sold. :heh:





Heh, I watched that Peep Show episode earlier today. I love Peep Show. :laughing:

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God damnit,


I ordered 3 DVDs from Play last week, Death Note, Death Note 2 (the two live action films) and the Star Wars Prequel Trilogy.


Got home today and only 2 packages are here... I would probably be ok if it were both Death Note films, but it's only the 1st and the Star Wars set, damnit where's my Death Note 2?


All three were posted the same day, they should all get here same day also so where the hell is it



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Kind of a boring day. I woke up rater late and after lounging around for a while I was told to put together this new leaf vacuum my parents bought and clean up the yard with it. This afternoon my mom went to parent teacher conferences at my school, I was quite worried about these since I wasn't sure how well I've been doing, but it was all fine, apparently my science teacher told her that they want to put up this poster I made for a project in the library because it was so good. Other than that I've just been browsing the internet all day and playing the occasional game.

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went to the pub with mates, had a laugh talking about internet porn really. my mate has a legendary response, about parents thinking to take computer to people they know to fix it "lets just get a new one. what to do with the old one? I think we should just smash it up, dinnet bother givin it to a relative, just break it to peices" possibly the best idea ever.

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Anime is like some weird drug. It's quite tasty, and full of healthy vitamins and bubbly J-Pop music and girls with really big tits.


It's also very moreish. :smile:




So Anime is Japanese girls who look like boys, have big tits, are extremely healthy, like pop music and are a bit like crack*? Sold. :heh:


Anime has alot of different styles.

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*puts tablecloth and kitchenware on Dan and Oxigen. :p

I thought it was hilarious :P


just back from watching WithtailNAIL & I at the cinema. Love that movie. Did only manage to drink 1 1/2 cans that I took it, but hey ho.


Tomorrow..? Some sort of productivity/waste day watching Battlestar Galactica. Seen teh first one/two 'pilot' episodes and liking most of it already. Not been as unpredictable as people have said yet, but rather entertaining!


I am in need of a spliff so I can get started with my creative writing portfolio. Fo sho'.

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Anime is basically Japanese cartoons. (pronounced "An-Imm-Ay"....I think? lol)

Yet many people here (as well as many others) think it's better than media here because it's so more in depth than other media here. So they dress up like them whenever they can. They don't like it when it's translated into English, because hearing it in Japanese with English subtitles makes them feel more of a part of the community.

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Just a thought but if you went out instead of looking on a forum saying you want to get laid, theres probably a higher chance you will get laid. Don't quote me on that because I might be wrong.


And for what its worth, Dante I liked your joke =]


Night was a waste, went to a club, was expensive but left too late to get into a pub so came home and drunk and watched dexter. Talking to the ex about her coming to visit again, I am happy.

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I had a such as stupid night.


Went over to a local village with a friend to go to a party, watched a film (40 year old virgin, amusing enough) beforehand, then went off to the party, only to find that it was cancelled.


We decided to try and make something of the night so then paid for a taxi back to the town I came from, where my friend assured me there was a party we could get into. Got halfway to the town before our money for the taxi ran out. So then we trekked all the way to the other side of town for this party. Stayed about 10 minutes and then got kicked out.


So then we walked to the park, where a few friends were, but they'd left by the time we reached there. Got a call from another friend and walked way back to where we'd gotten dropped off in the taxi, getting stopped and our names taken down by police for drinking in a public place on the way. Grr, forgot about that rule.


So then we finally arrived at the party, everyone was drunk or high, I had too many drinks, spliff, miraculously didn't throw up. Got about 10 minutes of sleep on a sofa with a girl, only to be woken up about 10 minutes later when someone smashed a mirror.


And then I talked to randomers for the rest of the night, and just walked home, so here I am, feeling sick and exhausted. The end.

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*puts tablecloth and kitchenware on Dan and Oxigen. :p




Im off to Laaaandaaann now for shopping lulz. Then later (assuming Im not dead from knackered) Im going round a friends for a complete and utter NERD fest (Speccy Spide, Wolv and teh X's and Wii four player projector Marvel Alliance)


Woop woop.

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